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Nama : Fergy Natasya Pramudya

NIM : 1406022230

Rombel :2



Reducing Plastic Waste

Plastic is the most common material used for wrapping goods and food. Its
low price and durable material make plastic the choice of many people to be used
as a container.

Behind its use, it turns out that plastic waste is more difficult to
decompose than other waste. The process of decomposition of plastic waste
requires the help of UV radiation, it can even take 20 to 500 years.

Not only the decomposition process is long, the process of decomposition

of plastic waste that is not correct will actually produce harmful substances. The
waste will produce microplastics, chemical compounds, to toxic heavy metals. Of
course this will be a bad impact on other living things.

Plastic waste can cause water pollution. This can happen because water-
borne plastics contain chemicals, such as polychlorinated biphenyls and
pesticides. Both substances, of course, can contaminate water and damage the
habitats of living things living in the vicinity.

Not only that, plastic waste can also cause soil pollution. The harmful
chemicals contained in the plastic can pollute the soil, and even stick to vegetables
and plants. Then, the polluted plants and vegetables are certainly dangerous if
consumed by humans.

The impact of plastic waste on human health includes causing cancer,

organ damage, and impaired fetal growth. Therefore, let us reduce plastic waste
from now on. One person will be very influential for many people.

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