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CELTA Online Unit 17 Task 8: Coursebook Task

1. What is the real-life task?

2. Which activity gives the students an opportunity to listen to a model?

3. What language does the book think students will need to complete the task?

4. In which activity do the students perform the task?

Your Response
1. The real-life task is deciding who is coming to dinner, which is a common social situation and requires
communication skills.

2. The activity that gives students an opportunity to listen to a model is the "listening" activity. In this
part of the task, students listen to a conversation or dialogue to understand how native speakers
communicate in such situations.

3. The language that the book thinks students will need to complete the task includes vocabulary and
expressions related to making arrangements and plans, such as "I'll be there by 7," "What time should
we meet?", "Can I bring anything?", etc. These phrases are listed under "Useful language" in the

4. The activity where students perform the task is the "speaking" activity. In this part, students work in
pairs or groups and use the language they have learned to make arrangements and plans for a dinner or
social event.

Suggested Response
1. The real-life task is to make a list of possible guests for a dinner party and draw up a seating plan for
the dinner party.

2. In Preparation: Listening 2 the students listen to six people making suggestions about guests they
would invite.

3. The book has a Useful Language Box which includes ways of explaining your list, agreeing and
discussing the seating plan which students will need to complete the task.

4. In Task: Speaking the students have time to prepare for the task in exercise 1. In exercise 2 they work
in groups to complete the first part of the task; choosing the guests. The next exercise where students
decide on the seating plan is the second part of the task. The final exercise 4 is where students report
back to other groups on their guest list and seating plan.

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