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Third Year of Secondary School

Explainer: Male Genital System

In this explainer, we will learn how to identify parts of the male genital system and describe their

Did you know that a healthy male’s testes can produce 1 500 sperm cells every second? This means
hundreds of millions of sperm cells are made every single day! Just 1 mL of healthy semen, the fluid
that contains sperm, can have as many as 300 million sperm cells! Sperm cells are the male sex cells,
also called reproductive cells or gametes, which function to fertilize a female’s egg cell in sexual

Definition: Sperm

Sperm are the male reproductive cells, or gametes.

There are many possible reasons why males need to make so many sperm cells. One of the main
challenges that sperm face is surviving in the female reproductive system long enough to eventually
fertilize an egg cell.

Let’s start by describing the structure of the male genital system before we investigate how it
functions to produce sperm and how these plentiful, specialized cells are well adapted to overcome
the many obstacles they encounter on their journey to successfully fertilize an egg cell.

The image in Figure 1 below shows a side-view cross section of some of the main structures in the
male genital system, which is sometimes known as the male reproductive system.


Vas deferens Seminal vesicle


Cowper’s gland




Figure 1: This diagram shows a side view of the main structures in the male reproductive system.

As you can see in Figure 1, the male gonads, the testes, are linked by the epididymis to a tube called
the vas deferens through which sperm travel to the urethra. Fluids are added to the sperm from the
prostate gland and the seminal vesicles and, once in the urethra, from the Cowper’s glands. Semen
exits the male reproductive system through the penis through the urethra during ejaculation.
Let’s look at all of these different organs and their functions in some more detail!
Males typically have two testes (singular: testis) that are their primary sex organs. The testes are also
called the male gonads. Each testis is the shape of an ovoid or a small chicken egg and is around
3–5 cm long and 3–4 cm wide at their thickest point, though this will vary between individuals. It is
even normal for the testis size to vary between the two testes of an individual themselves. The testes
tend to grow from birth until puberty. As testosterone levels begin to drop when a male passes sexual
maturity, the testes can gradually become smaller.

Definition: Testes

The testes are male gonads that produce sperm and male sex hormones.
The testes are responsible for producing sperm. Mature sperm cells, also called spermatozoa, are
haploid cells, which means they have half the number of chromosomes that a normal body cell
has. Sperm cells are produced through a process called spermatogenesis, which occurs in structures
within the testes called the seminiferous tubules. You can see the location of the seminiferous tubules
inside one testis in Figure 2 below.

Vas deferens


Seminiferous tubules Scrotum

Figure 2: This diagram shows an image of a human testis and the attached epididymis that links the
testis to the vas deferens. You can see that most of the testis consists of seminiferous tubules.

Spermatogenesis involves a type of cell division called meiosis. It converts a primary germ cell that
is diploid and contains a full set of 46 chromosomes into four mature sperm cells that are haploid
and each contain only 23 chromosomes, half the number of a normal body cell.
Sperm cells are haploid because their purpose is to fertilize a female’s egg cell, which is also haploid,
to form a diploid zygote with a full set of chromosomes, which eventually develops into an embryo
and then a fetus. The sperm cells’ development is supported and nourished by fluids secreted by cells
called Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules.
The testes are the organs in the male body that produce the most significant quantities of the male
sex hormones, sometimes called androgens. The prefix “andro” means “man,” but it is important to
know that these hormones play important functions in both males and females.
The main androgen is called testosterone. Androgens are responsible for the growth of various parts
of the male reproductive system including the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. Androgens also
control the development of male secondary sexual characteristics at puberty, such as the deepening
of the voice and the growth of facial and body hair. In the testes, testosterone is secreted from specific
interstitial cells called Leydig cells that lie between the seminiferous tubules.

Key Term: Testosterone

Testosterone is a sex hormone, primarily produced by the testes, that stimulates the growth of sex
organs and the development of secondary sexual characteristics in males.

The testes are held outside the body in a sac of skin called the scrotum. The external location
of the scrotum in humans keeps the testes at a temperature 2–3∘ C lower than the internal body
temperature. This is beneficial, as sperm production is more efficient at lower temperatures.

Key Term: Scrotum

The scrotum is a sac of skin that hangs from the body between the legs just below the penis. The
scrotum is divided into two sections, each of which usually contains one testis, and helps to protect
the testes and maintain a lower temperature for efficient sperm production.
In the male human embryo, if the testes do not descend into the scrotum during their development
in the last months of pregnancy, it is likely that this individual will be infertile, as they will be unable
to produce sperm effectively. Sometimes, this can be treated medically, but other times, procedures
like this are not possible.
Interestingly, some other mammals, like elephants, dolphins and seals, do not have their testes held
outside their bodies in a scrotum. The reason why and how this trait evolved is still debated among

Example 1: Identifying the Male Reproductive Organ that Secretes Testosterone

The figure shows a side view of the organs of the male reproductive system.


Which label represents the organ that secretes testosterone?


The male reproductive system is primarily responsible for sexual reproduction. To carry out this
process, sperm cells are produced in the testes and are transported to the penis for ejaculation, which
usually occurs during copulation.

Human males tend to have two testes, which hang outside the body between the legs in a sac of skin
called the scrotum.

The testes are also responsible for producing and secreting the male sex hormones, one of which is
testosterone, into the bloodstream. The male sex hormones aid the production of sperm, the growth
of the male sex organs, and the development of secondary sexual characteristics in a biological
male when he reaches puberty. These characteristics might involve the deepening of the voice and
increased facial and body hair.

Now that we know where testosterone is produced and secreted, the testes, let’s label the structures
on the diagram so that we can identify which letter represents it.

A: Vas deferens C: Seminal vesicle

B: Prostate

D: Penis

E: Testis

Therefore, the label that represents the organ that secretes testosterone is the testis, labeled as E.
The penis is a very important organ in the process of sexual reproduction, and it is also responsible
for expelling urine from the male body. It is a spongy tissue that grows in size upon sexual arousal
due to an increase in blood flow. It is called erectile tissue, as it can change from flaccid to erect.

Key Term: Penis

The penis is an erectile organ that contains the urethra, which is a duct for the expulsion of sperm
during ejaculation and urine during urination.
The penis contains a duct called the urethra. The urethra is a tube that originates at the base of the
bladder and in biological males, travels through the penis forming an opening at the tip of the penis.
This opening provides a route for both sperm from the testes and urine from the bladder to exit the
male body. Biological females also have a urethra forming a separate opening in front of the vagina,
though in biological females, it only carries urine out of the body and not sperm.

Key Term: Urethra

The urethra is a duct through which urine is expelled out of the female body and through which
urine and semen are expelled out of the male body.
For successful fertilization to occur, sperm must be transported from the testes to the penis, from
which they can be ejaculated. Ejaculation often occurs during a process called copulation, in which
a male’s penis is inserted into a female’s vagina. Copulation is sometimes referred to as sexual
intercourse, or simply sex. Semen, which is a fluid containing between 40 million and 1.2 billion
sperm cells in a healthy male, is ejaculated out of the male’s body through the penis via the urethra.
When a female ovulates, an egg cell is released from one of her ovaries into a fallopian tube. If sperm
cells successfully enter a female’s vagina, they will attempt to swim up through her reproductive
system to reach her fallopian tubes. Once in a fallopian tube, a sperm cell might, if it is very lucky,
be able to fertilize the egg cell.
But how do sperm cells reach the penis? Let’s summarize the pathway sperm take from their
production until they leave the body, which you can see in Figure 3.

(4) Sperm moves
into urethra

(3) Sperm transported

into vas deferens
(5) Sperm ejaculated
from penis

(1) Sperm produced

in seminiferous
tubule in testis (2) Sperm transported
into epididymis

Figure 3: The yellow arrows in this diagram show the route a sperm cell takes from a male’s testes
until its ejaculation from the penis.

Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules in the testes. From there, they are transported to the
epididymis where they are stored until ejaculation is anticipated. At this point, sperm are transferred
along the vas deferens, through the prostate where fluids are added to sperm from the prostate gland
and seminiferous tubules to form semen. Sperm then travel into the urethra where the Cowper’s
glands add more fluid to the semen. The urethra transports sperm, contained within the liquid
semen, along the penis and out of the body in ejaculation.
Let’s look at these processes in a little more detail.
Following the production of sperm cells by meiosis in the seminiferous tubules, they are transported
to a long, coiled tube just outside each testis called the epididymis. The epididymis is responsible for
storing sperm cells.

Key Term: Epididymis

The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that stores sperm and transports them from the testes into the
vas deferens.
When ejaculation is anticipated, sperm are transported from the epididymis to one of the two vasa
deferentia. The vas deferens is a thick-walled duct that transports sperm to the urethra, where they
can exit the male body through the penis.

Key Term: Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)

The vas deferens is a duct in the male reproductive system that transports sperm cells from the
epididymis to the urethra.
There are three different fluid secretions that are added to the sperm cells to make up the total
ejaculated volume of semen. These three fluid secretions come from accessory glands called the
prostate, seminal vesicles, and Cowper’s glands. They are called accessory glands, as the sperm do
not travel directly through them.
These fluids help protect sperm cells from the environment within the female reproductive system
and aid sperm motility by providing a liquid medium through which sperm are able to swim. The
fluids are all described as exocrine secretions because they are released from exocrine glands through
ducts and secreted onto a body surface.
The urethra in both males and females is slightly acidic due to residual urine, which contains uric
acid. All of these exocrine secretions are alkaline so they neutralize this acidic environment in the
male urethra as they exit the body.
The female vagina is also a fairly acidic environment with a pH ranging between 3.8 and 4.5. In
human sexual reproduction, sperm usually need to enter the vagina first in order to fertilize an egg
cell. The alkaline nature of semen helps to neutralize the vagina’s acidic environment, too, helping
more of the sperm cells survive for longer in the female reproductive system and increasing the
chances of successful fertilization.
Let’s look at these individual exocrine secretions in more detail. You can see where each secretion is
released from and to in Figure 4 below.

(1) Seminal vesicles
secretes alkaline
Vas deferens fructose-rich fluid
into urethra
(2) Prostate gland
secretes alkaline
(3) Cowper’s gland
fluid into urethra
secretes alkaline
Penis fluid into urethra



Figure 4: This diagram shows the three alkaline secretions which are added to sperm in the urethra
before ejaculation.

Seminal vesicles are two small glands between 2–4 cm long and 1–2 cm wide located behind the
bladder. The seminal vesicles secrete an alkaline fluid that is rich in a sugar called fructose into sperm
as they pass through the prostate gland, adding a liquid portion to semen. The fructose provides
sperm cells with a source of sugars for cellular respiration. This is important because sperm are
particularly active cells due to their high motility, so they require a vast amount of energy to be
released through cellular respiration.
Fluid from the seminal vesicles contributes the largest proportion (50–80%) of the volume of semen
that will be ejaculated from the male’s body.

Key Term: Seminal Vesicles

The seminal vesicles are two glands located behind the bladder that add an alkaline fluid rich in
fructose sugar to semen when it is in the prostate, making 50–80% of the total semen volume.
The prostate gland is located just below the male bladder. As the urethra begins at the base of the
bladder, it travels through the prostate gland where it meets the sperm arriving from the vas deferens.
The prostate gland secretes an alkaline fluid called prostate fluid.

Key Term: Prostate Gland

The prostate gland is located below the bladder in males and secretes an alkaline prostate fluid, one
of the components of semen added to sperm arriving from the vas deferens.
The Cowper’s glands, sometimes called the bulbourethral glands, are two small pea-sized glands that
are located either side of the urethra below the prostate gland. The Cowper’s glands secrete a thick,
clear pre-ejaculate mucus into semen when it enters the urethra from the prostate. The mucus begins
to be secreted from the penis during sexual arousal, and it is helpful in lubricating and neutralizing
the urethra to prepare for the transport of sperm cells out of the body that occurs during ejaculation.

Key Term: Cowper’s Glands (Bulbourethral Glands)

The Cowper’s glands are two small glands located on either side of the male urethra below the
prostate gland that secrete alkaline mucus into semen to neutralize the acidic urethra and vagina.

Example 2: Describing the Route of Spermatozoa from Production to Ejaculation

What is the route taken by spermatozoa from their site of production to their exit from the body?

A. Epididymis ⟶ seminiferous tubules ⟶ vas deferens ⟶ ureter

B. Seminiferous tubules ⟶ epididymis ⟶ prostate gland ⟶ ureter
C. Seminiferous tubules ⟶ epididymis ⟶ vas deferens ⟶ urethra

D. Vas deferens ⟶ epididymis ⟶ prostate gland ⟶ urethra

E. Epididymis ⟶ prostate gland ⟶ vas deferens ⟶ ureter


Mature sperm cells, or spermatozoa, are produced in the testes in structures called the seminiferous
tubules. From here, they need to make their way through the male reproductive system to reach the
tip of the penis from which they are released from the male body through a process called ejaculation.
Ejaculation is usually an essential part of copulation, which is often a process involved in sexual

This question is asking us how the spermatozoa reach this exit point from their site of production, so
let’s look at the various structures the sperm cells travel through to reach the tip of the penis, which
you can see represented by the yellow line in the image below.

(4) Sperm moves

into urethra

(3) Sperm transported

into vas deferens
(5) Sperm ejaculated
from penis

(1) Sperm produced

in seminiferous
tubule in testis (2) Sperm transported
into epididymis

From the seminiferous tubules in the testes, the spermatozoa are transported to the epididymis where
they are stored. When ejaculation is anticipated, for example during sexual arousal, the spermatozoa
are transported from the epididymis to a duct called the vas deferens. The vas deferens eventually
connects to another duct called the urethra. The urethra then transports spermatozoa along the
penis, which has an opening at its end through which the spermatozoa can exit the body.

Therefore, the route taken by the spermatozoa is option C, seminiferous tubules ⟶ epididymis ⟶
vas deferens ⟶ urethra.

Let’s see how these mature sperm cells, or spermatozoa, are structured to function effectively in
sexual reproduction.
The diagram in Figure 5 below shows the basic structures in a mature sperm cell.

Head: contains nucleus

Midpiece: contains
Neck: contains
2 centrioles


Figure 5: This diagram shows the structures in a mature sperm cell.

A typical mature sperm cell consists of four main sections, a head connected to a midpiece by a neck,
and a tail. Let’s look at each of these sections in more detail.
The head of the sperm cell contains the nucleus that carries the genetic material in the form of DNA.
This nucleus is haploid, which means it contains half the number of the chromosomes of a normal
body cell: just 23 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. This is because the sperm cell undergoes two
divisions in its formation through the process of meiosis.
The haploid nature of a sperm cell’s nucleus means that each sperm will only contain one sex
chromosome: either X or Y. Female egg cells also contain only one sex chromosome as they too are
haploid, though the sex chromosome in an egg cell will always be an X chromosome. If a sperm cell
with an X chromosome fertilizes an egg cell, the offspring produced will have two X chromosomes
and will be a biological female. If a sperm cell with a Y chromosome fertilizes an egg cell, the offspring
produced will have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome and will be a biological male.
The tip of the head of the sperm cell is covered by a structure called the acrosome. The acrosome
contains hydrolytic enzymes, commonly called hyaluronidases, that will be secreted if the sperm cell
comes in contact with an egg cell. The enzymes break down hyaluronic acid, which allows a sperm
cell to digest through the outer membrane of an egg cell so that the sperm cell can penetrate it for

Key Term: Acrosome

The acrosome is a cap-like organelle that coats the anterior of the head of a sperm cell and contains
enzymes capable of digesting the coating of an egg cell.

Example 3: Describing the Contents of Spermatozoa Heads

What is present in the head of spermatozoa?

A. 23 pairs of chromosomes

B. Hydrolytic enzymes and mitochondria

C. DNA and mitochondria
D. X and Y chromosomes

E. DNA and hydrolytic enzymes


Spermatozoa are mature sperm cells. They are the male gametes, otherwise known as sex cells.

Gametes, whether a male sperm cell or a female egg cell, are all haploid cells. This means that
their nuclei, which contain their genetic material in the form of DNA, have half the number of
chromosomes of a normal body cell. The haploid nucleus of a sperm cell is found in its head.

A normal human body cell’s diploid nucleus contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, so 46 chromosomes
in total. A gamete, like a haploid sperm cell, therefore, only has 23 chromosomes in total as a result
of its formation through the two cellular divisions within meiosis.

The haploid nature of sperm cells also means that they only contain one sex chromosome: either
an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. A normal diploid male body cell will contain a pair of sex
chromosomes: one X and one Y.

Surrounding the tip of this head is a cap-like coating called the acrosome. The acrosome contains
hydrolytic enzymes that are secreted when a sperm cell reaches an egg cell. These enzymes are
responsible for digesting the outer membrane of the egg cell so the sperm can penetrate it.

Let’s review our answer options to see which is correct.

Normal body cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes, but sex cells only have 23 chromosomes in total,
so the option suggesting that the head of a sperm cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes is incorrect.

Sperm cells do contain a lot of mitochondria, but these are not found in the head of the sperm cell.
Mitochondria are in a section distinct of the sperm cell from its head, so the two options which state
otherwise are incorrect.

As sperm cells are haploid, they will only contain one X or one Y chromosome, so the option stating
that both are found within the head of the sperm cell is incorrect.

Therefore, option E, DNA and hydrolytic enzymes, is the correct answer.
The neck of the sperm cell contains two centrioles. Centrioles are organelles that are responsible for
organizing the spindle fibers formed during cell division. These centrioles will eventually play an
important role in the division of the egg cell if it is successfully fertilized by a sperm cell.
The midpiece of the sperm cell contains many mitochondria. Mitochondria are organelles that are
the site of cellular respiration, which is performed to release energy. Sperm cells require vast amounts
of energy to swim through the female reproductive system. They must travel distances around 1 000
times their own length, through challenging currents and obstacles. Note that, the seminal vesicles
provide sperm with a fluid rich in fructose sugars. The energy released by the plentiful mitochondria
in sperm cells when they metabolize these sugars allows some sperm to make this lengthy journey
The movement of a sperm cell is possible due to the presence of a long tail, which allows organisms
to be motile within their environment. The tail of a sperm cell ends in a section called the caudal

Example 4: Identifying the Location of the Acrosome in a Human Spermatozoon

The figure shows the structure of a human spermatozoon.


Which letter indicates the acrosome?


A mature sperm cell, otherwise known as a spermatozoon, consists of four main sections: a head, a
neck, a midpiece, and a tail.

The head of the sperm cell contains its haploid nucleus. It is also coated at its tip with a section called
an acrosome, which contains hydrolytic enzymes that are able to digest through the outer coating of
an egg cell.

The neck of a sperm cell contains two centrioles, which play an important role in completing cell
division in the egg cell if it is successfully fertilized.

The midpiece of the sperm cell contains many mitochondria, which release the energy needed for
the sperm cell’s movement through cellular respiration.

The tail, otherwise known as the undulipodium, of a sperm cell allows it to move the great distances
needed to navigate the female reproductive system in search of an egg cell.

Let’s label these structures on the diagram so that we can identify where the acrosome is located.

A: Nucleus
C: Acrosome

B: Mitochondria

D: Centriole

E: Tail

Therefore, the letter that indicates the acrosome is C.

The key characteristics of human sperm cells are their ability to move, their small size, and the
vast numbers in which they are produced. These features make the sperm cell well adapted to its
function as a reproductive cell, which is to reach and successfully fertilize an egg cell to help create
a new human life.
Let’s recap some of the key points we have covered in this explainer.

Key Points

The male genital system, otherwise known as the male reproductive system, is responsible for
carrying out part of the process of sexual reproduction.
The testes produce sperm cells and the male sex hormones, including testosterone.

The penis transports sperm cells from the male’s body into the female’s body in copulation.
Sperm are transported from the seminiferous tubules in the testes and then move as follows:
testes ⟶ epididymis ⟶ vas deferens ⟶ urethra. Then, the urethra moves sperm to the tip
of the penis, where they can be ejaculated from the body.

Three alkaline fluids are added to sperm along this journey through the male reproductive
system from the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and Cowper’s glands to form semen.
A sperm cell consists of a head with a haploid nucleus and an acrosome containing hydrolytic

A sperm cell also consists of a neck containing two centrioles, a midpiece with many
mitochondria, and a tail (undulipodium) that allows movement.


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