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PHILOSOPHY is called the mother of all disciplines because all fields of study began as philosophical


The condition of identity that makes one subject of experience distinct from all others.

It is sometimes understood as the unified being essentially connected to consciousness, awareness and
agency (rational choice).

INTROSPECTION is examination or observation of one’s

own mental and emotional processes.
Self- Ulti Ultim
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Man is a soul using a body.
(1) IDEAL WORLD (Intelligible world)-the true
world of reality.
(2) SENSIBLE WORLD (World of Matter) - is a
world of becoming; it is a world of constant change.

• The nature of man lies in the dichotomy of body and soul.

• SOUL - Ideal World

• BODY - Sensible World


• The SOUL, on the other hand, can EXIST APART FROM THE BODY

• Plato views the superiority of the human soul over the human body. Hence, the real man for
Plato is his soul and not his body.


RATIONAL SOUL – exists only in man. The rational soul ranks the highest of all kinds of souls.

Besides, it is capable of thinking, reasoning and willing.


• Body and soul are in a STATE OF UNITY.

The BODY is MATTER to the soul and the SOUL is the FORM to the body. Body and soul therefore, are
inseparable. They constitute man as a whole.


“Cogito ergo sum”

I think therefore I am

Human person = body + mind

Doubting leads to a better understanding of SELF. “there is so much that we should doubt”.. (methodical
doubt). Being in constant doubt regarding one’s existence is proof that one actually exist.


“Tabula rasa”- man is born with a blank slate

His work on the self is most represented by the concept “Tabula Rasa” which means a Blank Slate. He
believed that the experiences and perceptions of a person is important in the establishment of who that
person can become.

The value of human experiences in shaping the identification and establishment of who the person is. A
person is born with knowing NOTHING and that is susceptible to stimulation and accumulation of
learning from the experiences, failures, references, and observations of the person.

DAVID HUME, Scottish philosopher

The self is a bundle of perception

• Empiricist- believes that man can only know what comes from the senses and experiences.

• SELF- is simply combination of all experiences with a particular person

• There is no permanent SELF because impressions of things are based from our experiences
where we can create our ideas and knowledge. Thus, it may be improved or totally replaced.

• “one can only know what comes from the senses and the experiences”

The transcendental apperception is the essence of our consciousness that provides basis for
understanding and establishing the notion of SELF.

The value of synthesis (i.e. the manifold of internal observation, “the inner sense”)…. we need
active intelligence to synthesize all knowledge and experiences. The collection of impressions
and different content and is what it only takes to define a person.

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