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How to Customize the Subject Line of Email/Worklist Notification of Goal Approval

The Following Steps are used to customize the Subject line of Email/Worklist Notification of
Goal Approval

Worker Goals for Approval

Original Notification Title: {1} Requires Your Approval for the Goal Plan {3}

The subject line of an email or a worklist notification that is sent to an approver when a worker submits a goal plan for
approval. Token 1 represents the name of the worker and token 3 represents the name of the goal plan.

Custom Notification Title: {1} submits {3} approval request for your immediate attention

The subject line of an email or a worklist notification that is sent to an approver when a worker submits a goal plan for
approval. Token 1 represents the name of the worker and token 3 represents the name of the goal plan.


Let us say the Subject Line of Rule: “Approve Goal” is as shown below Goal Plan Name


Step 1. Please navigate to global header - choose Bell icon for Pending Notifications - select More Details button for
Human Capital Management – click open Username drop-down list - choose Administration - select Task
Configuration tab.

Search for the task type Approve Goal. Select the Approve Goal composite link and click Edit. On the General tab,
click the Title for the Translation dialog box.
Step 2. Under the English locale, click Add. Enter the Key adhering to project naming convention. Enter a new Title.
Choose Edit to open Edit Arguments dialog box. Click Edit in the first argument.

Step 3. After Clicking on Edit in the first argument, the screen is as shown below:
Note: Added Expression for Token 1 is:

Note: Added Expression for token {3} is:

Step 4. Click on OK after adding Expression for Tokens {1} and {3}, then It is shown as below:

Step 5. Now, since the Customization of Subject line is complete, Please save the Rule and Commit as
shown below.
1. Check the Results as shown below:
Login as Manager as shown below:
Goal Plan Name


Please refer the Following to know the Description of Payload Attributes of Goals

Payload Attribute Description

Attribute1 GoalPlanName
Attribute14 personId
Attribute15 assignmentId
AttributeNumber1 assignmentId
Attribute8 GoalPlanName
Attribute16 RequestorName
Attribute22 GoalPlanId
Attribute23 GoalPlanAssignmentId
Attribute24 GoalPlanSetId

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