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Chum P.

EL 115



I. Write a critical essay centered on the principles of the ancient “Puritans” who settled and brought
literature in America.

Early Writers in America the Puritans

The Puritans were a group of religious settlers who had a big influence on American writing.
Their beliefs and ideas shaped not only their daily lives but also the stories and poems they wrote. The
Puritans liked things simple and focused on their faith. They wanted to make the Church of England
better by going back to the basics of worship from the early Christian times. This desire for purity and
simplicity also showed in their writing. Puritan stories and poems were straightforward, without fancy
words or complicated ideas. They talked about right and wrong, God’s teachings, and everyday life.
One big idea for the Puritans was predestination the belief that God had already decided who
would be saved and who wouldn’t. This belief influenced their writing, which often talked about sin,
being saved, and the struggle to do what’s right. The Puritans also thought education and writing were
important. They believed that reading and writing were key to understanding the Bible. Many Puritan
leaders wrote a lot, from sermons to diaries to poems, all to share important lessons and truths.
In conclusion, the Puritans were not just religious leaders but also early writers in America. Their
ideas of keeping things simple, being faithful, and doing what’s right influenced the first American stories
and poems. By learning about the Puritans and their impact on American writing, we can see how their
beliefs helped shape the diverse world of American literature.

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