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Automation Anywhere Certified Master RPA Professional (A2019) - Q&A Exam




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1. A developer is attempting to automate a process that touches multiple

systems, departments, other sources of information and will consolidate the
pertinent data into a report or dashboard. Select two steps that should be
prioritized in order to provide maximum value to the process owner.

Identify the core variables and measurables that make up the process and
assign them to be tracked as a variable and available in Bot Insight

The process owner should identify and focus automation efforts on the most
complex stage of the process

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2. A corporate reorganization caused the Web Control Room Management Team

to take on the responsibility of managing the bots built to automate front office
processes. One of the bots was run by a previous end user from his desktop and
the team noticed that the bot runner is not visible in the list of Bot Runner
machines on the Web Control Room. Select the cause for the issue.

The Bot Runner machine is not connected to the Web CR

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3. A pharmaceutical company has identified 10 use cases for automation

prioritized by Return on Investment (ROI). As a lead developer, what would be
your first step in the automation process?

Define the scope of all the use cases for automation

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4. A bot must trigger one of two actions: create a ticket for IT or send an email
to HR. This is how it works: •In a Prompt for value action, the bot receives text
which will be sent to a Machine Learning algorithm via the REST Web Services
Post method action. •The algorithm classifies the text, returning a statement of
one of the categories: “IT”, “HR” or “Error”. •Using the REST Web Services
package Get method action the results are used to either create a ticket for IT
or send an email to HR. Select the two essential variables to include in the bot to
support the workflow.



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5. As part of their design brief, a client has requested that business process
statistics and metrics be recorded. How can this be introduced in A2019 Bot
Insight dashboard?

By selecting variables in the 'Close' action in the Analyze package

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6. Which condition for the Loop action will allow Items from the third position to
the sixth position to be extracted from a list of variable?

Condition - For each item in the list For Range: From index #2 to #5

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7. A developer wants the bot to proceed only when a program is running. Which
of the following will allow them to test this condition?

If Package, 'Application is running' Condition, define the Application path

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8. A company’s website uses a Natural Language Processing (NLP) tool to

evaluate customer feedback that comes in through the portal or via emails. The
NLP tool provides key and value of each entry so the feedback can be evaluated.
The bot used to evaluate the feedback ratings fails every time the NLP tool
returns feedback to the bot. Select the receiving variable type that will help
resolve this issue.


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9. A developer is creating a bot which processes each file present in a folder and
displays output on the screen. The end user has to visually check the output
before the bot iterates and moves on to the next file. Select the action that will
allow the end user sufficient time to perform this check.


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10. A consultant is automating a bank’s credit card processing that involves

interaction with multiple applications on multiple platforms. How can the
consultant ensure that the bot can be easily managed and modified by the bank’s
RPA team once the automation project is complete?

Bots should be modularized by application or sub processes

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11. A developer working on a website automation project notices that it takes 20

to 200 seconds to load the page’s HTML components, such as textboxes and
combo boxes during peak hours of operation. Select the option that can resolve
the issue.

Use the Wait for Screen Change action

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12. A bot runner device is running low on operating system memory after running
a bot. Select the likely cause for this issue.

The bot is using the DLL package. After running the required functions, the DLL
reference is not being closed

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13. An organization stores customer details in the form of a PDF document. The
first page of the PDF document contains the customer name and photo. The
remaining pages contain other details. As a developer, which of the following
will you use to build a bot to remove the first page and keep it in a separate

Split document action

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14. A developer is finding it difficult to reliably automate the opening of a web-

based application in a new window. What should you do to resolve the issue?

Set the Browser package to use the default browser

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15. A developer has automated a process that downloads PDF files from
Microsoft Outlook and updates information in the ERP system. The management
wants the developer to provide receivable amount information on a daily basis.
How can the developer provide this information?

Add an analyze package and tag relevant variables

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16. A bot needs to continue to process records as long as there is text contained
within a variable. How can this be achieved using Automation Anywhere
packages and actions?

Loop package, Loop Type 'While' - Condition, Not Empty String

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17. A developer is designing a bot using Universal Recorder to capture the steps
and wants to avoid capturing images of a web application as it violates the
security protocol related to the application. What should the developer do to
meet the security protocol?

Keep the secure recording feature on

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18. An investment firm has automated the process to review the index price of
200 companies during the day’s trading period. A bot has been deployed on to
the bot runner which sends notifications as it processes indexes. One index
review takes 15 seconds, so the bot processes all 200 indexes in 50 minutes.
Which feature or option can be used to reduce the total processing time and
better efficiency?

Use the workload management option

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19. A developer is building a bot to replicate new records to the server in the
backend database process. How can the developer ensure the records will revert
to their original state on the server database if the bot fails during the
replication process?

Use Begin/End database transaction actions

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20. Select the fastest method to read through a large Excel sheet. The sheet has
over 10,000 rows and values in a date column need to be filtered. The columns
contain a variety of datatypes including Boolean and DateTime values.

Use the Excel advanced set to read data and remove the appropriate values

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21. A bot is designed to extract data from a table on a web site and write the
data to an Excel sheet, without opening the Excel file. The bot executes
successfully, but the Excel sheet where the data should have been written stays
blank. Review the code here and select the best option to resolve this issue.

The Excel Basic > Save Workbook action has to be used outside the Loop

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22. A bot inputs daily business activity into a user’s spreadsheet located on a
network share. After many successful executions it is failing. Select the cause
for the failure.

The bot is using the Excel basic package, which does not support files larger
than 7 MB

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23. A user's spreadsheet is the source for the contents of a variable. The bot
often fails to capture the correct data. Select the cause for the issue.

The spreadsheet's active cell varies day-to-day

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24. A developer is creating a bot to work on an Excel application. Using Excel

advanced package, the bot needs to get the name of the worksheets it is
supposed to work on and save the worksheet in an external file. What should the
developer do to get the desired output?

Get the names of all the worksheets and assign them to a list variable of string
data type

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25. A developer is creating a bot to process table data in an Excel sheet. When
executed, the bot will apply a filter on a column of the Excel sheet. How can the
developer implement this code in the bot?

Use the Filter table action present in Excel advanced package

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26. A developer is using an Excel package to create a bot that accesses an

Excel workbook. During the development phase, the developer is able to work on
XLSX extensions but not on XLS extensions. Select the cause for the issue.

The developer has not installed the Excel application and is using the Excel
basic package on the machine used to create the bot

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27. An organization receives Excel files as email attachments from 300 different
vendors. These attachments contain data including Invoice Number, Bill To,
Total Amount, Email, and many other data fields. The vendors do not follow the
standard Excel format that the organization shared with them. The organization
wants to fetch the total number of email addresses from all Excel files and
update this information in the ERP System. Note that the organization uses Bot
Runners without Excel installed. Select two options to automate this process.

Use the Loop package to iterate through all emails Use the Excel basic: Find
action to search emails in each Excel file Use the Number type variable to count
the number of emails in the Dictionary variable

Use the Loop package to iterate through all Excel files Use the Excel basic: Find
action to search emails in each Excel file Use the Number type variable to count
the number of emails in the List variable

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28. Review the code here and select the option that best describes the output.

The code will run successfully, but Line 4 should be removed as it has no added

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29. A customer uses a process involving Data Table extraction that does not
allow the installation of Microsoft Office software due to licensing regulations.
Select the best way to automate the process that requires extracting data from
an XLSX file and entering into a web form.

Use the Excel basic package to extract the data and use the Browser package
to enter that into the web page

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30. Select the approach to merge Multiple CSV files sent via email into one
consolidated XLSX file on a backend server. This is important because the
creation of the XLSX file in a particular folder will trigger an unattended bot
using this XLSX file.

After an Outlook rule saves the attachments, a Data Table package merges the
files into one consolidated CSV file originating from a template file. Using the
File and Folder packages, this file is then saved as an XLSX file on the
designated location

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31. A user's spreadsheet is the source for the contents of a variable. The bot
often fails to capture the correct data. Select the Excel advanced option that
you will use to resolve this issue.

Go to Cell to ensure consistent behavior

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32. A developer embeds a Python script using the Python script: Open action
within the bot code. The script runs a function which processes two
arguments/variables. The bot needs to pass the value of the variables to the
Python script. Select two variable types that can be used to satisfy the

One Dictionary type variable where the subtype is String

One List type variable where the subtype is String

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33. The code shown here is trying to run the Python script by passing multiple
variables stored in a single variable of list type. Select a subtype for the list


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34. Review the code shown here and select two statements that describe the

A Python package is being used to provide the script details and a JavaScript
package is being used to run it

You cannot execute Python scripts from the Run JavaScript action

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35. The code here indicates call to the Add function which returns a+b. The
output is stored in a String variable Result. What would the message box display,
if Case 1: List variable lstNumbers subtype is String and contains two values: 33
and 55 Case 2: List variable lstNumbers subtype is Number and contains two
values: 33 and 55

Case 1: 3355 and Case 2: 88

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36. A developer creates a bot that is supposed to display a message: “Hello

World”. When the bot is executed, there is an error message as shown here. How
should the developer fix the issue?

The Path variable of the system is not set to Python

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37. A locker administrator provides access to a developer to use the credentials

from a locker. The developer logs into the control room to identify the names of
the variables to be used during development but finds nothing created inside the
locker. The developer creates credential variables inside the locker but is unable
to use them during bot development. How can the issue be resolved?

A role mapped with consumer access inside the locker has to be assigned to the
developer’s user account

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38. How can a locker administrator restrict developers from using consumer
access to view the values of the credential variables and maintain the integrity
of the credentials?

Enable masking before entering values inside the credential variables

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39. An organization receives 1000 emails every day. Management wants to

extract all invoice-related emails and store in the Invoices folder under the Inbox
folder. Select the packages/action that will help complete this task.

Use Email: Connect > Email: Move all > Set Destination folder path in mailbox as
Inbox/invoices > When subject contains (optional) as Invoices

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40. A user requires access to a set of credentials stored in a departmental

credential locker. The manager does not want the user to be able to view or
access other credentials within the same department locker. Select the option
that can help achieve this task.

Create a new user-provided credential and assign it to the user. Give the user
participant rights to the departmental credential locker

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41. A user has stored their SAP credentials in the credential vault. A developer is
unable to access the user’s credential vault variables while developing a bot.
Select two causes for this issue.

The credential is not associated with any locker

The developer does not have required permission to access locker

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42. A finance department receives thousands of scanned invoices as

attachments from multiple vendors. All emails are automatically segregated by
vendor name and moved to the respective sub folder in the Inbox. A finance
assistant then manually downloads all invoices and uploads them to the shared
drive. How will you automate the manual process of downloading the invoices
and uploading them to shared drive?

Use the Loop package with the For each mail in mailbox iterator
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43. A developer is automating departmental email processing. Based on the

properties in the email, emails are either organized into inbox folders, forwarded
or deleted. How can the developer access the email properties?

Create a new Dictionary variable and build the set of key values for querying
within your loop

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44. In a customer’s instance, recurring updates of records occur

via email. First an email is sent to a shared mailbox, and then the information on
the record is updated. Select the best method to validate the email sender
before executing the update, when fetching the emails.

Using the String package, extract the information from the email header and
compare them to the email address that sent the email

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45. How should you automate the process of forwarding hundreds of emails to
team members based on the message body in the email on a daily basis?

Use Email: Connect > Loop: For each mail in mailbox > Assign output to
Dictionary Variable > Check Condition on Dictionary{emailMessage} > Email:

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46. The text from emails within a shared mailbox is supposed to be analyzed by
sentiment analysis. The bot is set up using the Email package with a connection
to a sentiment analysis algorithm and the necessary Get method actions to
receive the classification. The bot doesn’t execute successfully. Select the likely
cause for the issue.

The user that executes this bot has another mailbox configured besides the
shared mailbox, preventing the bot from finding the correct mailbox as multiple
mailboxes are not allowed

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47. An organization has automated a task to send welcome emails to all new
employees every week. The email includes a background image, the employee’s
photo and a text message. On receipt, the emails display the message body as
text with no formatting (Color, Font, Style). How should you resolve this issue?

Use Email: Send Email and Select Send Email as HTML property

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48. A developer has created a bot which uses the Email > Send action to email a
notification after the bot completes execution. The developer has selected
Outlook in the Send email via property. During the test run the bot fails at the
Send email action. Select two ways in which you can resolve this issue.

Ensure that Outlook has a user profile configured

Ensure that Outlook is installed on the system where the bot is executed

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49. A request has been received to use an existing bot for a form completion on
the organization’s public website. Once submitted, the bot should automatically
be triggered via the Rest API; however, when submitted the bot fails to start.
What is the most likely cause of this error?

The User ID and File ID need to be used as part of the API Call

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50. A user has to manually forward several emails (containing attachments)

related to a specific account in Salesforce on a daily basis. Once forwarded to a
dedicated email address, these emails are automatically added to the records in
the account that owns this dedicated email address - for
example: How will you automate
this process?

1. Create an Outlook rule saving all emails with attachments to a specific folder
2. Have a Loop action save all the attachments and then run a Loop action with a
condition that sends emails with attachments to the dedicated
email address

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Time: 2 minutes, 47 seconds

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