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1. cerhier to seek

2. re to repeat

3. research to repeat working for something

4. Qualitative Research It is primarily an exploratory research

5. Qualitative Research It is used to gain an understanding of underly-

ing reasons, options and motivation it provides
insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas
or hypothesis for potential quantitative research

6. Qualitative Research No instrument used, no hypothesis, questions is

made instantly or an informal conversation

7. Quantitative Research Is an objective, systematic empirical investigation

of observable phenomena through the use of com-
putational techniques

8. Quantitative Research It highlights numerical analysis of data

9. Objective (7) Characteristics of quantitative data

Clearly defined research
Structured research in-
Numerical data
Large sample sizes
Future outcomes

10. Objective Quantitative research seeks accurate measure-

ment and analysis of target concepts. It is not
based on mere intuitions and guesses. Data are
gathered before proposing a conclusion or a solu-
tion to a problem

11. Clearly defined research In quantitative research, the researchers know in

questions advance what they are looking for. The researcher
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questions are well-defined for which objective an-
swers are sought. At aspects of study are carefully
designed before data are gathered.

12. Structured research in- Data are normally gathered using structured re-
struments search tools such as questionnaires to collect
measurable characteristics of the population like
age, socio-economic status, number of children,
among others

13. Numerical data Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, of-
ten organized and presented using tables, charts,
graphs and figures that consolidate large numbers
of data to show trends, relationships, or differ-
ences among variables.

14. Large sample sizes To arrive at a more reliable data analysis, a normal
population distribution curve is preferred. This re-
quires a large sample size, depending on how the
characteristics of the population varied.

15. Replication Reliable quantitative studies can be repeated to

verify or confirm the correctness of the results in
another setting. This strengthens the validity of the
findings thus eliminating the possibility of spurious

16. Future outcomes By using complex mathematical calculations and

with the aid of computers, if then scenarios may
be formulated thus predicting future results

17. Objective (4) Strength/Advantages of quantitative research

Used of statistical tech-

18. Large number of sample (5) Weaknesses/Disadvantage of quantitative re-

Costly search
Does not consider
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Information are difficult
to gather

19. Descriptive research (6) Kinds of quantitative research

Correlational research
Evaluation research
Survey research
Causal-Comparative re-
Experimental research

20. Descriptive research Kinds of quantitative research: Non-experimental;

does not manipulate variables, describes patterns
of data in percentage: mean, median, mode

21. Descriptive research Example: How many hours senior high school
spend in social media

22. Correlational research Kinds of quantitative research: Determines rela-

tionship between 2 variables without necessarily
investigating the causal reasons underlying them;
concerned with the extent of relationship: positive
or negative, high, moderate, or low relationship

23. Evaluation research Kinds of quantitative research: Aims to assess the

effects, impacts or outcomes of practices, policies
or programs

24. Evaluation research Example: Assessing the implementation of nurs-

ing care in a hospital

25. Survey research Kinds of quantitative research: is used to gather

information from groups of people by selecting and
studying samples chosen from a population, it may
be done in various ways like face to face, phone,
mail, and online

26. Causal-comparative re- Kinds of quantitative research: also known as ex

search post facto research, it derives conclusion from
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observations and manifestations that already oc-
cured in the past and now compared to some
dependent variables

27. Causal-comparative re- Example: A researcher is interested in how weight

search influences stess-coping level of adult.

28. ex post facto means after the fact

29. Experimental research Kinds of quantitative research: Utilizes scientific

method to test cause-and-effect relationships un-
der conditions controlled by the researcher

30. Variable Is a central concept in research

31. Variable Is a measurable characteristics that changes in

one value

32. Variable Is anything that may assume varied numerical or

categorical values

33. Continous variable Kinds of variable

Discrete variable

34. Continous variable a variable that can take infinite number on the
value that can occur within the population (ex. age,
height, temperature)

35. Interval variable (2) Continous variable can be categorized as

Ratio variable

36. Interval variable is a measurement where the difference between

two values does have meaning

37. Ratio variable Possesses the properties of interval variable and

has a clear definition of zero, indication that there
is none of that variable.

38. Discrete variable is any variable that has a limited number of distinct
values and which cannot be divided into fractions
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(ex. sex, blood group, number of children in the

39. Nominal variable (2) Category of discrete variable

Ordinal variable

40. Nominal variable is a variable with no quantitative value. It has two

or more categories but does not imply ordering of
cases (ex. Eye color, business type, religion)

41. Ordinal variable is a variable that has two or more categories which
can be ranked

42. Indipendent variable The cause of variable or the one responsible for
the conditions that act on something else to bring
about changes

43. Dependent variable Also called outcome variable is the result of effect
of the changes brought about by another variable

44. Informed concent forms a document that signifies voluntary participation of

the respondents

45. 10-12 good research title total of words used find in the

46. Literature review is an objective, through summary and critical

analysis of the relevant available research and
non-research literature on the topic being studied

47. Systematic literature re- is to provide as complete a list as possible of all

view the published and unpublished studies relating to
a particular subject area

48. Background of the study description that makes reader understand the re-
search questions and appreciate why they are

49. Research background

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is a brief outline of the most important studies
that have been conducted so far presented in a
chronological order

50. statement of the prob- phrase questions with the data to be collected in
lem mind

51. Significance of the study specifically describe how it will benefit from the

52. Data collection define as the process of gathering and measuring

information and variables of interest, in an estab-
lished systematic methods, that enables one to
answer stated research questions, test hypothesis
and evaluate outcomes

53. Questionnaires (4) random sampling and data collection instru-

interviews ments

54. methods of data pro- dealing with editing, coding, classifying, tabulating
cessing and presenting data through chart and diagram

55. methods of data pro- it is a seriesof actions or steps performed on data

cessing to verify, organize, transform, integrate and extract
data in an appropriate output from sudsequent use

56. Average (8) Commonly used statistical tools

Frequency distribution
Pie chart
Bar chart
Standard deviation
T-test or Z-test
Chi-square test


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