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Author - Amarjyot Singh Bedi

Author - Amarjyot Singh Bedi

Asymmetrical Face

If you have an asymmetrical face or

your face is Lopsided, you are at the
right place. A lot of people think that
fixing an asymmetrical face is
impossible because they heard so. But
it's the complete opposite, fixing an
asymmetrical face is easier than it
looks. It's just that it takes a lot of time.

I'm saying this because I have myself

gone through this stage already and I
have seen unexplainable results, but it
took about 4-6 months.
I'm providing you the images too so
you can see and believe it for yourself.

Author - Amarjyot Singh Bedi

This is how I looked 3 years ago.

Everything in this pic looks odd, my
jaw, eyes, eyebrows, they all look kind
of uneven and asymmetrical. But now
let's look at how I look now.

Author - Amarjyot Singh Bedi

This. My jaw is a lot more defined, my

eyes and eyebrows are no longer uneven
and I can confidently say that my face is
no longer asymmetrical. You getting Kind
of excited? Yeh I get too whenever I
know I'm going to improve now lol.

Author - Amarjyot Singh Bedi

I was able to do this just by fixing one

small mistake, yes just one, and that was
sleeping on the side of my face. I was
always a side sleeper and that is single
handedly the only reason for my
Asymmetrical Face. I started seeing
results as soon as the first month after I
started sleeping on my back while
continuously mewing. Another reason for
asymmetrical Face is chewing on just one
side of your jaw.

Not just this fixed my asymmetry, it also

helped me fixing the posture of my spine
and even accompanied in helping me
mewing throughout the night without any
problem. And yes, mewing also played an
important role in helping me speeding up
this process.

Author - Amarjyot Singh Bedi

If you’re wondering that is it possible

to fix your asymmetry in less time, yes
it is. You can fix your asymmetry in
literally just a month. I did that too.

So, if you want to know how to solve

asymmetrical face within a month
permanenly without waiting for an
year, everything about mewing, how to
perform it correctly, how to get hollow
cheeks using mewing and want to get a
detailed explanation for every part of
your face and how to improve it, you
can get my LOOKSMAXXING eBook
Right here-

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