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NAME: ___________________________________Date: ________Score:______

Directions: Read and understand the text. Answer the questions that follow

Single-use plastic must be banned. The ban will prevent 20% of our
country’s staggering 2.7 million tons of plastic from entering the waste
stream each year. Not only does banning single-use plastic reduce
pollution, it also reduces demand for plastic production that’s
contributing to global climate change. But beyond these impacts, the
bans have cultural effects as companies are forced to innovate, rethink
their designs and source out sustainable materials. When waste is disposed

1. What is the claim of the writer? _______________________________________

2. What are the evidence that support the claim?

3. Is there a statement in the paragraph that does not support the claim? If yes, write it
on the space below.

4-5. Write your own evidence to support the claim of the writer. Explain why you
consider it as supporting evidence.

Your own evidence to support the claim:


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