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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Crafting an Employment Law Research Paper

In the pursuit of academic excellence, students often find themselves grappling with the complexities
of writing a thesis, a task that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and articulate presentation
of ideas. One such formidable undertaking is the creation of an Employment Law Research Paper,
which demands a comprehensive understanding of legal intricacies and a mastery of academic
writing skills.

Crafting a thesis on employment law is a formidable challenge, as it necessitates a deep dive into the
ever-evolving landscape of employment legislation, case law, and scholarly perspectives. The
research process involves sifting through a vast array of legal precedents, statutes, and academic
literature to construct a nuanced and well-supported argument.

The complexity of employment law adds another layer of difficulty, as it encompasses a wide range
of topics such as discrimination, workplace safety, labor relations, and more. Navigating through this
intricate web of legal nuances requires a meticulous approach and a keen eye for detail.

Furthermore, the task of synthesizing information and presenting a coherent and compelling
argument can be overwhelming for many students. The need for clarity, precision, and logical flow
adds an additional layer of challenge to the already intricate process of thesis writing.

For those seeking assistance in tackling the hurdles associated with an Employment Law Research
Paper, consider exploring the services offered by ⇒ ⇔. This platform provides a
reliable and efficient solution for students looking to alleviate the burden of thesis writing. With a
team of experienced writers well-versed in the nuances of employment law, ⇒ ⇔
offers a professional and customized approach to crafting high-quality research papers.

In conclusion, writing an Employment Law Research Paper is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor.

Navigating through the complexities of legal frameworks and presenting a well-constructed argument
requires time, effort, and expertise. For those in need of support, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a
valuable resource, offering a helping hand in the journey towards academic success.
Academic papers in apa citation has general writing guidelines. Employers are not required to obtain
the approval of employees regarding the. Studybay is absolutely reliable, in fact, it's commonly used
by the students of the world's top universities. Anita Ghazi Rahman-Islam, N M Eftakharul Alam
Bhuiya and Pushpo. After initially drafting a motion to dismiss himself, opposing counsel filed an
opposition brief attempting to justify his client’s rights. After placing your order by submitting your
assignment instructions, make payments. Michalle E., Mor-Barak. Managing Diversity: Towards a
Globally Inclusive Workplace. In this case, the Circuit Court granted interim relief to two employees
of Lifeline Ambulance. The latter must correspond to the scientific project sections. The employees
won't be in so much risk, as they will be protected by the law. Equality Act of 2010 of the uk
legislation stipulates on issues of discrimination. Educators and educational administrators typically
use this writing for. There will be substantial overlap between these two Acts. Notwithstanding a
breach of contract, unfair dismissals occur if they do not fall under one of the six fair reasons
allowed by law. FCF is a new regulation in legal employment framework that will begin. The default
position in Ireland is that every data controller must register with the. Denny’s management also
restrained her from working in its restaurant due to her disability in spite of eagerness to resume to
work. Denny’s is claiming constantly that they practice a “zero-tolerance policy “especially for
discrimination. Susan was not given any prior notice and her demotion to the post of assistant head
of marketing clearly violated her terms and conditions of her contract of employment thus
compounding her claim of constructive dismissal with breach of contract that specifically states that
one cannot be change the terms of the contract that includes the designation, without giving
appropriate notice and reasons to the employee. Blathnaid has advised a variety of clients, including
large national and multinational. Deaf people had won the suit to recognize them as people of
autonomous culture and not as handicapped persons. The senior management cannot make an
employee a sacrificial goat for the failure of their strategies. In addition, the employer has no right to
ask for any health check or proof of fitness from the employee as it comes under the category of
discrimination. Data controllers must follow eight fundamental data protection rules. Denny’s
management acknowledged that though there was no practice or policy of discrimination at the
company, some customers did witness discrimination in some of their restaurants. Convening the
“chat” for the next day does not comply with the Code’s procedures. In the United States of
America, it is very convenient for an employer to terminate the employee without taking into
consideration any specific pre termination procedure. In an organization, to increase productivity it is
necessary to ensure that labor and capital are effectively used which is the responsibility of the
Management. This is where the writer lists all of the sources that were used in the research. The
employee shall have the right to ask questions, present evidence and raise points in regard to the
witness statements if any.
In the United States of America, it is very convenient for an employer to terminate the employee
without taking into consideration any specific pre termination procedure. To begin with, the
predominance of the contract of employment as a basis for identifying the employee’s status does
not take into account the relative inequality of bargaining power between the employee (the weaker
party) and the employer.8 These inequities compromise the extent to which the employee may
bargain for and obtain specific benefits under the contract of employment. Employees have been
accorded protection against such issues as redundancy claims, unfair conditions of working, and
unfair dismissal from work, employment tribunals and sick pay. It is necessary for a writer to make
sure to note every source for the paper. Starting a legal research business, therefore, may be a
lucrative endea. The interviewers dealt with a designated number of casual interviewers, the subject
matter of the case.25 On the facts of the case, each of the interviewers had access to the firm’s
Guide for interviewing. In majority of the cases, there is harassment charges mingled together with
retaliation charges. To settle a dispute including a redundancy situation, compromise or claim, the.
Plan to provide enough water to restore and maintain the environmental assets of the. Income from
non-Irish employment that is attributable to the performance in Ireland. In contrast to this wrong
opinion, it will save your time later when you start law research paper writing. Once the first draft is
ready, it is important to review it for errors and inconsistencies. The Regulations do make provisions
for transfer-related dismissals where the. Thus, by employing diverse employees will definitely fetch
prosperity to the business and helps to manage the language barriers by understanding the cultural
behaviors and societal variances. Ultimately, the degree of control over the worker and the level of
independence accorded the worker is more likely than not to determine the worker’s status more
than any other factor. In today’s world where unemployment benefits are increasingly requested and
human capital is becoming more and more competitive, the need for fortifying employee status is all
the more important. Irrespective of few continental countries, in UK employers cannot be forced to
get back the employee who have been dismissed or terminated (Perritt, 2006). Therefore, with this in
mind, it is vital to look at the pros and cons of each type of employment in order to see why this
paper supports wage employment. Employment law essay Module: Employment Law 894
Documents Students shared 894 documents in this course University: University of Law Info More
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document This is a preview Do you want full access. Employees have the right to insist on reasons
for dismissal in writing under section 92(1) of the Employment Rights Act 1996. (ERA) since a
written statement can serve as evidence in any subsequent Tribunal proceedings. As the result, 47
restaurants were owned and managed by a black company in 1994. (Kleifeld, 1994). In America, due
to existence of discrimination and class action rights, Latinos sued and won against Disney World
against it “English Only” policy. Thus, under English employment law, an employer has the implicit
duty of mutual confidence and trust. It is time-consuming, it requires perseverance, attention to
detail, and hard work. It is incumbent upon the employer to provide standard set of performance
documents prior to joining an employee in order to judge good or bad performance of an employee.
Daniel Ornstein, Peta-Anne Barrow and Kelly McMullon. Denny’s management also restrained her
from working in its restaurant due to her disability in spite of eagerness to resume to work. Clearly,
both sides intended to formulate contracts for services. In view of the above case laws, employers
like Denny’s Inc should not indulge in workplace discrimination else such business would be
prosecuted under “Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”. Source: An
action research paper documents a an action research paper documents a cycle of inquiry, in which
the writer evaluates a problem and develops a strategy of reform. There is no requirement to keep a
register of foreign workers, however. also drafts damages assessments, compiles verdict and settlement reports, and
offers other damage-related research. Attorneys, law firms and judges rely on sound research when
making legal arguments and deciding legal issues. Divide a sheet of paper in half using a vertical
line. Alsop, Ronald J. The 18 Immutable Laws of Corporate Reputation. The inadequacy of the
control test and the organisation test are manifestations of the fact that no set criteria can
satisfactorily determine employee status when one takes account of the modern commercial and
labour conditions. To present the material in a clear and comprehensible manner for the reader, each
section should begin with a heading and the purpose it is expected to pursue. Further, Denny’s also
finally fired her from the employment mainly due to her disability. No such notice was given to the
employee in this case and neither was she given any chance to defend herself. But in recent years
china seems to have become tech-savvy as well. So far only the Guide to the MDB Plan has been
released which resulted in such. Studybay is absolutely reliable, in fact, it's commonly used by the
students of the world's top universities. The Court noted that the First Amendment protects speech
that may be offensive or disturbing to some people, and that the government cannot censor speech
simply because it may lead to violence. The employees made a disclosure to the Revenue
Commissioners alleging that Lifeline. The Texas v. Johnson decision was a controversial one, and it
has been the subject of much debate and criticism over the years. The UK Equal Pay and Wages Act
1986 provide who is entitled to the Act by issuing a legal concept of who a “worker” is. Vivasa
2010, Coorong and Lower lakes and Murray Mouth, viewed 13 June 2011. There are set of laws
which govern the discrimination in employment in U.S.A. These laws are known as “Federal Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws.” The details of such laws are given below. For unfair
dismissal claims the award is made up of: the basic award (calculated based on your on age and
length of service), and a compensatory award, which has a maximum limit of ?58,400. It was agreed
between Melville Craig and Motorola that Melville would terminate Davidson’s tenure with
Motorola at the latter’s request. An action research paper documents a an action research paper
documents a cycle of inquiry, in which the writer evaluates a problem and develops a strategy of
reform. In majority of the cases, there is harassment charges mingled together with retaliation
charges. In case of notice period mentioned in the contract, a reasonable notice is a must though the
length of notice can vary according to circumstances and industry norms. However, an employer is
required to give a statutory minimum period of notice i.e one week’s notice if the employee has
worked continuously for one month or more but less than two years. Under Title I, an employer is
under obligation to make a rational accommodation to the known physical disability of a qualified
employee or applicant if it would not inflict an “unwarranted suffering” on the management of its
business. The ability to write accurately and effectively is equally as important as research skills. Law
Review includes 48 country-specific chapters that detail the legal environment and. Advertising via
the job bank will make it possible for MOM to carry out. On 23 June 2016, Britain voted out of the
European Union (Brexit). Subject to. As the result, 47 restaurants were owned and managed by a
black company in 1994. (Kleifeld, 1994). In America, due to existence of discrimination and class
action rights, Latinos sued and won against Disney World against it “English Only” policy. Yet,
most attorneys infrequently engage in multijurisdictional practice, preferring instead to focus on local
matters. The Protection of Employment Act 1977 must be complied with when an employer intends.
John Gabriel in his comparative study of McDonald’s U.K with that of McDonald U.S refers not
only the existence of affirmative action legislations in the U.S.A as a basic distinguishing element,
accounting for the greater number of minority franchises than in U.K. (Yudice 179). The law
recognizes several instances of employee dismissal as unfair and unjustified. The works cited is the
next part of the research paper. In today’s world where capital and humans beings are increasingly
mobile, there is indeed a thing line between perceptions of contracts for service and contracts of
service. If the reader without knowledge in this particular area understands the paper when reading
only the topic sentence, the mission of the author is accomplished. An examination found that British
Cycling specialized executive Shane Sutton, who had just left the body, had utilized misogynist
language. In a diversified workplace, all employees will speak one analogous language of business,
profitability and return on investment. (Reyes 2008). The researchers will need their findings to
deconstruct and analyze the subject comprehensively. The ACAS code is thus applicable as Shula
had already come to the conclusion Jas was “incompetent” and dismissed without any investigation
or meaningful disciplinary procedure. In addition, there should be reportage of equality based on
procedures and policies designed by the employer so that there is no more reason for any kind of
discrimination. Basic Award involves calculation with reference to salary, age, length of service
subject to a maximum award of ? 11,400 with effect from 1 February 2010. It is not quite known
what to expect once Brexit actually happens. This paper provides a synopsis in three laws that are
related to. This research aims to evaluate and present The UK Employment Rights Act 1996. In
simple terms, an employee is redundant in a working environment when the company or work place
closes down or when the activity that the employee was required for stops and therefore the work
place is not in need of the services of that particular worker anymore. In Motorola Davidson was
outsourced by Melville Craig, an employment agency to Motorola. The employees won't be in so
much risk, as they will be protected by the law. The Equality Officer did find that if an employer is
not in a position to have these. HR practices as well involve rights and activities that are protected
by. For gross misconduct, the employer has not given the prescribed notice periods before dismissals.
Therefore the claimant brought a claim according to section 98 Employment Rights Act 1996, direct
sex discrimination following section 13 Equality Act 2010 and victimization according to section 27
of the Equality Act 2010, and unlawful detriment for having made protected disclosures following
section 47B Employment Rights Act 1996. The DPAs define sensitive personal data as including
data concerning racial or ethnic origin. The default position in Ireland is that every data controller
must register with the. Academic papers in apa citation has general writing guidelines. Attorneys,
law firms and judges rely on sound research when making legal arguments and deciding legal issues.
Employment Rights Act 1996 C 18 FindLaw.UK. (n.d.). Unfair Dismissals FAQs. The paper is based
on extensive research of a particular problem; A research paper is usually longer than other written
assignments; Citation rules in particular are very important, for example, an apa research paper
format. The upper age limit in terms of ill-treatment of employees by dismissing them or reducing the
strength is eradicated by the Equality Act. Additionally, it is recommended that employers consider
what other terms might. For instance, in Denny’s settlement with NAACP, which required Denny’s
should offer 54 of its future restaurants on franchise to minorities by 1997.

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