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Laila Boudali

Mrs Thrasher Chenot

mars 24, y

Writing prompt 3
Prompt 1:

Another Friday night spent watching Hallmark movies and drinking cheap fruit flavored
wine. What else would I be doing ? The most productive thing I’ve done this week is folding the
laundry that’s been sitting in my basket for days.
Dring !
Startled, I dropped the remote I was holding and searched for my phone. Who would call
me at 11pm on a Friday night ? Everyone I knew was either partying or already fast asleep.
“Hello ?”
“Hey, is this Laila ?” I did not recognize the number, yet the voice sounded somewhat fa-
“Yes, who am I speaking to ?”
I heard a chuckle, as if the speaker was embarrassed.
“Of course, um, I’m Sebastian Stan ?”
His answer stunned me. Before I could answer, he continued:
“I know it may surprise you, but I actually got the letter you sent to my agent, about joining
my publicist’s team. I thought I would call you to talk a little bit before we decide on your appli-
Of course, the letter I sent! I suddenly remembered the lost bet with my friend, where I had
to send my resume to my favorite celebrities and see if I’d ever get a response. I knew it was a
long shot and that’s why I completely forgot about it. How could I have ever imagined that i’d be
receiving a call from one of them ?

Apparently, Sebastian took my silence for some sort of refusal, because he hastily said
(trouve un autre mot que say):
“Is this a bad timing ? of course it’s a bad timing, it’s the weekend and i’m calling at night.
Would you want me to call at another time ?”
“No don’t worry! I wasn’t doing anything! I’m just surprised I actually got a call back from
one of my applications!” The timing was probably the least of my concerns right now.
“Well, I just wanted to tell you that I’m very interested in your profile. And you said that it
would be your first big gig? I’m all for giving a chance to smaller publicists rather than hiring so-
meone who would dictate every single one of my actions and decision. If that’s the way you like
to work of course.”
“Absolutely !” I answered. This was essentially a job interview. I needed to act professio-
nal and try not to spill the glass of wine that I was nervously balancing on my leg.
“I practically know everything that I need professionally speaking, I just want to get to
know you to see if this relationship would work. So tell me, what do you like to do on your free
I was not sure what he expected me to answer to that. Normally, I would get an interview
with the agent, and I would feel more at ease. I’ve never had to deal with the client in person !
Well, not really in person, but it was close enough.
“And don’t feel like you have to sift through your answers! The more chaotic you are, the
more likely I will probably identify to you.”
I could not help but laugh. I doubt his other publicists would want him to say such things
about himself.
“Alright, well. I think you would appreciate what I have to say then! I’d like to say that I
have a great schedule that I always respect, but that would be complete bullshit. I tend to leave
everything at the last minute, and try to get as many things as possible once I realize the deadline
is a few hours away. Of course that only concerns me. I would never let that happen once we
work together.”
Where did that confidence come from ? He seemed to like it, as I heard him chuckle once

“And she’s confident as well! You should have written that in your qualities, I would have
believed it. Okey, let’s try a scenario then. I have this new movie and my PR is asking me to date
my co-star to create more fuss about the movie. What would you do if you were me ?”
“ I would absolutely flip them off. I always thought that this whole dating the co-star was
completely stupid. Plus, it’s 2021. If you do that, people will obviously debunk the rumors. No
one buys that anymore. If you want to make people talk about your movie, social media is al-
ways the way to go. These days, Tik Tok is more popular than ever. A trend relating to the movie
on Tik Tok would no doubt go viral and have more impact than a dumb publicity stunt which
hasn’t been believable since Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson broke up.”
I stopped talking, gasping for air. I spoke way too fast, and I needed to catch a breath. I
hope he didn’t mistake my eagerness for desperation.
“Okay ! That was a mouthful.” Another chuckle. “I’m glad you think PR stunts are over
and done with. I guess I just have one more question: It may come as narcissistic and self-cente-
red, but I had to ask. What’s your favorite project of mine ?”
“It may sound cliché, but I really loved your performance as the Winter Soldier. Everyone
was finally able to see the acting abilities you’ve had for a long time now. I’m so proud that you
are finally getting the recognition you deserve ! That’s why that role is so important to me.”
“That’s so nice of you to say ! I must say it was really fun to play the bad guy in the first
movies and then get a redeeming arc. I’m telling you, we’re on the same page! I’m so happy I
called you”
I was able to hear genuine joy in his voice and it warmed my heart. He seemed to be such a
sweet guy ! I really hope this turns out to be more than a simple phone call.
“Alright, I’m not going to keep you any longer, I’m already afraid I jeopardized your wee-
kend plans.”
“Are you kidding me? I’m already halfway through my first bottle of wine and the movie
has barely started. You’re my first and probably last interaction of the day. It’s you whom i’m
worried about. No fancy dinner with fancy co-stars ?”
“I’m so disappointed in you”, he let out with a dramatic sigh. “I thought we agreed on the
fact that we’re very similar. In fact, I was just waiting to make this professional phone call before
cracking open my Don Julio. I wouldn’t want to slur on my words while trying to get you to
work with me.”

Another laugh escaped my lips. How can such a successful man be so down to earth and
comfortable to talk to ? I knew he was a humble guy but he exceeded my expectations. That’s
why I got the courage to ask for a meeting.
“So would you like to meet me for a coffee? So we can discuss the job and our questio-
nable life choices ?” I asked.
“Is it really questionable if we’re happy this way ? I don’t think so, I would not trade my
evening for the world. And I would love to meet you, is tomorrow okay ? I guess i’m just going
to keep ruining your week-end.”
“Trust me, at this point you can only improve it.”
After settling the details about tomorrow, he hung up and I was only left to reflect on what
just happened. It seemed like a blur, like a vague memory of a long lost vacation. Was my wine
spiked ? I pinched myself to make sure I was not dreaming and sat back down on my couch. I
guess I worked for Sebastian Stan now. I could think of a few worse jobs.


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