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Plan de Trabajo Final del Curso

TEMA The impact of textile production and
: waste on the environment

Recognize and comment the benefits of Electrical Installation and

Maintenance. Use the Simple Present, Modals, Technical
Vocabulary and Should.


El participante, utilizando ayuda audiovisual (PPT, video, etc.) será

capaz de identificar y describir el impacto de como los residuos
textiles producen una crisis ambiental en la actualidad, utilizando un
vocabulario apropiado al nivel de aprendizaje requerido en su carrera
(The Simple Present Tense, Modals, Technical Vocabulary, Should).

1 Meaning of environmental crisis.
Briefly description of the causes and consequences of the
environmental crisis.
3 What is the impact of the clothes we wear?
4 What is textile waste and how to reduce it?
5 What is the role of society about this problem?
as 1. Present Simple
2. Modals

3. Technical Vocabulary

4. Should


1 HERRAMIENTAS / INSTRUMENTOS: brainstorming, noteblock

and active listening

2 MÁQUINAS / EQUIPOS: computers and cell phones


Oxford Reference (2023). Environmental Crisis.
Lemos De la Cruz, J. E. & Rodriguez Otalora, J. A. (2017). La
crisis ambiental y la técnica: oportunidad para un cambio en la
1 relación entre contabilidad y naturaleza. Libre Empresa, 14(2),
Caruso, S. A. (2018). Crisis Ambiental, Pensamiento
Ambientalista y Creación de Áreas Naturales Protegidas en
Argentina [Tesis de Maestría, Universidad de Buenos Aires].

Reynosa Navarro, E. (2015). Crisis ambiental global. Causas,

consecuencias y soluciones prácticas.
Unitips (8 abril 2022). Problemas del deterioro ambiental: causas y
consecuencias. Blog de Unitips.
Significados. (2022). Causas y consecuencias de la contaminación

Sustain your style. (2023). What's wrong with the fashion

D’Elegance. (2023). How Clothing Choices Can Impact Your
Daily Life.
3 can-impact-your-daily-life/#:~:text=The%20clothes%20that%20a
Greer, B. (2013). The Truth About the Clothes We Wear: How
Fashion Impacts Health and the Environment. HuffPost.

Goldilocksgoods. (2023). Textile Waste in Manufacturing.
Roadrunner. (2021). The Environmental crisis caused by textile
Environmental-action-org. (2016). 5 tips to reduce clothing waste.

In the present work of the course that we are carrying out, two very important
are discussed, one of these is the environmental crisis, in this case we can say
that this
is produced by humanity itself since over the years we have exaggeratedly
the resources of our planet, much of this is due to the increase in population such
demographic growth, high food consumption, deforestation and felling of trees
occupy them as homes.
This environmental crisis is also due to large countries and large factories that
a large amount of the planet's resources to meet the needs of people,
greenhouse gases.
The other point talks about how the textile industry affects the environment
since it is
the second most polluting cause on the planet and which produces many more
greenhouse gases, the textile industry, from the planting of cotton to the final
of the garment It has many processes that are harmful to the ozone layer such as
fertilizers, the fuel to transport it, in addition to consuming millions of liters of
than other industries.
This textile industry is in all the countries of the world and the demand for
clothing is
great to cover the needs of the people and each time the processes are greater
and the
consumption of resources is also greater, therefore the world crisis will also be

1.- A term that is used to describe the sum of the environmental problems that we face today.
Key contemporary environmental problems include the greenhouse effect and global warming,
the hole in the ozone layer, acid rain, and tropical forest clearance. (Obtained in a Dictionary of
Environment and Conservation of the University of Oxford).
2.- The current environmental crisis is a structural consequence of capitalism. the subsystem
expanding economy, exceeds the limit capacities of the natural physical system as support and
spillway. The background of such an event runs through the contradiction in the relationship man
and nature. An extractive relationship, of exhaustion and extinction of resources, where nature
transformed into financial capital, the result of relationships of subordination and domination of
nature. (Obtained from Jorge De la Cruz and Jorge Rodriguez Otalora).
3.- At present it is seen that the issue environment has a central relevance in the plans of
political, economic and social life in accordance with disclosure of the effects and consequences
that involving phenomena such as climate change, planetary degradation and pollution and
scarcity of natural resources. As a result, this article its purpose is, on the one hand, to make a
tour of the historical background related to environmentalism such as nature conservation,
dissemination of ecology as a scientific discipline, the succession of natural catastrophes of global
repercussion, the worldwide dissemination of a series of works with nature of denunciation and
the role played by the Organization of the United Nations, whose conjugation led to the first
socialization of the idea of environmental crisis. (Obtained from Sergio Adrián Caruso).

Briefly description of the causes and consequences of the environmental crisis

1 Today we are experiencing what would be called a global environmental crisis. That is, a crisis
that affects the environment, as well as all forms of life that are associated with the ecosystems
that would be in crisis, and which, furthermore, is characterized by having a global nature instead
of being able to be localized in a specific way. in a specific geographic area.
Consequences of the environmental crisis:
• The extinction of both flora and fauna species.
• The degradation of the biodiversity of the ecosystems.
• The proliferation of invasive species.
• The alterations of the natural biological cycles.
• Crop losses or soil degradation.
• The inability to find enough fresh water to meet human demand.
• Migrations of population groups in search of geographic areas with greater resources.
• The proliferation of diseases linked to pollution.
• The proliferation of diseases linked to the geographical displacement of the infectious diseases
themselves as a consequence of an increase in global temperature.
• Desertification.
• The acidification of the sea.
• The increase in the number of phenomena such as hurricanes or typhoons, as well as their
proliferation in geographical areas that are not traditionally associated with these phenomena.
2.- There are factors that transform the environment, some of them are natural phenomena, the
erosion of ecosystems, human actions, among others. However, the latter has had a great
impact, causing great environmental deterioration. This has brought with it serious effects for the
planet and its inhabitants, many of them irreversible. These are some of them: The greenhouse
effect, the thinning of the ozone layer, the pollution and waste of water and finally the oil slick.
(Obtained from Unitips Web Page).
3.- There are several causes that cause environmental pollution, related to different factors, such
as population growth, a greater demand for food or the need to build new urban areas.
(Obtained from Web Page of Meanings).
Next, we present the main causes of environmental pollution:
• The use of chemicals and pesticides.
• Industrial and domestic waste.
•Fossil fuels.
The main consequences are presented below:
• The disappearance of the ozone layer.
• Damage to ecosystems
• The melting of the polar caps
• Danger of extinction of flora and fauna.

1.- The fashion industry represents between 5% and 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
The global fashion industry generates a large amount of greenhouse gases due to the energy
used during its production, manufacturing and transportation of the millions of garments that are
purchased each year.
Also, according to James Conca of FORBES: "Cheap synthetic fibers also emit gases like N2O,
which is 300 times more harmful than CO2." (Obtained from Sustain Your Style)
2.- The large proportions of the environmental impact of clothing affect natural ecosystems in
many ways, affecting life in all its forms. Water is one of the most exploited resources, since it is
estimated that 1,000 liters are required to produce a cotton-based upper garment. This thanks to
the fact that cotton is a raw material that requires large quantities of this valuable resource.
(Obtained from
3.- “The fashion industry produces more carbon emissions than all international flights and
maritime shipments together, with the consequences that this has on climate change and global
warming. The dominant model in the sector is that of 'fast fashion', which offers consumers
constant changes of collections at low prices and encourages frequent buying and discarding of
clothes. (Obtained from Revista Global de UNAM)
4.- Most of the clothes we wear (unless they are labeled "Fair Trade" or "Organic") contain some
pretty toxic additives. For example, conventionally grown cotton uses more insecticides than any
other single crop. Research shows that non-organic cotton farming uses 25% of the insecticides
applied worldwide, making cotton production a significant pollution factor for our environment
and the eco system. The USDA reported that over 2 billion pounds of synthetic fertilizers are
applied to U.S. cotton annually and ranks cotton third behind corn and soybeans in total amount
of pesticides sprayed. The Environmental Protection Agency considers seven of the top 15
pesticides used on cotton in the U.S. as "possible," "likely," "probable," or "known" human
carcinogens. (Obtained from Beth Greer article “The Truth About the Clothes We Wear: How
Fashion Impacts Health and the Environment”).
What is textile waste and how to reduce it?

1.- Textile waste is material that is discarded throughout the manufacturing process. These
wastes can be generated at all stages of product development, from spinning, weaving, dyeing,
finishing, and even post-processing. This waste can be accidental or intentional for efficiency.
(Obtenido de la página web de Goldilocksgoods).
2.- The textile recycling rate is currently one of the lowest compared to other materials. But these
fabrics, including worn jeans, stained sweatshirts, and even mismatched socks, can be given a
brand-new life as new clothing, housing insulation, rags, or even stuffed animals. (Obtained from
Roadrunner web-page).
3.- A way to reduce textile waste is to repurpose old clothes. After going through your closet,
sell or donate wearable clothes instead of throwing them away. And instead of tossing tattered
garments, get creative. Some sewing skills can turn t-shirts into rags, masks or headbands. Next
time you’re shopping for clothing, think twice about what you need — and whether you can go
without the item or purchase a more sustainable version. By keeping these tips in mind, we can
build more eco-friendly wardrobes. (Obtained from Environmental-action-org).

What is the role of society about this problem?

1.- For consumers, the most common way to recycle textiles is to reuse them or donate them to
charity, so that those most in need can take advantage of these garments; but you can also opt
for an industrial process. The clothes are classified by color, this avoids having to dye again,
which means savings in energy and pollutants.
2.- Society can also promote recycling, for example, promoting traditional trades such as
shoemaker or dressmaker, to encourage shoe and clothing repairs and to extend their useful life.
Support measures such as the opening of stores dedicated to the sale of clothing, in this case,
second-hand, can also help recycling.
Another initiative that can be carried out and that would contribute to the recycling of textile
material is to increase the number of clean points and specific containers. These will complement
the collection carried out by non-profit entities, parishes and non-governmental organizations.
3.- Textile reuse encompasses various means for extending the useful service life of textile
products from the first owner to another. This is commonly practiced by renting, trading,
swapping, borrowing, and inheriting, facilitated by second-hand stores, garage sales, online and
flea markets, and charities. On the other hand, textile recycling refers to reprocessing pre-
consumer and post-consumer textile waste for use in new textile or non-textile products.
(Obtained from Jeanger P. Juanga-Labayen article – “A Review On Textile Recycling Practices
and Challenges).


 The use of persistent and dangerous chemicals represents a major and often invisible
threat to ecosystems, and especially to human health

 After carrying out the work we can say that the world crisis is due to many factors, one of
those factors is human beings since we consume a lot of our planet's resources, this has
caused global warming, deforestation and the consumption of Flora and fauna.

 We have to become aware of caring for the planet and the adequate consumption of
resources, as well as having a culture of recycling, as well as a reasonable use of the
clothing that we have since the manufacture of clothing is the second most polluting cause
and which consumes a lot of water for the manufacture of a single article of clothing, that
is why we must dress with what is appropriate and necessary, as well as the reuse and
recycling of articles of clothing.

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