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Struggling to come up with multicultural research paper topics for your thesis? You're not alone.

Writing a thesis can be an incredibly challenging task, especially when it comes to selecting a topic
that is both relevant and engaging. With the increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusion in today's
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From exploring the impact of globalization on cultural identity to examining the challenges and
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In her book “Affirming Diversity”, Sonia Nieto encourages teachers to focus on attaining social
change within their classrooms through teaching the students about the cultural differences and how
they all contribute to the development of their country (Nieto, 2004). Therefore, one strongly
believes that cultural diversity should be maintained and managed for the greater benefit of a greater
number of people. The cultural differences prevalent in most parts of the world mean that people
behave in accordance with their culture. Clk multicultural research paper ideas - Have Your Essay
Done by. For example we might go into the rule book for HR management, equal opportunity law,
anti-discriminatory provisions etc. These two methods have had serious problems noted when used
with multicultural clients (Spengler, 1998). However, the state has exerted efforts to make the place
supportive of cultural diversity by implementing measures to make people of all races and ethnicities
feel most welcome. By belonging to an ethnic group, a person declares a certain ethnic identity and
continues to demonstrate acceptable behavior which is characteristic of that group. Thus, the
immense differences in culture between ethnic groups can be used as the basis to explain cultural
differences which result from ethnic identity. When one of the primary roles of education is
examined it is palpably clear, how a multicultural education can respond positively to the difficulties
associated with cultural diversity. Students who are subjected to an education that does not take
account of their own values and at the same time emphasizes the values of a dominant culture is in
danger of alienating minority students and students of low socio-economic status. The findings
observed that most of the classes in many countries include students from different cultures, race,
and ethnic background. Only internal diversity management was explored in this paper. The
researcher narrates interesting experiences of some of the companies like Texaco, Coca Cola, and
Morgan Stanley. In other words it is not unanimously agreed among researchers that attitudes toward
the dominant culture and its role in education has an impact on minority student and students of low
socio-economic status attachment and engagement in school. One major example of these field trips
is visiting the community. This ensures that those who use the report are able to interpret them with
accuracy required. There is also the need to include cautionary statements in the report especially
when the test results have differing meaning that is not comparable within the group. Research
Room - Articles and Essays on Multicultural Education. Implementation of a diverse curriculum
from a dominant culture perspective can produce. Let us write or edit the research paper on your
topic. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. This became a perfect place to practice
simultaneously the fourth and fifth stage of Cross’ Model, the Internalization followed by
Commitment. These projections may not have materialised as projected, but the extent of diversity
has certainly gone up during these years. In this study we will be using more of an inductive
approach, but at places, we'll try to make a balanced mix of both these approaches so that we get to
analyze the organizations as well as established theories. Moreover, improvement of multiculturalism
in American society depends on issues of social status, religious tolerance, interracial marriages and
cross-racial relations. Impacts of migration on the cultural diversity of Asian land, especially on
mental health. This is because a person can identify with people of other cultures, which they do not
necessarily share similar language. Flexibility in application of skills is also necessary to ensure that
one can deal with diverse situations. However, the society still provides pressure to the non-
dominant groups like African Americans when it comes to racial oppression.
All students should incorporate multicultural perspective so as to enhance a proper self
understanding and self concept. This means building and fostering responsible citizenship in terms of
ensuring that there is mutual respect for the differences among all human beings. Debates about the
moral order were very much a part of early social science, but they fell out of favor with the growth
of positivism in the twentieth century. Most of the schools are not given the equal opportunity that
they deserve because they are not treated as though they are equal to others and this remains to be
one of the issues that must be tackled in order to embrace positive social change. How employing
diverse people make the companies more adaptable to the emerging situations. Proficiency needs to
be done based on those tests that are able to give a range of features found in a given language and
avoid single linguistic skills. In recent years, China has emerged on the horizon as one of the fastest
developing countries. There are numerous instructional strategies that help educators adequately
address the challenges presented by the multicultural framework. In taking these two primary roles
of education together, reference must be made to the fact that. Cultural commonalities for all human
beings on earth. Lacking a comprehensive model, the construct has been underused (Koltko-Rivera,
2004). Particularly, it discusses the term multicultural education as well as some of its advantages in
education. This is the first important step towards diversity in class. The reason why teachers are
more interested in multicultural education is that they assume different multicultural approaches
assist children in feeling more welcomed, integrated, and validated. The child requirements both
basics like education are catered for thereby resulting in a healthy individual to help the family and
the community. Multicultural education can be defined as education strategies designed to
accommodate teaching and learning for diverse cultures. How association to particular languages
influences culture. Associate Professor of Education Sidonia Alenuma, Ph.D Abstract It is important
to move beyond a superficial conception of multiculturalism to a focus on social justice and equity
with issues. Hospitality companies experience cultural diversity and its related issues. Writers and
editors working for are ready to help you with assignments in
Management, Business, Literature, Religion, Communication, Math, and many other subjects.
Though there are federal laws in place, but it is the human character and nature which has to do the
implementation part. The relationship built between other people is doesn’t necessarily reflect
ethnicity or culture. Bennett’s (2019) book Comprehensive multicultural education: Theory and
practice is an essential read for anyone involved in the field of Education because it encompasses
several concepts of multicultural education. This means that the multicultural education will only be
seen as a point of strength if the educational levels are properly addressed and when there are
enough budgeting inputs by the people who matter the most within the related domains of
inculcating quality education within the diverse set of students. Some of the main steps involved for
this study are. AHRC. (2012). Science in Culture. Retrieved on 22 Jan. 2014 from. Suggestions on
how to improve the reliability and validity of test interpretation with this population Evaluation of
the evidence at hand based on performance of the subgroups where the extent of differences that are
caused by other issues not related to the skills being established should be done. Increase in
classroom diversity has forced teachers to place significant emphasis on the issue of educational
content and learning outcomes for all pupils. Members of any culture perceive their behaviour as
logical. Hence, to be able to create a common ground among the students, the inculcation of social
studies within the curriculum is then realized to be among the most effective practice of teaching
culturally divided students.
Lacking a comprehensive model, the construct has been underused (Koltko-Rivera, 2004). The
reason why teachers are more interested in multicultural education is that they assume different
multicultural approaches assist children in feeling more welcomed, integrated, and validated. Easy
access to the digital world promotes cultural amalgamation. The system should (1) value diversity, (2)
have the capacity for cultural self-assessment, (3) be conscious of the dynamics inherent when
cultures interact, (4) institutionalize cultural knowledge, and (5) develop programs and services that
reflect an understanding of diversity between and within cultures (NASW, 2001). First, the emphasis
on a positive perspective of differences among staff in contrast to the negative perspective of
disadvantaged, discriminated against staff in equal opportunities. A positive relationship between the
parent and child arises when the child understands the responsibility and expectations of the parents.
Ukpokodu (2009) informs that if multicultural education focuses on transformative learning,
students of all races, cultures and classes transform their way of thinking and their perspectives and
attitudes to more democratic and objective ways of thinking (2). A working definition of student
attachment and engagement is offered by the Willms (2003). Climate and topography affect the
transport and logistics, settlement, and territorial organization. Elucidate. Finally, the chapter makes
it clear that true democracy is what all schools require and this can be done through ensuring that
there is equal opportunities for everyone within the learning institution both students and teachers.
Between 1981 and 1990, 87% of the legal immigrants to the United States came from non-European
nations while 10% came from Europe. Alexandria, VA: Author Bond, M. H. (2004). Culture and
aggression: From context to coercion. In the fifth chapter, Sonia makes explores on the organizational
and structural issues affecting different schools in the United States. Baer (2004) asserts that “apart
from the culture or group that one belongs to or identifies with, cultural identity may also include
identities such as racial, class, religious, sexuality, gender and familial identity.” In addition, other
attributes such as social identity, national identity, and personal identity may also play a crucial role
in cultural identity. Discrimination based on religion, caste, creed, sexual orientation, ethnicity,
nationality, socioeconomic status, physical abilities, beliefs and values is what prevents people from
being able to co-exist mutually because such discrimination comes from not practising cultural
diversity. From the 19th century, Greater Manchester as the largest metropolitan area continues to be
the destination for international immigrants including asylum seekers, refugees, and migrant labor.
All human beings deserve equal rights, respect, and to be treated the same by Qin Wan. Johnson, M.
K.; Crosnoe, R. and Elder, G. “Students’ Attachment and Academic Engagement: The Role of Race
and Ethnicity”. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. Impacts of migration on the cultural diversity of Asian land, especially on
mental health. Impacts of social organization and history in modern society. But circumstances
sometimes create peculiar conditions which brings to the fore the inherent weaknesses prevalent in
our society. It encourages positive contributions of different groups in the society involved, if
multicultural education is not thought and spread wide, many people are going to face
discouragements from both their skin color, religion, culture and their traditional practices. A people’s
culture is the carrier of values evolved by that community in the course of their economic and
political life. To achieve this, teachers can educate pupils to dialogue with each other in order to
generate a more inclusive multicultural environment. Because of the said advancements, the situation
within classrooms became a mixture of students from different races trying to cope up with the
subjects that are taught to them in a different setting as compared to their original locality’s
traditional practice of teaching and educating students. Clk multicultural research paper ideas - Have
Your Essay Done by. Effects of cultural diversity in the medical industry as a whole. In order to
obtain a comprehensive understanding regarding this aspect, I have cited a census survey conducted
by the US government in the year 2000. Instead, a number of experts believe that multicultural
practices do not take into consideration the key goal of multicultural education, namely the
transformation of educational system to adequately incorporate the needs of culturally diverse
students in shaping the ways they are educated.
Protection of the rights of minorities and providing them with the right amount of proper facilities,
social interaction with every cast and creed help in promoting cultural diversity within the
community and thus maintain communal harmony. This range of attitudes is experienced until 8th
grade. Comparative analysis of gender stereotypes of superior thinking in men and emotions in
women among students. The business case for managing diversity therefore offers a way to operate
equal opportunities as a strategic issue, a core value linked to organizational competitiveness
(Dickens 1994). Secondly, educators utilize “knowledge construction” which informs students how
perspectives are influenced by “conclusions reached within that discipline” (Banks 1994, p. 5). These
particular subjects are taught to a group of students who are coming from the same race and are
having a common ground. Multicultural education therefore has the potential to improve engagement
and attachment among culturally diverse students, particularly those who have manifested a lower
degree of engagement and attachment. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers
as your own, that is cheating. Also you. There is also the need to include cautionary statements in the
report especially when the test results have differing meaning that is not comparable within the
group. A review of a comprehensive multicultural textbook Opened Network Journals 2018, Journal
of Culture and Values in Education Book review. Considering these factors, the underlying
philosophy of managing diversity tends to imply that an organization can gain massive competitive
advantage, resulting in enhanced performance with the help of a satisfied human capital. The school
had 7 Black children from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Arguably, students become more
responsible citizens and want to be productive citizens. Integrating cultural diversity into the
curriculum. (n.d). Retrieved June 7, 2008 from. Let us write or edit the research proposal on your
topic. This is in an attempt to assess the percentage in which successful humor relies on intercultural
pragmatics on the second language. People from all over the world are able to access education
within the convenience that they are satisfied with. The patterns thus detected are formulated into
tentative hypotheses and we can therefore arrive at some general conclusion about our subject.
Though there are federal laws in place, but it is the human character and nature which has to do the
implementation part. Theorists such as Gagne and Bloom, who have developed hierarchies of
learning, can provide useful models for structuring multicultural material into sequences which
facilitate congitive learning and help students develop their own identity. However, it is important
that psychologists do recognize the need to have a wider range of responses from individuals with
disabilities and be able to collaborate with them, their families and other stakeholders in order to
make good and effective testing plans for the needed psychological interventions. This makes
cultural diversity a fundamental right of every individual and safeguards their interests. Let us write
or edit the research paper on your topic. Yet, it will be misleading to forget that the concept remains a
relatively new one that continues to transform, and one of the key questions is whether multicultural
education remains relevant and up to date or the emerging challenges produced by contemporary
society are gradually turning it obsolete. You are welcome to contact your writer via our message
system and communicate with them till the order is completed. This is a self-assessment instrument
developed by David Garner and Paul Garfinkel to evaluate the wide array of symptoms typical of
anorexia nervosa. According to the article “Wilson Multicultural education by Wilson,” multicultural
education prepares all learners to learn together toward structural equality in the organization and
school by equipping the known how, disposition, and abilities for the allocation of power and income
among diverse groups (Wilson, 2012). Multicultural Education Research Papers - Paper Masters.
Different cultural values exist in almost every school in the country. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you.
I decided to find a better solution rather than wasting time on boring writing and still receive a poor
grade. However, I was unable to identify any sort of level existing in speaking language which was
present in my culture (Saint Ignatius High School, “Languages Spoken in the United. You are
welcome to give us a call us using the number available on the Contact Us page in case you need any
kind of assistance. The diverse ethnic and cultural disparities existent among societies explain the
role of ethnic identity and cultural identity in explaining cultural differences. Scholars can use them
for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Therefore, a society
may apply some sanctions for undesirable behavior; for example, wrongdoers may be ostracized or
alienated from the other members of the society. The normal practice is to obtain some form of
counseling or even treatment. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your
own, that is cheating. Also you. Lamdin, D. J. (1995). Testing for effect of school size on student
achievement within a. E. How Multicultural Education Can Improve Student Engagement and
Attachment. Research philosophy is a belief about the way in which data about a phenomenon
should be gathered, analyzed and used. The system should (1) value diversity, (2) have the capacity
for cultural self-assessment, (3) be conscious of the dynamics inherent when cultures interact, (4)
institutionalize cultural knowledge, and (5) develop programs and services that reflect an
understanding of diversity between and within cultures (NASW, 2001). Academy of Management
Journal. Vol. 50, No. 4, 941-952. In the era of globalization, thanks to widespread proliferation of IT
and networking the world has become a global village in real sense. As a counselor, I must also take
note of the client’s socio-cultural background. Firstly, despite being praised as the most tolerant
multicultural societies, the monocultural or ethnocentric tradition in schools represents a very serious
challenge to effectiveness multicultural education. Finally, this paper provides some practical
suggestions and insights for an effective implementation of a multicultural education system.
Normally, cultural identity is formed through unconsciousness processes; as such, cultural identity
cannot be regarded to be inborn. During the study the policies of some of the companies will be
studied to find out how they take care of their employees and manage the workforce. The findings
can also be of help to university teachers as universities today are becoming more and more
multicultural all over the world. The people should be sensitized that promoting cultural diversity,
which helps in building communal harmony is the first step towards the growth of a nation. Everyone
feels good when they are involved in activities taking place within an institution. Test takers that
require special modifications due to their linguistic backgrounds need to be documented and where
such modifications are done, they should also be recorded. As opposed to racism which is conscious,
it is considered rather invisible and unconscious. James continues to assert that despite the different
scholars differing on how they understand multicultural education they all share the concept of
change that provides a clearer understanding of the term. The school has a Parents Day, a day when
all parents and their children are required to share their culture and establish in their children’s. Each
paragraph in the body of the essay should contain. How has Covid-19 affected the political
atmosphere in the United States of America. The relationship between parenting stress and stigma
with parent-child interactions in mothers with autistic children. The Exploitation of workers and
markets under the influence of multinational corporations has a negative effect on cultural diversity.
Lack of self awareness leads to various problems and self awareness will certainly help a person to
improve himself. Finally, the chapter makes it clear that true democracy is what all schools require
and this can be done through ensuring that there is equal opportunities for everyone within the
learning institution both students and teachers. Staff Professionalism and Understanding of Diversity.
When one of the primary roles of education is examined it is palpably clear, how a multicultural
education can respond positively to the difficulties associated with cultural diversity. Over the years,
cultural identity has featured as a key issue in many academic forums and conferences. With the
implication of this strategy the students are made to assume that the future society of the United
States will be a pluralistic one. With this concern, the term paper intends to compare the intercultural
communication system between Russia and Brazil. However, the homogeneity of shared values in
society is now contested with multi-cultural approach which is aimed at the protection and the
recognition of cultural differences by the state (Rathje, 2009). According to Vandeyar (2003), one of
the primary goals of education is the “transmission of the normative heritage of a person from one
generation to the next” (p. 193). Moreover, education is designed to equip the students with the
instruments necessary for obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills for effectively integrating
into the community. Here is the case example of a British Citizen whose case was fought and won
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of United States of America (EEOC). Scholars can use
them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Easy access to
the digital world promotes cultural amalgamation. The meaning of culture as defined by the
American Psychological Association or known as APA (2003) is the “belief systems and value
orientations that influence customs, norms, practices, and social institutions” which is indicative that
all individuals are cultural beings and they posses inherent cultural, ethnic, and racial heritage. As a
source of exchange, innovation and creativity, Cultural Diversity is as necessary for humankind as
biodiversity is for nature. My language i.e. Balinese is divided into three levels on the basis of
politeness that include low, medium and high Balinese. The total number of students in special
education is 85. This stage occurs on events with the inconsistence of one’s perception with society
with the reality of gender and race issues. This ensures that those who use the report are able to
interpret them with accuracy required. Multicultural guidelines to be considered when assessing
populations of various cultural backgrounds The psychologists are required to recognize that they are
cultural beings and as such they may have individual attitudes and beliefs likely to influence the way
they perceive and interact with other people who are culturally different from them and this
influence could be negative. Children in recent time seem to have little knowledge of diversity
because there are constantly numbers of cases that appear every day about culture. Following this
stage, is the final stage of “active commitment”, together with the Cross Model’s internalization-
commitment stage, the author has been committed to actively bring social change and reach out to
other cultural groups through effective counseling. Our administration monitors customer satisfaction
rates to ensure that every single client is happy with the service we offer. Pamela Tudor1 undertook a
study on some of the reputed corporate houses to find out how the issue of diversity was handled by
these companies. It will be interesting to see how such an approach have helped these companies
over the years. It also entails the ways in which managers can overcome the differences and instead
use them to grow the organization. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Movies, which introduce a new culture, place or disabilities are watched in
classrooms (Conteh, 2003). Cultural diversity is about appreciating the society that consists of people
who vary in interests, skills, talents, and demand to be recognized for having their religion, beliefs
and sexual orientation. An effective management of this diversity and group culture help the
company in planning and scheduling of its resources in such a manner that the company is able to
make optimum use of its resources. You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons,
sports, technology and many more.
An Annotated Bibliography On Children S Development Of Social Inclusion And R. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our cookie policy. A report released by the US census bureau (2004) on the
subject 'US Interim Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin 2000-2050' indicates that
the US population will see a major demographic shift in its population by the year 2050. Influence of
religion on culture: A case study of the Muslim community. Therefore, one strongly believes that
cultural diversity should be maintained and managed for the greater benefit of a greater number of
people. A brief introduction to the various characteristics and aspects of these varying countries will
help play into effect the gist of this research paper. Our custom and academic writing service
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as well as skills. Effective communication is the key to providing excellent education in a classroom.
Coca-Cola, a reputed brand around the world, for example takes pride in diverse workforce spread
around the world and places diversity management at the core of sustainability. You are welcome to
give us a call us using the number available on the Contact Us page in case you need any kind of
assistance. This would certainly help them in a situation where they need to work or get along with
people from different cultures. The normal practice is to obtain some form of counseling or even
treatment. In relation to several books entitled “Shame of the Nation” and “Multiplication is for
White People”, this essay will focus on discussing and analyzing the most recent status of
multicultural education in public schools. Since globalization caused immigrants to fly to different
countries abroad, attending to their needs as students is also essential for social development. So,
why would you waste your valuable time on tedious writing tasks when
can provide you with an authentic and fully custom-written paper in any timeframe you set. The
chapter brings out the contributions of the whole society towards racism and the author does this
through explaining how the students can become racists and how their mentors can contribute to it.
Test takers that require special modifications due to their linguistic backgrounds need to be
documented and where such modifications are done, they should also be recorded. What types of
circumstances make the companies to go for steps like effective management of diversity. Long
Essay on Cultural Diversity 500 Words in English Long Essay on Cultural Diversity is usually given
to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. However, it can certainly be even more refined than that, multicultural
essay. The projected outcome of the entire exercise of multicultural education is that it will put the
people in close perspectives of one another, and ask of them to bring about success as it is required
by the students. A child raised by a protective parent is courageous to face life challenges, which is a
benefit to the family and the whole community. Part A of the questionnaire will contain the
demographic characteristics of the respondents and this will serve as the profile of the respondents.
Studies have shown a positive impact on students by addressing. Lawrence Auster in his article,
“How the multicultural Ideology Captured America” reports that America has converted to a
multicultural society and people who belong to America by birth or who can be called real
Americans are also multiculturalists now. The need for cultural awareness has become central in the
media coverage of issues such as terrorism, religious differences, and politics. Statistics of the
ministry of justice in Britain indicated that the country saw 41,000 racially or religiously aggravated
offences during 2005-06, up by about 12 percent from the previous year (Cracknell and Schofield,
2007). The longing to be lighter skinned was intensified mainly because of peer pressure. The
teachers should be flexible and easy to acknowledge different cultures and their values that are
displayed in their interaction with the students.

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