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BA BSC ADP Most IMP Essays

1. The Role of Women

2. Terrorism
3. Democracy
4. Corruption
5. Media and society OR The role of media OR Importance of Newspaper
6. Pak China Economic Corridor
7. Muslim Unity
8. Social Evil in Pakistan OR Modern Pakistan OR Challenges of Pakistan
9. My childhood OR Memories OR Pleasure of Childhood
10. Mobile Phone
11. Human Rights
12. Load shedding
13. Covid
 Social Evil in Pakistan
 Challenges for Pakistan
 Some problem faced by Pakistan
 Modern Pakistan
 How to Make Pakistan Strong and Stable?
 Problem of Pakistan

(i) Social evils are present in every country. Even the developed countries like
America and Britain suffer from them.

(ii) The unfair and imbalanced distribution of wealth at the root of every social

(iii) The people of Pakistan have great love for collecting wealth. Their excessive
fondness for collecting wealth has given birth to many social evils.

(iv) Social evils generate an atmosphere or disorder, anarchy and injustice.

(v) Bribery and corruption have been routine matter in every field of life.

(vi) Hoarding, black marketing, child lifting, smuggling, horse racing and
drinking are some of the social evils that are found in Pakistan.

Social evils are present in every country. Even the developed countries like America
and Britain suffer from them. In Pakistan, social evils have developed into an
institution. Social evils surround us like diseased tress. They are many causes for the
growth and spread of social evils.
Firstly, the unfair and imbalance distribution of wealth is at the root of every social
Secondly, the people are Pakistan are greedy and ambitious of collecting wealth by
fair and foul means. They have become selfish. They have bidden good bye to the
life of simplicity and contentment. Their excessive fondness for collecting worldly
gains has given birth to many social evils.
Social evils eat the very root of every civilized society. They cause great loss to the
peace and happiness of people. They generate an atmosphere of disorder, anarchy
and injustice.
The forces of injustice and evil have a sway. A society surrounded by evils remains
backward forever. It growth becomes stunted. It ceases to have the spark of creativity
and growth. Such a society becomes a curse for mankind.
There are many social evils which have eaten the very roots of our society. They are
listed below.
Bribery and corruption have become a routine matter in every office, department and
field of life. Favouritism and nepotism exist everywhere. This has defeated the very
concept of justice in Pakistan. It has blackened the face of merit in every walk of
life. It has put a stop to true progress, equality and development.
Hoarding and black-marketing are the twin evils that cause abnormal inflation. The
black marketers are the enemies of people. They are traitors. They cause the shortage
of foodstuff and are responsible for the increase of prices of different commodities.
Smuggling is another social evil which is very harmful to society. The smuggler
causes great harm to the economy of country. Foreign goods are smuggled into the
country on large scale. Consequently, the local industry, business or agriculture
suffer. Tre government cannot collect taxes on the smuggled goods. Sometimes
inferior goods are smuggled and the government cannot exercise any control on
them. Therefore, inferior goods as medicine, foodstuff may cause a serious damage
to human health.
Adulteration is another social evil which is very harmful to society. The adulterators
mix cheap and harmful things in food items like milk, honey, spices, pulses and
wheat etc. They play with the health of the people. They are a curse to society. Lavish
expenditure on ceremonies like marriages like marriage and funerals have become
the order of the day.
Rich people make a show of their wealth on the marriage of their children. It causes
a sense of deprivation among the people. Moreover, this reflects an attitude which
feeds on greed, selfishness and vanity. The wastage of wealth for the fulfillment of
such bad customs cannot be approved by any sane person.
Social evils like gambling, horse racing, honour killing, drinking are a rampant in
our society.
Social evils are widespread because of ignorance, illiteracy, poverty and injustice.
We can eliminate these social evils by two ways; by the enforcement of law and by
educating the people against the harms through electronic media.


 The role of Newspaper
 Importance of Newspaper
Newspaper can do a lot of good as well as harm
 The Power of Electronic Media
 Media and Society
 The Role of Electronic Media
 The Role of press
 The Print Media
 Freedom of Media

(i) The mass media mean the sources of information and entertainment which
are available to the public or masses of a country. They are divided into two
kinds, print media and electronic media.

(ii) The mass media control our mind.

(iii) They are great source of building public opinion.

(iv) They educate the masses from the art of cooking to the philosophy of casting
a vote.

(v) Internet is the latest addition to the mass media.


The mass media mean the diversified sources of information and entertainment
which are available to the public or masses of a country by mass communication.
These media play an important role in building public opinion in a democratic
country. They are divided into two kind; print media and electronic media.

Print media include physical objects such as newspapers, books, pamphlets, comics
and magazines etc. whereas electronic media consist of radio, television and internet.
Media has a great source of information and entertainment to all type of people.
Nobody can deny their influence. Everybody looks to them to get information about
their country, nation religion and culture. They exercise a great influence on the
workers, teachers, doctors, businessmen and all type of professionals. If media are
stopped from yielding information to the public, the entire world would plunge into
darkness and ignorance. They build our knowledge and strengthen our opinion about
different things.

The mass media control our mind. We believe whatever they propagate. We came
to know about our life of villages, cities and towns through mass media. we come
across the rise and fall in business, agriculture and industry through mass media. Let
a minor incident happen in any part of the world, we come to know each detail of it
through mass media.
Mass media make a record of everything which takes place in the world. They do
not hide anything from the public eye.

The electronic media have governed and dominated the mind of the public in a very
forceful manner. The radio and television bring to everyone the pleasures of music,
songs dances, dramas and films. They make us aware of the religious and cultural
life of every country of the world. Even a lay man knows many things about the
latest discoveries and inventions taking place in the world. It is because of electronic
media that people were able to watch the murder of J.F. Kennedy and attack on
Regon. They were also able to watch live coverage of the funeral of Diana, attack
on world Trade Centre and bomb blast at different places. The mass media tell us
about hurricanes earthquakes and river floods in a graphic manner. They record for
the masses the details of bomb blasts, suicide attacks and other acts of violence and

The mass media are a great source building public opinion. They build our
knowledge and educated our sentiments. We form our own opinion about politics,
religion and business under the influence of mass media. Even the man on the street
has his opinion about the performance of the rulers He can easıly decide whom he
should vote in the coming election. He can form reliable judgment about the business
trends going on in the country.

The mass media educate a domestic woman about cooking, medicine and elementary
nursing of children. The children have informative and entertaining Programme of
their mental standard. They can build their knowledge about different branches of
knowledge at a very early stage.
Internet is the latest addition to the mass media. Through it, we are connected with
the computer network of the world. Through it, we are connected with the activities
of the world within no time. We are connected with the universities, offices, firms,
business concerns and other nerve centers of life within no time. We can pay our
bills, fees of admission and adjust our bank accounts through internet. Internet
provides us jobs and suitable matches for marriage. It connects us with the latest
discoveries in the field of medicine, surgery, wireless, industry and latest technology
of every field within no time. We can plan our journey and devise a better route for
the journey through the weather report forecast by mess media.


Culture of tolerance




Self-reliance and Pakistan


Hard work pays you in long run

Life is a struggle

Muslim Unity

National unity...Need of Hour

National Unity
Meaning of Life (Struggle)

Character is Destiny (A good Character)

Dignity of Work (Hard Work)

Success in Life (Hard Work)

Good Manner (Good behavior)

i. A few questions

ii. ___________is the key to success in this world.

iii. ___________is a guiding principle for progress.

iv. The worst condition of third world societies.

v. Islamic teaching and ______________.

vi. To sum up

What are true meaning of life? How is success possible in life? How can we make
our characters our destiny? Does _____ pay us in the long run? Such few kinds of
questions are asked by everyone. Let us try to answer these question with arguments.

__________ is the key to success in this world. It is essential to make progress in


Individuals and societies cannot imagine getting rightful place in this modern world,
without __________.
We can observe that he nations which have _______ as a guiding principle, are

making rapid progress in the word. Look at all the developed world like America,
Europe, Japan and Australia, you will be convinced of the fact that ________ is a
major feature of the lives of their people on the contrary, we find the condition of
the Third World.

Must of the Asian and African nations, in general and the Muslim countries, in
particular, are not acting upon this precious principle of making progress. Especially
Pakistan nation needs act upon this more than other thing. Because of missing factor
of ______, we are not only going downward but also falling into disrepute among
the community of nations

Islamic teaching also emphasis on the value of ______. During the life of Holy
Prophet SAW and khilafat-e- Rashida", _______ was manifested in letter and spirits.
But today, we do not apply it in our practical life. On the other hand, non-Muslims
are practicing this Islamic principle in its true spirits. That is why, they are making
progress by leaps and bounds, in all fields of life

By summing up we can say, that all the developed societies are marked with ______

in their characters. Of course, ________ is the answer to all the questions of life.

__________ makes our destiny. Only by acting upon the golden principle of
_______ success is possible in life. It pays us in the long run. Life without________
is meaningless. It gives us honour and dignity in the long run.
Social problems in our society and crimes in our society.


Social evils.



Over population.

Population and poverty.





Social and economic problems of Pakistan.

Economic crises.

Mass illiteracy.


Drug addiction.





Black marketing.

Social and economic Crises.





Road side robbery.


Religious Violence.

Ethic violence.

Lack of tolerance.

Dis unity.

Black biting.

Un employment.



Violation of fundamental rights.

Feudalism or Feudal Repute.



Health problems.

Freedom of press.

Tax exclusion.

In sufficient Medical facilities.

Crushing border of foreign debt.

The devastation of currency.

Electricity crises.


Mass illiteracy.


1. Unique human nature and instinct

2. Social needs of man


1. Lack of education

2. Ignorance of Islamic spirit

3. Poverty

4. Poor law and order

5. Geo strategic position of Pakistan

6. Poor planning


1. Frustration

2 Suicides and terrorism

3. Economic problems

4. End of peace of mind


1. Reversal of reasons

2. Strengthening of Institutions


1. Faith in youth

Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he can evolve a system of
good and evil which is independent of heaven and hell...George Orwell

Man is the unique creation of God. He has been blessed with goodness as well as
evil. His conscience differentiates between these two faculties. Though man is the
supreme creation of God, yet he is blend of evil and goodness: His wisdom and
thoughts can change the outlook of this world.
"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of
heaven." MILTON

Man has instinct of selfishness, greed and getting power and wealth. These qualities
of man cause many evil practices. Man is a social animal. He can't live
independently. He depends upon each another. A society is balanced if every one
cares for other rights and duties. The harmony in the society is only possible if
everyone follows the rules and regulation in the society. When one over reaches
one's limits, social evils like ________ appear in the community. ____ is common
problem of not only Pakistan but also of the whole world. Man shares nature across
the world. The human instinct plays havocs all over the world. It is grave in nature.
There are many reasons of _______.

Lack of real education is the cause of this problem. Thus it is very common in the
developing countries like Pakistan. The uneducated people can't realize the hams of
______. They continue practicing ______. They become selfish and greedy. The
rating of Pakistan in this regard is alarming. The literacy rate is very low. The facts
and figures of Literacy are not reliable and up to the mark. There is a poor law and
order in the country. The foreign investment is not encouraged in this situation. This
affects economy of the country. Human life becomes uncertain. It also causes brain
drain. The intellectual leave the country for good.

Islamic teachings are ignored by the people. They don’t differentiate between what
is right and what is wrong. Islamic ideology is only thought to be a set of certain

The people have forgotten that Islam is practical religion. The role of an individual
in a society is its basic concern. The religious scholars are involved in conflicts. This
has resulted bad effects like _______.
Poverty is another factor which contributes ______ directly and Indirectly. Man
becomes Indulged in evil practice in his economic deprivation. The social difference
also motivates the people to commit wrong. Many social evils are interdependent.
They can cause ______. There are vested interests of many powerful countries of
the world in Pakistan. They fulfill their evil designs and cause many evil like ______
directly and indirectly. Pakistan has very crucial geographical position.

There is a poor planning on the part govt. The officials and managers are corrupt and
inefficient. They are unable to control ______ in the country. The excessive
exposure to media has effected mentally and physically. The people want to imitate
the models and actors. This causes the beginning of a race for money. It
causes________. There is no rule of law and institutional role in the country. There
is no planning and strategy to fight against _______.

This problem of ______ has disturbed human life in general. The people become
frustrated. The crimes and suicide are caused as a result. The economic progress
stops. Uncertainty increases. The life of a common person becomes difficult. It
causes brain and capital flight from the country. The people remain jobless and
commit crimes.

Terrorism threatens the peace of mind. The problems associated with _____ can be
dealt in different ways. The following few suggestions can be useful in this regard.

1. The law and order should be made effective.

2. The Govt should revise and improve education according to national needs.

3. The public should be made aware regarding their duties and rights and harms of
4. Electronic print media should play important role to highlight the causes of _____
and solutions on different forums.

5. The police and judiciary culture should be changed and institutions should be
strengthened to control_______.

6. Salaries and wages should be increased to control to make economic condition

better _______.

7. The religious scholars should invoke the true concept of practical Islam and social
justice and equality.

The problem of _______ is very grave, however, it can be solved by doing action
sincerely and selflessly. Our youth is a ray of hope for prosperous future of Pakistan.

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

5.Multipurpose Essay Five in One

Mobile phone

Mobile phone a Curse

Uses and abuses of Telephone


Internet addiction


1._________is a just like a magic tool.

2.Young boys and girls use it for immoral activities.

3.The whole world is on our finger- tips.

4.______ has shortened the distance.

5. Because of immorality and vulgarity ________ is a curse.

6. We cannot stop the revolution of technology by putting barriers.

_______ is a just like a magic tool which connects us the whole world. We are living
in a world is called a global village. Modern communication media and inventions
have shortened the distance. But ______ is the most revolutionary invention. Like
all the other things, it has abuses along with uses. Let us compare its uses with its
abuses. After discussing them, we shall be able to decide whether it is a bone/curse
or boom/blessing.

In the first place_______ is becoming the cause of weaking our values system.

Especially youth is getting badly affected. Immoral and vulture activities are
spreading like wild fire. Young people pay less attention on their studies. They spend
most of their time in using_______ Secondly; some vulgar elements are using it as
a dating club. They provide a platform to unknown young boys and girls to chat with
one another. So in this way, it promotes immoral relations. Thirdly, on special
occasions, people greet their relatives and friend through _____ instead of meeting
them personally. In this way, ___________.
Has weakened our social life too. Besides its drawback, there is a long list of benefits
of________. The whole world is on our finger tips. Now, we have entered the world
in a tiny magic box whish seems to be a miracle. Global ties and culture relations
are getting stronger. It has made business and commercial activities very convenient.
We have access to any country within a few seconds. The world seems to be
compressed into a magic box.

Keeping in view, its benefits and disadvantages, we can give our opinion about it.
We can say that _______ has shortened the distances. But on the other hand, owing
to, immorality and vulgarity _______ is a curse. Youth is also getting involved in
different useless activities People do not bother meeting their friends even on special
occasion. In this sense it is a social bane. But we cannot stop the revolution of
technology by putting barriers.

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