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java 9 :
--Java platform module system less 3hour java 17
:Record In Java is one of the greatest feature that was first introduced in Java 14
as a preview feature, and finalized in Java 17
: first introduced in Java 15 The release of Java SE 17 introduces sealed classes
(JEP 409). This feature is about enabling more fine-grained inheritance control in
Java. Sealing allows classes and interfaces to define their permitted subtypes
:Pattern matching for the switch control-flow statement is a new feature introduced
in Java 17

java 21 telusko

d923d8a2072b java 11
:Java 11 introduced new method to Optional class as isEmpty() to check if value is

it is asking for website or application link in razorpay while generating api key

91767@manohar MINGW64 /d/git1pro/NoteTaker (f2)

$ history
1 git --version
2 git
3 pwd
4 git --version
5 ls
6 cls
7 clr
8 clear
9 pwd
10 git config --global "PaboluManohar"
11 git config --global ""
12 git config --list
13 git config --list
14 ls
15 pwd
16 cd sampleRepo
17 ls
18 git push origin main
19 git push origin main
20 git -remote
21 git config --list
22 pwd
23 git init
24 git add .
25 git commit -m "first commit"
26 git remote add origin
27 git remote -v
28 git push origin main
29 git push origin main
30 git push origin main
31 git remote add origin
32 git remote -v
33 git push origin main
34 git push origin main
35 git push origin main
36 git status
37 git add .
38 git status
39 git commit -m " updated"
40 git push origin main
41 git fetch origin
42 git log origin/main..main
43 git log
44 git status
45 git add .
46 git status
47 git commit -m "changes in"
48 git push origin main
49 git pull
50 git pull --help
51 git log
52 git fetch origin
53 git fetch origin main
54 git log origin/main..main
55 git merge main
56 git push origin main
57 cls
58 clear
59 git fetch origin main
60 git log origin/main..main
61 git merge main
62 git status
63 git checkout -b f2
64 git branch
65 git add .
66 git commit -m "in f2"
67 git checkout main
68 git checkout f2
70 git checkout f2
71 git push origin main
72 git checkout main
73 git pull origin main
74 git push origin f2
75 git branch
76 git checkout main
77 git checkout f2
78 git add .
79 git commit -m ""
80 git add .
81 git commit -m ""
82 git commit -m "msg in note"
83 git status
84 git push origin main
85 git checkout main
86 git add .
87 git commit -m "comment"
88 git status
89 git push origin f2
90 git push origin main
91 git push origin main
92 git pull origin main
93 git checkout main
94 git checkout f2
95 git status
96 git add .
97 git commit -m"ok"
98 git checkout f2
99 git checkout main
100 git checkout f2
101 git status
102 git pull origin f2
103 git add .
104 git commit -m "dotted"
105 git push origin main
106 git push origin f2
107 git add .
108 git commit -m "streams"
109 git push origin f2
110 git push origin f2
111 git pull origin main
112 git branch
113 git checkout main
114 git status
115 git add .
116 git commit -m "add"
117 git checkout main
118 git checkout f2
119 git add .
120 git commit -m "add d"
121 git push origin f2
122 git add .
123 git commit -m "add pw"
124 git push origin f2
125 git checkout main
126 git push origin main
127 git pull origin main
128 git checkout main
129 git checkout f2
130 git status
131 git add .
132 git commit -m "target"
133 git checkout f2
134 git checkout main
135 git checkout main
136 git checkout f2
137 git checkout main
138 git checkout f2
139 git checkout main
140 git pull origin main
141 git pull origin f2
142 git status
143 git add .
144 git commit -m "target"
145 git status
146 git checkout f2
147 git status
148 git pull origin main
149 git checkout main
150 git pull origin main
151 git checkout f2
152 git pull origin f2
153 history
154 clear
155 history

91767@manohar MINGW64 /d/git1pro/NoteTaker (f2)


apache kafka
jenkins 47 min docker full vid

user : manohar
pass : manohar

manohar@manohar:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy


1-15 html css

15-27 js
28 terminal
29 git

30-40 node,express,ejs,api,sql,sql with node, mongo basic,mongo with node,

41-55 project
56-last -1 react
63 tailwind


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 chatgpt dietplanner apikey

Application Keys
d8ded78fcde9c125273731fd4215ad36 —
These are application keys used to authenticate requests.

Application ID

This is the application ID, you should send with each API request.

just learning order

Certainly! Here's a simplified learning order for the technologies you mentioned:

Git: Start with version control to manage your code effectively.

Docker: Understand containerization for packaging and deploying


AWS (Amazon Web Services): Learn cloud computing basics and AWS
services for infrastructure deployment.

Terraform: Dive into infrastructure as code for automating

infrastructure provisioning.

Ansible: Explore configuration management and automation for

software deployment.

Kubernetes: Learn container orchestration for managing

containerized applications at scale.

Jenkins: Understand continuous integration and continuous delivery

for automating software delivery pipelines.

This order allows you to build on foundational concepts before moving to more
complex topics. Each technology complements the others, providing a comprehensive
understanding of modern software development and deployment practices.

if i miss anything please add
Sure, here's a revised and comprehensive learning order:

Git: Version control system for tracking changes in your code.

Linux: Basic understanding of Linux commands and system


Docker: Containerization platform for packaging and deploying


AWS (Amazon Web Services): Cloud computing platform, learn about

key services like EC2, S3, RDS, etc.

Terraform: Infrastructure as code tool for provisioning and

managing cloud infrastructure.

Ansible: Configuration management and automation tool for managing

server configurations.

Kubernetes: Container orchestration platform for automating

deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Jenkins: Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)

tool for automating software development processes.

Monitoring Tools: Learn about monitoring and logging tools like

Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).

Networking: Understand networking concepts and protocols (TCP/IP,


Security: Gain knowledge of basic security principles, practices,

and tools (firewalls, SSL/TLS, SSH).

Scripting: Improve scripting skills with languages like Python or

Bash for automation tasks.

SQL/NoSQL Databases: Learn about databases and their management

(MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB).

Infrastructure Monitoring: Explore tools like Nagios, Zabbix, or

Datadog for monitoring infrastructure health.

Container Networking: Understand container networking concepts and

tools like Docker Networking, Kubernetes Networking.

CI/CD Pipeline Optimization: Deep dive into optimizing CI/CD

pipelines for faster delivery and better quality.

Cloud Native Architecture: Learn about microservices architecture,

serverless computing, and cloud-native design patterns.

Advanced Kubernetes: Explore advanced Kubernetes topics like Helm,

Operators, Service Mesh (e.g., Istio).
DevOps Culture and Practices: Understand DevOps principles,
collaboration, and cultural aspects.

Continuous Learning: Stay updated with new technologies and best

practices in DevOps and cloud computing.

This comprehensive learning path covers various aspects of DevOps, cloud computing,
and related technologies, enabling you to build a strong foundation and advance
your skills in modern software development and deployment practices.

that path is too long
Sure, here's a more streamlined learning order:

Git: Version control system for tracking changes in your code.

Linux: Basic understanding of Linux commands and system administration.

Docker: Containerization platform for packaging and deploying


AWS (Amazon Web Services): Cloud computing platform, learn about key
services like EC2, S3, RDS, etc.

Terraform: Infrastructure as code tool for provisioning and managing

cloud infrastructure.

Ansible: Configuration management and automation tool for managing

server configurations.

Kubernetes: Container orchestration platform for automating deployment,

scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Jenkins: Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tool

for automating software development processes.

Monitoring Tools: Learn about monitoring and logging tools like

Prometheus, Grafana, ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).

Networking: Understand networking concepts and protocols (TCP/IP, DNS,


This condensed learning path covers the essential tools and concepts in DevOps and
cloud computing, providing a solid foundation for further specialization and

AWS pwd : Pmanohar@123

AWS mail:
card : fidebit card
pan :gnopp0155e
phone : 7670978281

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