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So that’s quite a big shift that’s taken place over the last 20 years.” While working on Haskell, Simon
has also been responsive to this shift in Microsoft’s culture and has worked, and still works, on
Excel, Microsoft’s biggest selling product. The centre will also develop an A level programme to
better prepare A level students for further study and employment in digital roles. School Standards
Minister Nick Gibb said: “This appointment reflects the Government’s determination to make sure
pupils are computer literate and versed in the fundamentals of computer science and computer
programming. “Professor Peyton Jones brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role. He
says: “I was pretty clear, that if they were going to hire me, it was because I was going to carry on
doing this research, that’s what I wanted to do. Prior to that I was a researcher at Microsoft Research
Cambridge (1998-2022), and a professor at Glasgow University (1990-1998). Simon adds: “We had
a far larger effect on education at school than we ever thought possible. TELP: 0812-3252-2251
(WA), Perusahaan Penual Briket Arang Batok Kelapa Sukoharjo PABRIK. The very the first thing
you do when you start writing Haskell programs, you start writing type declarations for data types
and types or functions, and that is a kind of design language or modeling language that enables you
to think about the main pieces of your program, and the data flows, and what goes from from here
to there. And that eventually turned into a research paper, as it happened. He adds: “So, you’re
seeing a lot of technology crossover.” He also explains that immutability is also “showing up
everywhere”, referencing Pat Helland’s paper, entitled, Immutability Changes Everything. In this
case, it’s “how do we turn that aspirational idea into a tangible and living reality in every classroom
in the land?” And that is a big challenge because while teachers are willing and committed and
hardworking and able, they’re by and large not qualified in computer science. But because it would
be transformational, I think it’s worth investing in, I’m just not holding my breath. Because many of
us have children and want to see them succeed. So, it took me a while, and indeed some mentorship
from some of my colleagues and from David Turner, to get started on something concrete.” He spent
the first few years on functional programming research before taking the advice of his colleague John
Washbrook to “just get started on something.” With this in mind, Simon experimented with SK
combinators, built parser generator targeting functional languages, and little compilers. But because
knowing some elementary principles about the physical or chemical or biological or digital world that
surrounds them will make them more empowered, better-informed citizens. Simon adds: “That’s very
motivating for computer scientists, because there’s nothing that we want more than to see our work
used in practice, but it is more focused. Enter your e-mail Accept Privacy notice Accept Privacy
notice Subscribe Past and Present of Haskell: Interview with Simon Peyton Jones Interview with
Simon Peyton Jones More from Serokell Developing GHC for a Living: Interview with Vladislav
Zavialov What is it like to work on GHC, the state-of-the-art open source Haskell compiler. That’s a
great privilege and blessing.” Christianity As a Christian, Simon contributed to a book, Cybernauts
Awake. But having the tenacity to stay there for long enough to start to grow and get more useful.
For example, there is some research on reversible computing and quantum computing and stuff like
this. It’s more like, everybody’s used a spreadsheet, and in a spreadsheet cell, you say, “Here is a
formula that gives the value of a cell.” And you compute the value of a whole spreadsheet full of
cells by computing each cell, perhaps one at a time, perhaps in parallel, but in data dependency order.
Also, Haskell has many annotations, bang patterns and seq, and so forth that let you force the
compiler to use call by value. Well one thing I might do is explore the tree of possible moves. I just
thought, I’m reading a lot of papers, I’m reviewing a lot of papers, and some quite simple ideas, I
feel, could make them a lot better. First, there’s a tension between a language and a compiler that is a
laboratory for exploring the bleeding edge of what it means to be a good programming language and,
particularly, what it means to be a good functional programming language. Being a head of
department or head of a planning unit is part of creating an environment in which your colleagues,
who you love and cherish, can grow and flourish and that’s rewarding in its own way.” After seven
years at Glasgow, Simon spent a sabbatical year working alongside John Launchbury and Mark
Jones, at the Oregon Graduate Institute. Simon explains that it was a random meeting with the
owner, Nicholas Beale, that led him to the role of principal software engineer. In particular, much of
his work is focused around the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, and its ramifications. It has turned out to
be much more rewarding than I expected, and I hope to share some of that excitement in my talk.
Read this post to learn what features Vladislav implemented in 2019 and what he has to say about
the challenges of contributing to GHC.
Just think of a function like “if,” a conditional, where you don’t want to evaluate both the “then”
branch and the “else” branch. Microsoft Research In September 1998 Simon started at Microsoft
Research using his experience and passion for functional programming and Haskell. What would that
be good for?” At first, we just thought it was cool. And in functional programming that’s particularly
true. So we need to find formalisms that we can write down rigorously what a program means. So, I
tried to give you a sense for what got me excited about it. Haskell’s laziness made it impossible for
us to contemplate impurity. It isn’t and should not be that intimidating, and I feel apologetic when it
is, and if anybody’s feeling bruised by this, come and talk about it specifically, about the process,
and say I’m finding this a bit difficult, what can we do. So, it took me a while, and indeed some
mentorship from some of my colleagues and from David Turner, to get started on something
concrete.” He spent the first few years on functional programming research before taking the advice
of his colleague John Washbrook to “just get started on something.” With this in mind, Simon
experimented with SK combinators, built parser generator targeting functional languages, and little
compilers. And this duality is very immediate in functional programming. Most of them share the
fate of an early death, with only 1 or 2 at the memorial service. And I, being able to do that, both at
university for about 15 years, 17 years, and then subsequently at Microsoft for rather longer now,
actually. What does it mean to compute something?” And he designed this thing that we now call the
Turing Machine that was a very much step-at-a-time, do this, do this. And some of these evaluation
orders, called Normal Order, naturally led to lazy evaluation. And it would do so consistently and
reliably, day after day, on program after program after program. It’s pretty exciting: I will sketch the
context and describe our progress. You name it, they’re mostly imperative programming languages. I
want to say that somehow, the changes to the surface language are superficial. He says: “I think it
will continue to be increasingly influential. The intersection of education and computer science is a
very rich area at the moment. Every lazy language, well, certainly Haskell, has a lot of support for
strictness, and strict functional languages like ML or OCaml typically have support for laziness as
well. Because many of us have children and want to see them succeed. So, if you can compute
something with a Turing machine, you can compute it with a lambda calculus, and vice versa. Simon
continues: “Excel is one of Microsoft’s longer-standing and most profitable products and yet, I’m
happy to say, that there is a real hotbed of innovation in there. And also, that it’s so complicated, it’s
not surprising if it goes wrong occasionally. In partnership with an ed-tech startup (Eedi) we now
have hundreds of millions of data points and are beginning to apply both statistics (Rasch analysis)
and machine learning (variational autoencoders) to distilling insights from this data. But I did have
hold of one idea, this functional programming idea. At the moment, it is still moving quite nimbly,
you know, we had a lot of discussion about Dependent Haskell, linear types got in recently, so there’s
a lot going on at the moment. But also, for computer scientists or people thinking about, is this a
field I’d like to be interested in. He explains: “Computing people communicate a lot by email, or
bulletin boards.
Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. That is, anything you could do with the
Turing Machine you could do with Lambda Calculus and vice versa. Or should we instead spend a
lot of time showing programs and saying please explain to your neighbor how this works. It was like,
we felt as if we were at the bottom of a deep well, you know, shouting up towards the daylight,
“Computer science is important, you know?” We got lucky. Well, it’s called computer science, and
who would know about that. In computer science, novelty has no value in and of itself. The same for
contemporary architects and engineers; the artefacts that they build are tangible: we can see them, we
can touch them, we can inhabit them. But there’s no notion of “open a valve” or “launch the
missiles” or “print something.” You can’t do that in the middle of a formula. And in the end, it turns
out, very surprisingly, that these two notions of computation were the same. This year Microsoft
released a version of Excel that has so-called dynamic arrays, in which arrays have become much
more first-class values. So, usually, we would have to generate and prune at the same time. I was in
shock for the whole of the first year.” In his third year, Simon switched to electrical sciences, a final
year course, run by the engineering department. In this case, it’s “how do we turn that aspirational
idea into a tangible and living reality in every classroom in the land?” And that is a big challenge
because while teachers are willing and committed and hardworking and able, they’re by and large
not qualified in computer science. I had no PhD. I did have one paper to my name, but that was all,
and I got a permanent lectureship at UCL, which is a front-rank computer science department.
Programming is one of the most creative disciplines in the world. So, the wonderful thing about
computer science is you can start almost anything, it’ll turn into something interesting. In lazy
functional programming, you would instead, not evaluate the arguments; instead you pass to the
function a kind of heap allocated recipe which when poked on will evaluate the argument.” He calls
it a tactic that means you do less work but may have higher overheads as you go along. Haskell has a
very large concrete syntax and so, correspondingly, has a large abstract syntax, that is the internal
data type that describes Haskell programs after you’ve passed them has dozens of data types and
hundreds of constructors and GHC then, during its renaming and type checking phase, decorates
this tree with lots of additional stuff: types and scopes, and all sorts of extra stuff get gets added
onto the tree. Then, subsequently I developed a talk about how to write a research paper, which has
been extremely popular. The revelation for me was that, functional programming was an radical and
elegant attack on the entire enterprise of programming. Rather than just being, “Well, let’s just try
doing this a slightly different way,” it’s like saying, “Let’s just attack programming from a
completely different direction.” Moreover, it’s very close to mathematics. If you’re working in less
marketable or less commercially viable things, you may have trouble getting somebody to pay you to
do the things you really want to do, but in computing, you can probably find a way to get somebody
to pay you to do the thing that your heart really leads you to. And I don’t think anybody has a
monopoly on truth here. And if you look back a long way, as you said it does all date to Alonzo
Church and Alan Turing, to pick just two giants from the literature. Source language we compile it
into a small, intermediate language that we will then transform, optimize, transform and optimize,
and then finally spit out machine code. Well one thing I might do is explore the tree of possible
moves. So, to return to your question then about theory and practice, nevertheless, it’s much more
fun if theory and practice live quite close together. And his classic example was this: supposing I’m
writing a program to play chess. He explains: “For me, one of the biggest challenges is a terribly
mundane one. But for a programming language to succeed in being useful to anybody, the language
and the compiler has to exist within a much larger ecosystem of tools and libraries.
There are a lot of different approaches to how you go about teaching. He has written two textbooks
about the implementation of functional languages. So, you can write a function that might evaluate
one or other but not both of its arguments. So, at first it was just an amazingly clever and elegant
thing. I wouldn’t say that programming languages tend to arise specifically from academics having
clever ideas about what a language design might look like. Could you talk about that a little bit and
why that was important to you and how that came about, that you became a video star on YouTube.
So, we were unexpectedly successful and we started in 2007-08. And in the end, it turns out, very
surprisingly, that these two notions of computation were the same. This year Microsoft released a
version of Excel that has so-called dynamic arrays, in which arrays have become much more first-
class values. Very significant changes happen to many proposals in the process. And this duality is
very immediate in functional programming. He is also chair of Computing at School, the grassroots
organisation that was at the centre of the 2014 reform of the computing curriculum, which has a
membership of over 30,000 computing teachers and academics. Even at this stage, he knew that
computing would not just be a hobby but “the ultimate destination” for him. A consortium made up
of STEM Learning, British Computer Society (BCS) and the Raspberry Pi Foundation are delivering
the work of the NCCE, backed by up to ?84 million of government funding. After seven years at
UCL, firstly as a lecturer and then a senior lecturer, Simon decided to move to Glasgow University.
He adds: “But more interestingly, it turns out that it gives you a new form of modularity and at the
time, it was kind of cool, and it linked in a very principled way to something called normal order of
evaluation for lambda calculus. It probably will start to become of direct utility, but I think it’ll
probably be in fairly specialized applications. And when we look at other structures they seem
enormous to our eyes, but people don’t usually see the millions of lines of code behind a very small
thing like a search engine box. He says: “My soundbite summary is this; when the limestone of
imperative programming has worn away, the granite of functional programming will be revealed
underneath. He explains: “Computing people communicate a lot by email, or bulletin boards. And
that gives you a new form of modularity.” So, that was really an interesting idea that’s worked out
exactly that way. He says: “I also do quite a bit of work now on Excel because it is the world’s most
widely used functional programming language, but it’s such a frustratingly weak language, and it’s
easy to see things that you could do to make Excel much, much better.” Simon published papers
fifteen years ago which suggested adding user-defined functions and arrays as first-class values. And
so, we manage the complexity of these gigantic systems by building abstractions. Where you can
create completely new things that nobody has ever built before. You’re in the Programming
Principles and Tools group at Microsoft Research in Cambridge. After two years in industry, he spent
seven years as a lecturer at University College London, and nine years as a professor at Glasgow
University, before moving to Microsoft Research (Cambridge) in 1998. He describes it as “populated
almost entirely by refugee mathematicians and physicists.” He graduated with a first-class honours
degree. At the moment, it is still moving quite nimbly, you know, we had a lot of discussion about
Dependent Haskell, linear types got in recently, so there’s a lot going on at the moment. Simon's main
research interest is in functional programming languages, their implementation, and their application.
Please find the bug and explain what’s wrong and fix it.
If cell A1 depends on cell B3, you must compute cell B3 first, and then A1. Simon’s contribution
has been to design and build programming languages that we as programmers use to write our
software. Simon enjoyed his days at Cambridge, working hard on his course, socialising and
building and programming computers with his friends until late in the night. A consortium made up
of STEM Learning, British Computer Society (BCS) and the Raspberry Pi Foundation are delivering
the work of the NCCE, backed by up to ?84 million of government funding. He says: “I was the sort
of principal software engineer really, but I also did quite a lot of hardware design and debugging.
Partly because it’s obviously too elitist, but also because it just makes too much of a bottleneck. By
submitting this form you agree that your data will be processed according to our Privacy Policy. The
very the first thing you do when you start writing Haskell programs, you start writing type
declarations for data types and types or functions, and that is a kind of design language or modeling
language that enables you to think about the main pieces of your program, and the data flows, and
what goes from from here to there. The fundamental idea that my doctor should have access to
records that the hospital has and vice versa. That’s a great privilege and blessing.” Christianity As a
Christian, Simon contributed to a book, Cybernauts Awake. He says that this faith has not directly
influenced his research, but has influenced his attitudes, in particular when interacting with other
people, ensuring that he treats people with dignity and respect. Good and Bad Career Decisions
Simon explains that much of what he chose to do was happenstance, from leaving Beale Electronics
to moving into academia, choosing functional programming and focusing on it because he enjoyed it
when introduced to it by Arthur Norman, and moving to Microsoft Research, which has given him
the freedom to pursue his work. For both audiences, Simon has managed to create enthusiasm,
engagement and commitment for the subject that is rare in our discipline. Even at this stage, he knew
that computing would not just be a hobby but “the ultimate destination” for him. By which I mean,
in a call-by value functional language like ML or Lisp, if you wanted to print something it was too
tempting to have a function, in quotes, which, when you call it, would print something as a side
effect. I mean it’s another big part of what programming language people are interested in, right. It
used to be, one man and his workstation; now it’s more project teams of researchers working
together, usually closely aligned with product groups, to get some deep research into some
production, into production essentially. Phil Wadler wrote this wonderful paper comprehending
monads in which he described monads as a programming idiom. The National Centre will operate
virtually through a national network of up to 40 school-led Computing Hubs to provide training and
resources to primary and secondary schools, and an intensive training programme for secondary
teachers without a post A-Level qualification in computer science. Very significant changes happen
to many proposals in the process. But, although they were equally powerful, in the sense of, what can
you, in principle, do. So, I tried to give you a sense for what got me excited about it. That’s what
brought that particular group of people together, what we thought was exciting and cool. He says:
“When we started Computing at School, it was a kind of guerrilla group of individuals who just
thought the school curriculum in ICT should be reformed in some way.” The group now has over
30,000 members and was deeply involved in the new computing curriculum which was launched by
the Government in 2014. And you build another library on top of that and another library on top of
that. I often say that when the limestone of imperative programming is worn away, the granite of
functional programming will be revealed underneath. School Standards Minister Nick Gibb said:
“This appointment reflects the Government’s determination to make sure pupils are computer literate
and versed in the fundamentals of computer science and computer programming. “Professor Peyton
Jones brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role. This revolution is taking place in our
core expertise, in within yards of our front doors. And he discovered this tiny language in which
expression rewrites could also, apparently, model computation. He was a key contributor to the
design of the now-standard functional language Haskell, and is the lead designer of the widely-used
Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC).

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