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Nama : Rahma Ayu Nafada Sufyan

NIM : P17110233082
Kelas : 1B/D-3 Gizi

In general, the data from Riskesdas 2018 for Gorontalo Province highlights a concerning trend
in terms of overweight and obesity across different age groups. Among infants and toddlers, the
prevalence of overweight stands at 3.91%. Moving into the 5-12 age range, we observe a notable
increase with a total of 13.77% being either overweight or obese. This trend persists through
adolescence, with 13-15 year-olds showing a combined rate of 12.31%, and 16-18 year-olds at
12.37%. The most significant spike, however, is seen in the adult population, where a staggering
39.12% fall under the category of either overweight or obese. These figures underscore the pressing
need for comprehensive public health initiatives targeting Gorontalo Province to combat this
escalating health concern.

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