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Brian : Would you like to see a movie tonight?

Riskhi : Do we have time? I have to be home by 10.30.

Brian : Well, I guess it’s around 6.15 now. That should be plenty of

Riskhi : All right let’s look in the newspaper and see what’s playing.

Brian : I haven’t seen any of these movies, how about this one… the

Riskhi : Yeah it’s supposed to be a good movie. How much time do we


Brian : I don’t know it starts at 8.30. Do you have the time?

Riskhi : Yeah, it’s 6.20.

Brian : That will give us almost two hours. That should be plenty of
time. So let’s go get tickets.

Riskhi : I don’t have any cash. Do you think I can pay with a credit

Brian : let’s look. Mmm…. It says you can, but if there’s any problem I
can buy your ticket!

Riskhi : And I can pay you later.

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