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Grammar Quiz – Answer Key

7.2 Reported Speech – statements

Group A Group B

Exercise 1. (0–5) Exercise 1. (0–5)

1 his 1 told

2 the day before 2 they

3 there 3 then / at that time

4 told 4 her

5 those 5 the following day

Exercise 2. (0–4) Exercise 2. (0–4)

1 suggested 1 claimed

2 added 2 suggested

3 explained 3 replied / answered

4 replied 4 added

Exercise 3. (0–6) Exercise 3. (0–6)

1 The old woman claimed (that) the 1 The editor said (that) they had
painting had been there for worked with that photographer
generations. since 2001.

2 The boy claimed (that) his father 2 The guide told us (that) we couldn't
was going to turn the basement / weren't allowed to take any
into a home cinema room the photos in that museum.
following year.
3 The secretary said (that) Mrs
3 I told Jane (that) I was painting Brown wasn't in the office because
then / at that time, so I would call she was flying to Japan that day.
her later.

Total score: 15 points Total score: 15 points

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 3 SECOND EDITION (B1/B1+)

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