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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Comprehensive Research Paper on Alcohol Addiction

Crafting a research paper on alcohol addiction is a formidable task that demands a thorough
understanding of the subject matter and a meticulous approach to research and analysis. The
complexities associated with this topic often make it a daunting endeavor for students and
researchers alike. From navigating through a vast pool of literature to compiling relevant data and
presenting compelling arguments, writing a thesis on alcohol addiction requires a significant
investment of time, effort, and expertise.

One of the primary challenges in writing a research paper on alcohol addiction lies in the multifaceted
nature of the subject. Alcohol addiction is a complex and pervasive issue with various dimensions,
including psychological, social, and medical aspects. Understanding and addressing these intricacies
require an in-depth exploration of existing research, theories, and empirical studies.

Another hurdle that researchers commonly face is the need for up-to-date and reliable information.
Alcohol addiction is a dynamic field with evolving trends, treatment methodologies, and research
findings. Staying abreast of the latest developments and incorporating current data into the thesis is
crucial for ensuring its relevance and credibility.

Additionally, the ethical considerations involved in researching and writing about alcohol addiction
add another layer of complexity. Researchers must handle sensitive information responsibly and
approach the topic with the utmost respect for the individuals affected by alcohol addiction.
Navigating through ethical dilemmas and ensuring the paper contributes positively to the discourse
on alcohol addiction can be challenging.

Given these challenges, seeking professional assistance becomes a prudent choice for individuals
looking to produce a high-quality research paper on alcohol addiction. ⇒ ⇔
emerges as a reliable platform that offers expert guidance and support throughout the thesis writing
process. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the intricacies of alcohol addiction, ⇒ ⇔ provides tailored solutions to help students and researchers overcome the
hurdles associated with crafting a comprehensive thesis.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, individuals can benefit from a collaborative and client-centric

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those navigating the challenging terrain of writing a thesis on alcohol addiction.
To help the public better understand this, David has provided a number of comparisons with a higher
level of risk to long-term health such as watching one hour’s TV a day and eating two bacon
sandwiches a week (which are used to represent the potential harms of sedentary behaviour and
harmful diet). It is the latter that consume, methyl alcohol being a poisonous substance. And it seems
that only now, when the number of the diseases caused by different substances has reached its peak,
people have finally understood that the best. Naltrexone Naltrexone blocks opioid receptors that are
involved in the rewarding effects of drinking and the craving for alcohol 41). Alcohol is metabolized
in the liver as a carbohydrate into carbon dioxide and water. Alcohol Shrinks and Disturbs Brain
Tissue Heavy alcohol consumption—even on a single occasion—can throw the delicate balance of
neurotransmitters off course. A glass of wine, a can of beer, and a mixed drink all have about the
same amount of alcohol. 3. What if you drank during your last pregnancy and your baby was fine.
Pancreatitis occurs as a sudden attack, called acute pancreatitis. The brain works to balance the
neurotransmitters that speed things up with the ones that slow things down to keep your body
operating at the right pace. During the assessment process, the questions were directed toward
identifying his frequency and quantity of drinking and duration of use. We use cookies to create the
best experience for you. Another liver condition associated with heavy drinking is fibrosis, which
causes scar tissue to build up in the liver. Most people who have heart failure need to take medicines.
The client may use defense mechanisms of denial, rationalization, and projection when confronted
about his or her drinking behavior. Pancreatitis is also a risk factor for the development of pancreatic
cancer. Poor nutrition and vitamin deficiencies are often symptoms of alcohol dependence. Outcomes
focus on providing a safe environment to prevent injury; stabilizing existing medical complications
secondary to alcohol use or abuse; improving impaired cognition and communication; establishing
nutritious eating patterns; establishing a balance of rest, sleep, and activity; establishing alternative
coping skills; and resolving any personal or family issues related to the client's disorder (Giesbrecht,
2007, 1345-1349). The excellent work experience between the employer and employee will
determine the workers' ability to transition back to work and a better relationship with others in the
organization. Watch for changes in your symptoms, heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, and weight.
Magnesium deficiency also is found in those with long-term alcohol dependence. Punitive taxation -
This is a common option used in many countries. Clients with the diagnosis of a substance-related
disorder often require placement in a safe environment as the nursing staff provides assistance in
meeting the client's basic needs; monitors the client's medical condition; uses interventions to
stabilize the client's medical condition and behavioral problems; and assists with medication
management, intervention strategies, interactive therapies, and client education (Babor and Higgins-
Biddle, 2001, 1-34). Fortunately, studies show that you can reduce your risk for cancer by drinking
less. They may also help diagnose the exact cause of the problem: Echocardiogram (ultrasound of the
heart) Cardiac stress tests Chest x-ray Coronary angiogram to look at blood flow to the heart CT scan
of the heart MRI of the heart Nuclear heart scan (MUGA, RNV) Heart biopsy, in which a small
piece of heart muscle is removed, may be needed depending on the cause. Health and behavioral
consequences of binge drinking in college. Nothing in the whole world compared to this experience.
Alcohol withdrawal is identified in part by physical and behavioral manifestations. Both formal
diagnosis, as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA, 1994) and
informal diagnosis, if the client has had therapy in the past can be made. - Comprehensive
assessment is essential in designing a treatment plan. Treatment for alcoholism may include
counseling, social support such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), or medicines. A recent Canadian
report analyzed studies from 1966 through 2006 and concluded that risk reduction is possible,
specifically for head and neck cancers.The study found that as people abstained from drinking, their
risk for developing cancer plunged.
Alcohol abuse is a major social issue in most developed countries; governments spend a lot of time
trying to. At present alcoholic cardiomyopathy is considered a specific disease both by the European
Society of Cardiology (ESC) 113) and by the American Heart Association (AHA) 114). To help the
public better understand this, David has provided a number of comparisons with a higher level of
risk to long-term health such as watching one hour’s TV a day and eating two bacon sandwiches a
week (which are used to represent the potential harms of sedentary behaviour and harmful diet). If
you have a mood disorder, it may become more noticeable when you stop drinking. The utility and
effectiveness of disulfiram are considered limited because compliance is generally poor. There our
team of writers will provide you with support and help of any kind. Have trouble following
directions and learning how to do simple things. With the exchange of statistics regarding the
accidents and incidents that occur daily, the NHTSA has been able to explain the cause of accidents,
for example, NIAAA shows that alcohol affects the brain causing brain impairment. It’s a good idea
to have some days when you don’t drink. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our
cookie policy. Smoking alone is a known risk factor for some cancers. Children grow up without
parents, spouses are forced to raise their children as single parents, and grandparents become legal
guardians for a second time, due to the effects of substance abuse and dependence. Lack of vitamin
B1 is common in people who have alcohol use disorder. This study also attributes about 11 percent
of all breast cancer cases to alcohol. These deficiencies result in life-long learning and behavioral
problems. Current research is investigating whether the brain function of children and adults with
fetal alcohol syndrome can be improved with complex rehabilitative training, dietary supplements, or
medications. Symptoms of Dilated cardiomyopathy Symptoms of heart failure are most common.
Physical therapy and orthopedic appliances (such as splints) may be needed to maintain muscle
function and limb position. Or get involved with a healthy, distracting activity, such as physical
exercise or a hobby that doesn’t involve drinking. The next morning, you wake up feeling dizzy and
your head hurts. Punitive taxation - This is a common option used in many countries. The short-term
effects of alcohol result from its actions on ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels 1).
Excessive alcohol use shortened the lives of those who died by about 30 years. If a heavy drinker
will not quit, thiamine supplements and a good diet may reduce the chance of getting this condition,
but the risk is not eliminated. As alcohol destroys the central nervous system the drinker experiences
impaired visual abilities, loss of pain perception, slow reactions, impaired motor skills, altered
perception of time and space and many others. Intravenous barbiturates may be required to control
extreme agitation. Marijuana was also freely grown as it was legally used because of its. sample research paper on analysis of type function model an. After 20 years of
abstinence, former drinkers had the same risk for head and neck cancers as people who never drank.
Found that when the effects of alcohol were wearing off, you had withdrawal symptoms, such as
trouble sleeping, shakiness, restlessness, nausea, sweating, a racing heart, or a seizure. Healthy blood
vessels stretch like elastic as the heart pumps blood through them.
Possible Complications of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (alcoholic encephalopathy) Complications
that may result include: Alcohol withdrawal Difficulty with personal or social interaction Injury
caused by falls Permanent alcoholic neuropathy Permanent loss of thinking skills Permanent loss of
memory Shortened life span Prevention Not drinking alcohol or drinking in moderation and getting
enough nutrition reduce the risk of developing Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Drinking to
intoxication can slow your body’s ability to produce cytokines that ward off infections by causing
inflammations.Without these inflammatory responses, your body’s ability to defend itself against
bacteria is significantly reduced. The researchers link alcohol to about 13 percent of these cancer
cases. Also, cocaine was another drug that was administered in 1880s as an. Magnesium deficiency
also is found in those with long-term alcohol dependence. Cirrhosis results when too much scar
tissue builds up within the liver and leaves it unable to perform its vital functions. Fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders are the full range of physical, learning, and behavioral problems, and other birth
defects that result from prenatal alcohol exposure. As it increases in severity, alcoholic hepatitis
dangerously enlarges the liver, and causes jaundice, excessive bleeding, and clotting difficulties.
Alcohol and Cancer in Women One recent, groundbreaking study followed the drinking habits of 1.2
million middle-aged women over 7 years. If you have been drinking a lot, you should cut back or
stop drinking only under the care of a doctor. Beyond these physical and mental health risks,
frequent heavy drinking also is linked with personal problems, including losing a driver’s license and
having relationship troubles. Addictions nursing interventions consist of all those nursing actions
that are directed toward fostering adaptive human responses to actual or potential health problems
stemming from patterns of abuse or addiction. HIV develops faster in chronic drinkers who already
have the virus. Most people who drink excessively are not alcoholics or alcohol dependent 21) You
can reduce your risks. Once a person is addicted, all they begin to care about. Also whether the client
has exhibited any suicidal or homicidal thoughts or behaviors in the past is to be noted. Children
born with the most serious problems caused by alcohol have fetal alcohol syndrome. Also, see the
short module to help you handle urges to drink. All the work should be used in accordance with the
appropriate policies and applicable laws. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver as a carbohydrate into
carbon dioxide and water. According to the paper alcoholics often experience the deficiency of
vitamins and proteins, especially vitamin A, which may lead to liver disease and other disorders
related to alcohol. Older adults should have no more than three drinks on any day and no more than
seven drinks per week. Your baby may have physical and behavioral problems that can last for the
rest of his or her life. One standard drink contains about 0.6 fluid ounces or 14 grams of pure
alcohol. Some of these include medication, therapy, counseling, inpatient treatment and outpatient
treatment (Harikrishnan and Ali, 2016). The usual dose is 1.0 g intramuscularly, four times daily for 2
days (Schuckit, 2005, 1168). In this case, it will help the patient to abstain from alcohol while in
care. Epidemiologic Findings on Substance Use and Abuse A. If so, in what way? What we really
mean is that some drugs or alcohol are being used by some people or in some situations constitute
About 43 percent of all Americans have experienced alcoholism in their families and one in eight
Americans is the child of an alcoholic. To cut down or to quit drinking alcohol Planning for change
Social support to stop drinking Alcohol Addiction What are symptoms of an alcohol addiction or
alcohol use disorder.
Over time, drugs can cause separation from reality and eventually loved ones. Alcoholism and drug
addiction in the workplace also causes such employees to be prone to accidents. A computed
tomography (CT) scan and electroencephalography (EEG) may be ordered to rule out metabolic
encephalopathy or coexisting neurologic disorders. Physical therapy and orthopedic appliances (such
as splints) may be needed to maintain muscle function and limb position. Early symptoms of alcohol
abuse are evident when the subject's drinking takes priority over all other social events. Finally,
genetics may play a role in preventing some heavy drinkers from developing cancer. These heart rate
abnormalities are called arrhythmias. They also send messages from the brain to the rest of the body.
For different situations, come up with engaging short, mid-range, and longer options, like texting or
calling someone, watching short online videos, lifting weights to music, showering, meditating,
taking a walk, or doing a hobby. Report prepared for the Assistant Attorney General’s National
Symposium on Alcohol Abuse and Crime. Alcohol alters the chemicals in the liver needed to break
down and remove this scar tissue. Outlook (Prognosis) of Alcoholic liver disease Continued
excessive drinking can shorten your lifespan. Alcohol Essay: Writing an Informative Research Paper
on Alcoholism 2019-01-26. Alcohol has biphasic and complex physiological effects that result in both
higher and lower cardiovascular risk depending on the amount consumed, drinking frequency and the
outcome under study 46), 47). This effect, coupled with the often poor dietary habits of those with
alcohol-related disorders, can cause serious vitamin deficiencies, particularly of the B vitamins (Hvas
and Nexo, 2006, 1506-1512). The affected staff comes to work late, and their presence in the
workplace is not as productive as it should. Go to the emergency room or call the local emergency
number if seizures, fever, severe confusion, hallucinations, or irregular heartbeats occur. Internal
triggers can be puzzling because the urge to drink just seems to “pop up.” But if you pause to think
about it when it happens, you’ll find that the urge may have been set off by a fleeting thought, a
positive emotion such as excitement, a negative emotion such as frustration, or a physical sensation
such as a headache, tension, or nervousness. These multiple brain systems communicate with each
other through about a trillion tiny nerve cells called neurons. Many people with an alcohol problem
need to completely stop using alcohol. The liver breaks down alcohol—and the toxins it releases.
The two sides, or chambers, of the heart receive blood and pump it back into the body. In case the
person drinks alcohol on a regular base the liver becomes weaker and weaker from day to day.
People with alcoholic neuropathy have alcohol use problems. They will be prescribed the smallest
dose of medicine needed to reduce symptoms, to help prevent drug dependence and other side
effects of chronic use. Here are some strategies to try 93) and you can add your own at the end. It
can also help you perform better at work or school. The utility and effectiveness of disulfiram are
considered limited because compliance is generally poor. There is no cure a better than alcohol
abstention. Support groups help many people who are dealing with alcohol use and relapses. This
problem has been compounded by the hyperbilirubinaemia on presentation that tends to aggravate
these problems further.
It includes general medical and psychiatric history and examination. This army defends your body
from infection and disease. Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder Alcohol use disorder is when your
drinking causes serious problems in your life, yet you keep drinking. The best people to talk to might
be a counselor, teacher, doctor. What are the typical causes of drug and alcohol addiction among
them?How are the young American people influenced to get addicted to alcohol or substance use.
Although the drinks pictured here are different sizes, each contains approximately the same amount
of alcohol and counts as a single standard drink. Some areas have housing options that provide a
supportive environment for those trying to stay sober. The ultimate outcome is complete freedom
from alcohol use and abuse, and in this case, this would lead to a successful outcome from his
surgery without complications. Don’t be surprised if you continue to have mixed feelings. Punitive
taxation - This is a common option used in many countries. As alcohol destroys the central nervous
system the drinker experiences impaired visual abilities, loss of pain perception, slow reactions,
impaired motor skills, altered perception of time and space and many others. Classroom distractions
have always been an ongoing battle for generations but when the distraction becomes an addiction
then even the most enjoyable portions of a person's life will be affected. This system works
constantly—every second of your life—delivering oxygen and nutrients to your cells, and carrying
away carbon dioxide and other unnecessary material. It may be necessary to place the hospitalized
client in a room near the nurses' station or where the staff can observe the client closely. In some
cases, surgery is necessary to relieve pain, clear blockages, and reduce attacks. Consider tracking and
analyzing your urges to drink for a couple of weeks. Disease conditions which are by definition
100% alcohol-attributable Table 3. In addition, recent animal studies have shown that as cells try to
break down alcohol, they cause the body to produce additional amounts of a protein called vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF). On the flip side, some people actually may benefit from drinking
alcohol in small quantities. This is alternately called a buffering effect, in the sense that protective
factors buffer a person from the impact of risk factors, or a resiliency effect, in the sense that
protective factors enable persons to be resilient in the face of pressures that otherwise would operate
to encourage substance use or abuse. Alcoholism and drug addiction in the workplace also causes
such employees to be prone to accidents. A few mild symptoms — which you might not see as
trouble signs — can signal the start of a drinking problem. This diagnosis is based on the apparent
increasing tolerance withdrawal symptoms, continued and increased use of alcohol despite the
damage to social relationships and work performance. Mental health problems, including depression
and anxiety 69). Introduction: Alcohol abuse and alcohol related disorders are very common in
clinical practice. They don’t make you sick if you do drink, unlike the older approved medication
(disulfiram) 40). Another liver condition associated with heavy drinking is fibrosis, which causes
scar tissue to build up in the liver. Chronic alcohol use also suppresses the development of T-cells
and may impair the ability of Natural Killer (NK) Cells to attack tumor cells. This can improve your
health and relationships with others. Therefore, the nursing management plan will have to be
designed which would take care of his problems during the course of his hospital management.

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