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International Collaboration Book Chapter

ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)


Murdiansyah Herman ( )

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang, Indonesia

Transformational learning is important for expanding individual
understanding, beliefs, and perspectives. Through critical reflection, use
of questions, dialogue, and exploration of alternative perspectives, as
well as learning through life experiences and from others. Transformative
learning can promote positive changes in life and society. Three
important stages in transformational learning are the understanding or
reflection stage, the transformation stage, and the action stage.
Transformational learning has many benefits, such as enhancing critical
thinking skills and creativity and supporting diversity and inclusion.
However, there are several methodological challenges in the study of
transformational learning, such as problems of definition and
subjectivity. Therefore, researchers must ensure that their studies are
carried out ethically, rigorously, and meaningfully.

KEYWORD: Transformational learning, traditional learning, self-


The educational transformation from traditional education to

transformational learning for the 21st century. Traditional education
refers to a teacher-centred learning model, prioritizing textbook teaching
and test-based assessment. In contrast, transformational learning refers to
a more interactive, student-centred approach and focuses on 21st-century
skills such as problem-solving. , creativity, collaboration, and critical

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

thinking (Samsonova, 2021). This change is necessary because of the

increasingly complex and constantly changing educational environment,
where students must be equipped with skills that can be applied
effectively in an evolving world of work. In the digital age, students must
learn how to use technology to seek, process, and present information
and interact with people from different backgrounds.
Migration to transformational learning involves changes in
teaching, curriculum, and assessment approaches. Teachers must pay
attention to differences between students and facilitate learning that
allows students to participate in the teaching-learning process actively.
Curricula should emphasize 21st-century skills, such as interpersonal
skills, critical thinking skills, and the ability for lifelong learning.
Assessment should focus more on formative assessment and ongoing
learning experiences and not rely solely on tests and final grades.

What is the difference between transformational learning and

traditional learning?

Transformative learning and traditional learning are two different

approaches to education. Traditional learning refers to teaching methods
that focus on factual knowledge imparted by the teacher, usually through
reading materials and classroom presentations, and then measured
through tests and final evaluations. Meanwhile, transformative learning is
a more interactive and student-centred approach, which encourages
students to participate in the learning process actively and focuses on
developing 21st-century skills such as interpersonal skills, creativity,
collaboration, and critical thinking.

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

The main difference between traditional learning and transformative


Table 1: The main differences between traditional learning and

transformative learning
Parameter Traditional Transformative Learning
Their approach and Students are Students are given an
focus on students considered active role as decision-
and learning recipients of makers in the learning
outcomes knowledge process

Measurement of Based on students' Assessment places more

student success ability to remember emphasis on student's
and understand ability to apply
facts and concepts knowledge and skills in
real-world contexts
Study location Limited to formal It can occur in a wider
classes at school or environment, such as
college study groups,
professional training, and
independent learning
experiences outside of
the classroom.

In facing the increasingly complex challenges of the 21st century,

transformative learning is considered a more effective approach to
preparing students for future success. This is because transformative
learning encourages students to develop skills that can be applied
effectively in an ever-evolving world of work and encourages students to
continue learning throughout life (Fisher-Yoshida et al., 2005).
According to Mezirow, transformative learning involves a
fundamental shift in one's perspective, which leads to new ways of
understanding and interacting with the world. This shift usually occurs

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

through a series of stages, including recognizing underlying assumptions

and beliefs, critically testing those assumptions and beliefs, exploring
alternative perspectives and views, and ultimately developing a new
perspective that is more critical and action-centred. However, while
transformative learning has many benefits and the potential to create
positive change, there are some criticisms to be aware of. One of the
main criticisms is that this learning process can be highly personal and
dependent on individual experience, making it difficult to measure its
impact empirically.
This paper tries to explain the meaning of transformational learning
and its differences from traditional and explains the stages of
transformational learning and the benefits of building student self-


Definition of Transformation Learning

Here are five definitions of transformative learning and its
parameters in Indonesian:

Table 2: Definition of Transformation Learning and Parameters

Author Definisi Parameter

(Cranton, Transformative Learning as a Learning Focus on critical
2002) Process: reflection,
Transformative learning is a learning experience, and
process that changes one's views and consideration of
beliefs through critical reflection on alternative
experiences and consideration of perspectives.
alternative perspectives. This process
empowers individuals to challenge their
assumptions and create positive changes
in life and society.

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

Author Definisi Parameter

Transformative Learning as a Tool for
Social Change:
(Fleming, Transformative learning can be a Focus on
2022) powerful tool for social and personal developing new
change. It can help individuals develop ways of thinking,
new ways of thinking and acting and acting and
challenge social norms and structures eliminating
that may be oppressive or restrictive. By limiting social
empowering individuals to critique their norms and
assumptions and beliefs, transformative structures.
learning can promote social justice and
(Lavrysh, Transformative Learning through Focus focuses on
2016) Critical Reflection: reflection,
Transformative learning involves questions,
critical reflection on individual dialogue, and
assumptions and beliefs. This process exploration of
involves using questions to stimulate alternative
reflection and dialogue, assist perspectives.
individuals to question and examine
their assumptions and beliefs and
explore alternative perspectives.
(Mezirow Transformative Learning through Focus on learning
& Taylor, Experiential Learning: through direct
2010) Transformative learning involves experience and
learning through direct experience and reflection on that
reflection on that experience. In this experience.
context, individuals learn through their
life experiences and from others
through dialogue and reflection on their
(Cranton, Transformative Learning in an Focuses on using
2002) Educational Context: transformative
Transformative learning can be used in learning in
educational contexts to empower educational
students to challenge their assumptions contexts;
and beliefs and to promote social justice educational
and equity. An educational approach approaches that

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

Author Definisi Parameter

uses transformative learning to use
encourage critical reflection, dialogue, transformative
and experiential learning to build deeper learning and the
and integrated understanding. goals of
promoting social
justice and equity.

Table 1 defines transformative learning from different perspectives,

but all have in common in emphasizing the importance of critical
reflection in the learning process that can change one's views and beliefs.
Transformative learning can be a powerful social and personal change
tool by helping individuals to develop new ways of thinking and acting
and challenging social norms and structures that may be oppressive or
restrictive. Through critical reflection, the use of questions, dialogue, and
the exploration of alternative perspectives, as well as learning through
life experiences and from others, transformative learning can promote
positive changes in lives and society. It can be used in educational
contexts to build deeper and integrated understanding and promote social
justice and equality (Hayashi, 2014).


Why is Transformative Learning So Important?

Transformative learning or transformational learning is an

important process that helps individuals broaden their knowledge,
beliefs, and perspectives, ultimately leading to personal growth and
development. This process involves critical reflection on existing
assumptions, values, and worldviews, challenging them, and adopting

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

new perspectives based on new experiences and information (Mcewen et

al., 2011).
There are several reasons why transformational learning is so important:
1. Promotes Personal Growth:
Transformational learning allows individuals to examine and
question their beliefs and assumptions, enabling them to grow and
broaden their understanding of the world and themselves.
2. Build Critical Thinking Skills:
It encourages individuals to think critically, evaluate information,
and question the status quo, which are essential skills for personal
and professional success.
3. Increases Creativity:
Transformational learning helps individuals break away from pre-
existing mental models and encourages them to think outside the
box, increasing creativity and innovation.
4. Supporting Diversity and Inclusion:
It helps individuals become more open and accepting of diverse
perspectives and promotes understanding and empathy towards
people from various backgrounds and cultures.
5. Helps Adaptability:
As individuals learn and adjust to new perspectives, they become
more adaptable and better at dealing with complex and rapidly
changing situations.

Transformational learning is important because it allows

individuals to grow and develop in several areas of their lives, ultimately
providing personal and social benefits.

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

The Use of Transformative Learning in Developing Students’ Self-


transformative Learning is a very important learning process in

one's personal development. This learning process provides immersive
experiences and broadens individual understanding and perspectives on
the world. This learning process occurs when a person experiences a
paradigm shift or mindset, where the individual feels a deep experience
in understanding a new concept. Transformative learning also helps
individuals develop self-understanding and increases individual
confidence in facing life's challenges. In education, transformational
learning is important because it can help individuals to understand
concepts more deeply and stimulate self-development. According to
Mezirow (2016), transformational learning occurs when individuals
experience deep learning and can change their outlook on life. Therefore,
the trial levels can assist individuals in gaining self-confidence,
increasing learning motivation, and stimulating self-development (Kuss
et al., 2013).
One example of transformational learning practices applied in
higher education is the mentoring program. According to research by
Chandra and Dixit (2021), mentoring programs can help students develop
interpersonal skills, strengthen social connections, and increase
independence in learning. This can happen because students who are
involved in the mentoring program experience an in-depth learning
experience where they feel supported and guided in the learning process.
In addition, according to research by King and Kitchener (2020),
transformational learning can positively increase self-efficacy, namely

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

individual confidence in carrying out certain tasks. In their research

found that transformational learning can help individuals to change their
view of their abilities, thereby increasing their confidence in facing
difficult tasks.

Transformation Learning - Theory to Practice

A study by (Rosita Dewi Nur & Firmansyah, 2019) concluded that some
students have self-efficacy in mathematics, and some do not. They are
asked to solve difficult math problems. At each category level, students
with strong self-efficacy moved away from irrelevant solutions more
quickly than those who did not have strong self-efficacy. They are better
at resolving unresolved issues more accurately than those who doubt or
feel inferior at the same level. This research indicates that positive
behaviour and self-confidence in mathematics may give better results
than actual abilities.

So thus, transformation is a basic human change. Educational or

instructional transformation is education or instruction that produces
basic students. Self-change often occurs after a person experiences an
unexpected, disappointed, awkward, and traumatic incident. For
example, a student has to repeat the same course. In these cases, a person
is usually aware of the problem and is open to other promising solutions.
When this occurs, a person then transforms. Maintaining their research
found that transformational learning can help individuals who have
become life principles. In this context, belief is related to religion, but
also self-esteem, honesty, safety under certain conditions, and so on.
However, changes must be made.

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

Transformative experiences change how we see and relate to the

world by changing our perspectives, attitudes, and behaviour. Jack
Mezirow, the theory's originator, defines transformative learning as
constructivist. This orientation states that how learners interpret and
reinterpret their sensory experiences is central to making meaning and
learning (Mezirow & Taylor, 2010). These experiences are very effective
because they stimulate the mind, generate strong emotions, and leave
lasting impressions.
Transformational learning theory explains how adults learn from
these life-changing experiences. This theory is rooted in the belief that
learning occurs when new meanings are embedded in previous
experiences (Mezirow & Taylor, 2010).

There are three stages of learning: Transformational

Transformational learning involves three important stages that

students must go through to achieve changes in understanding and
perspective. The following is an explanation of the three stages
(Nerstrom, 2014):
1. Understanding or Reflection Stage
At this stage, students reflect on previous experiences and
understandings and question the beliefs and assumptions that
underlie them. Students are asked to explore alternative viewpoints
and are encouraged to question their views on a topic. Students are
also invited to consider their beliefs' social and ethical implications.
2. Transformation Stage
At this stage, students begin to consider alternative points of view
and improve their understanding. Students also develop the critical

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

skills to related to religion d can integrate new perspectives into their

existing understanding. In addition, students are invited to open their
minds and consider possible new solutions.
3. Action Stage
At this stage, students use the new insights they have gained from
the previous stage to act differently. Students seek new ways to solve
problems and implement changes in their daily actions. Students are
also invited to explore new ways to interact with others and see the
social impact of their actions.
Transformational learning involves more than just learning facts or
concepts; it also involves developing critical thinking skills and seeing a
topic from a different perspective. Through these three stages, students
can develop a deeper understanding and a broader perspective to produce
positive changes in themselves and their environment.

Methodological Challenges in Studying Transformative Learning

Transformative learning is a process in which individuals

experience significant shifts in their worldview or perspective, often due
to experiencing new experiences or information. However, the study of
transformative learning has several methodological challenges. These
challenges include (Kim & Merriam, 2011):
1. Definition and operationalization.
There needs to be encouraged to explore alternative viewpoints and
use different criteria to identify transformative learning, which can
produce inconsistent results.
2. Subjectivity

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

Transformative lear subjective experience that varies from individual

to individual. This makes it difficult to study using objective
methods and requires qualitative methods such as interviews or case
studies to capture the nuances of the experience.
3. Retrospective reporting
Transformative learning often involves reflection on past
experiences and how those experiences have changed one's
perspective. However, relying on retrospective reporting can be
unreliable because memories can be erroneous, and people may need
help remembering their experiences accurately.
4. Ethical considerations
Transformative learning can involve experiences that are challenging
or even traumatic for individuals, so the study of these experiences
raises ethical issues about potential harm to participants. Researchers
must ensure their studies are designed and conducted ethically to
minimize potential harm.
5. Time and resources
Transformative learning is a complex process and can take place
over a long period, making it difficult and expensive to study
longitudinally. In addition, identifying individuals who have
experienced transformative learning can be time-consuming and
require extensive screening and recruitment efforts.

The study of transformative learning requires careful consideration

of the methodological challenges involved to ensure that research is
carried out ethically, rigorously, and meaningfully (Alhadeff-Jones,

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)


Transformational learning is a very important process for

broadening individual understanding, beliefs, and perspectives. This
process involves critical reflection on existing assumptions, values, and
worldviews, challenging them, and adopting new perspectives based on
new experiences and information. Through critical reflection, the use of
questions, dialogue, and the exploration of alternative perspectives, as
well as learning through life experiences and from others, transformative
learning can promote positive changes in lives and society. It can be used
in educational contexts to build deeper and integrated understanding and
promote social justice and equality (Aguiar & Silva, 2011).
There are three important stages in transformational learning,
namely the understanding or reflection stage, the transformation stage,
and the action stage. Through these three stages, students can develop a
deeper understanding and a broader perspective to produce positive
changes in themselves and their environment.
The importance of transformational learning in developing critical
thinking skills, increasing creativity, supporting diversity and inclusion,
and assisting individuals in dealing with complex and rapidly changing
situations. Transformational learning can also help individuals to gain
self-confidence, increase learning motivation, and stimulate self-
development. However, the study of transformational learning has
several methodological challenges, such as problems in definition and
operationalization, subjective perspective, ethical considerations, and
time and resources. Therefore, researchers must ensure that their studies
are designed and conducted ethically, rigorously, and meaningfully.

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

Aguiar, M., & Silva, A. M. (2011). Educational Implications of
Transformative Learning: a study in Portugal. 9TH International
Transformative Learning Conference Athens, 550–556.
Alhadeff-Jones, M. (2012). Transformative learning and the challenges
of complexity. Handbook of Transformative Learning: Theory,
Research and Practice, January 2012, 178–194.
Cranston, P. (2002). Teaching for Transformation: CONTEMPORARY
Fisher-Yoshida, B., Geller, K., & Wasserman, I. (2005). Transformative
Learning in Human Resource Development: Successes in Scholarly
Practitioner Applications--Conflict Management, Discursive
Processes in Diversity and Leadership Development. Online
Submission, 558–565.
Fleming, T. (2022). Mezirow’s Theory of Transformative Learning: in
Dialogue with Honneth’s Critical Theory (pp. 3–14).
Hayashi, C. (2014). Transformative Learning in Action. Realizing
Autonomy, 74, 5–12.
Kim, S. J., & Merriam, S. B. (2011). Methodological Challenges in
Studying Transformative Learning. 52nd Annual Adult Education
Research Conference, 364–370. /papers/kim_merriam.pdf
Kuss, D. J., Griffiths, M. D., Binder, J. F., & Street, B. (2013). Metadata,
citation, and similar papers at June 1–19.
Lavrysh, Y. (2016). Transformative Learning as a Factor of Lifelong
Learning by the Example of Vocational Education in Canada.
Comparative Professional Pedagogy, 5(4), 62–67.
Mcewen, L., Strachan, G., & Lynch, K. (2011). ’Shock and Awe’or
‘Reflection and Change’: stakeholder perceptions of transformative
learning in higher education. Learning and Teaching in Higher
Education, 5, 34–55.
Mezirow, J., & Taylor, E. W. (2010). S Transformative Learning in
Practice Insights from Community, Workplace, and Higher
Nordstrom, N. (2014). An emerging model for transformative learning.
New Prairie Press, 325–330.

International Collaboration Book Chapter
ISBN : 978-623-09-3868-9 (PDF)

Rosita Dewi Nur, I., & Firmansyah, D. (2019). The use of transformative
learning in developing students’ self-efficacy. Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, 1315(1).
Samsonova, O. (2021). Transformation of Education in 21st Century Dr
Olga Samsonova PhD in Education. October.


Dr. Murdiansyah Herman, S.Sos, M.AP, born in Tanah Grogot, on

December 09, 1973, is a lecturer at the Faculty of
Social and Political Sciences, University of August
17, 1945, Semarang. The functional position of
head lecturer in the field of administrative science
expertise. Completed undergraduate studies in state
administration at the Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences, Islamic University of Kalimantan.
Graduated in 1999 a master of public
administration studies at the Bina Banua Banjarmasin High School of
Administrative Sciences. Graduated in 2007 and doctoral program in
Administrative Sciences at the 17 August University, Surabaya.
Graduated in 2017.


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