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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Northern Samar

Municipality of Las Navas
(The First Community College in the Island of Samar)


 Theoretical Perspective in Sociology
 focuses in everyday interactions between individuals
 it is a Social Theory proposes that language exist for the purpose of communication.
What is Interactionist Theory?
 Jerome Bruner (1993) believed that, although children do have an innate ability to learn
language, they also require a plenty of direct contact and interaction with others.
 They have to fully engage with others and understand the contexts in which language is used.
 Interactionist Theory suggests that:
 Children learn language as they have the desire to communicate.
 Language develops depending on the social interactions.
 Child’s social environment greatly affects its language skills development.
Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934)
 Soviet Psychologist
 studied linguistics and philosophy at the University of Moscow
 first laid the foundations for the interactionist theory when he developed the sociocultural theory
of language development.
 suggested that children acquire their cultural values and beliefs through interacting and
collaborating with other people.
 emphasized the importance of the cultural and social context in language learning.
 Vygotsky Key Concepts
1. Cultural-specific tools
 tools specific to a certain culture
 includes technical tools such as books and media as well as psychological tools such as
language, signs and symbols.
2. Private Speech
 talking out loud to yourself
3. The Zone of Proximal Development
 a child can develop skills that require the support of a more knowledgeable instructor.
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Northern Samar
Municipality of Las Navas
(The First Community College in the Island of Samar)

Characteristics of Interactionist Theory

1. Scaffolding
 With regards to the interactionist theory, Bruner used the concept of “scaffolding” to
explain the role of caregivers in child language development.
 Bruner argued that care givers provide the same kind of support for children.

2. Language Acquisition Support System (LASS)

 LASS is a term used to describe the support from caregivers/parents/teachers
 they provide active support in social interactions such as:
 Adjusting language
 Collaborative learning
 Encouraging the child
 Providing examples
 Games

3. Child-Directed Speech (CDS)

 CDS refers to the way in which caregivers and adults typically speak to children.
 Examples of CDS includes:
 Simplified Language (straightforward language)
 Repetitive questioning
 Slowed speech
 Higher and more melodic speech
 More frequent and longer pauses

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