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Minecraft is the best-selling game in the world, that's a fact.

It has just passed three hundred million copies sold without counting

all the people who plays on cracked account .

It remains the last few years the first source of view on YouTube in

terms of video games.

Anyway, it's one of the most popular video game in the world, if it isn't already
the case.

Now let's talk about another topic, totally different but not so foreign

to my channel.

Tens of videos about manga and anime universe,

Without talking about one of the most known of them, if it isn't

the most known.

I'm obviously talking about the G.O.A.T One Piece.

So what would happen if we mix One Piece, one of the

most famous artwork with Minecraft, one of the most

popular video game in the world, it would give this.

In this video I will discover a totally different version of Minecraft,

retracing a part of One Piece's storyline in the order, and this

without any modpacks.

If you also wanna try this adventure, the server is still open,

so go for it and don't forget to subscribe to the channel, it helps me a lot

and you can change your mind later.

The Day 1 is the most important day of the adventure .

Because, once connected to the server, I already had to choose

my crew.

I had the choice between Pirates, Marines and Revolutionaries, each

have different advantages.

The players that picked Pirates, will get a bonus of 10% of strength and

10% of resistance

Handy for tackling the bosses awaiting us.

The Marines only have 10% of bonus strength and also

has an additional life bonus.

And the Revolutionaries have a bonus of 10% of Resistance with a bonus of Power
with a

bonus of, that matches with the orange bar that we can see


This orange bar corresponds in some way to our mana, which can be consumed

when using devil fruits, and it goes up by itself


In short, I have a crucial choice to make right from the start.

Well, if you can call it a choice.

We will obviously go for Pirates, of course we all are gonna take

Pirates on our side.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention:

I played this adventure with multiple friends.

We all started from nothing and gonna try to progress together like

a real crew.

You might ask, what is the goal ?

There is a kind of

adventure mode, which you will unlock islands little by little,

representing all One Piece's arcs.

In first place, we unlocked Fuschia Town , obviously, that's the beggining.

But if we take it one step at a time in the quests, we can unlock the next islands

Orange Town, the Batarie, Arabasta, Skypiea and then

everything else.

You got it, for each island, there are plenty of quests to complete.

And it's only by completing these quests that we will progress

in the game.

These quests allows you to upgrade your rank and by upgrade your rank, we will
progress in the islands

It's pretty well done, you'll see.

So the first step, you need to complete the tutorial.

These are the quests shown on the right of the screen, which will earn us

rewards everytime, like that, money .

This money, we can see on top of the screen, here.

And take note of this, because money is really important in this


But well, you'll see it often, because people have been spamming me with

money donations.

We can also see our bounty here, and additional information like the island

where I am, by example.

Kill 5 brigands, so let's follow

the arrow that will get us where we need to go.

However, the things that they give me, I have no clue of what it is.

However my life is already going down pretty fast.

Plus, since everyone will be starting at the same time, i'm pretty sure that it's
gonna be hard

for finding mobs,I'm gonna try to not die right from the start how nice it would be

Yeah, I already really low in health, I only have 5HP, I'm already gonna die

Wait, No I have 2HP ! Leave me alone ! I'm already gonna die

that's crazy tho, I'm already gonna die after ten seconds, or am I dreaming?

I would like to finish the quest, to kill the brigands, because we are not here for

There, so I've finished the quest, perfect. So now what ?

"Open a chest", what's that, another thing from the tutorial

So these are the chests, if I have understood correctly, that's it ?

Oh, it's a sort of "lootbox" that you can get, so I have a Knowledge Bottle

Job's experience increased by 30% for 20 minutes.

Ah, so by example the success

of "going level 3 Traveler", it would be interesting to drink

Knowledge Booster for example.

I have to do the island's successes,

So the first day was pretty simple, consisting solely

of the first tutorial quests.

But now the real adventure will begin.

To unlock the nex island,I've got 9 quests to complete.

Some are quite simple, like the first one, get 32 wheat,

and there's others, they're a little more difficult.

Each series of quests usually ends with a boss,

a character from One Piece.

By example on this island, the last success will be to fight and defeat


He's literally the first antagonist of the manga.

Some of the bosses are really hard, you will see.

And it's pretty easy to lose a fight if you aren't prepared enough.

The thing is, to summon the boss, to try defeating him,

you will need a certain number of ressources.

By example here for Higuma, you will need 32 bottles of sake

that we get from killing the bandits.

We also need 10k berries, that we get from completing quests.

And finally we also need 1.5k of scrap.

And now I have to explain something pretty important.

So here, you can see it, this is my normal money.

But in addition to this money, each island

has it own money.

This special money, you can get it from killing the mobs from the island,

by example thoses bandits.

And this is the scrap.

So watch out, because each islands has it own money.

On the next one, it will not be scrap anymore but something else,

although the principle will be exactly the same.

This money is particulary used to summon bosses,but also

to complete other quests, you will quickly understand.

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