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Space is a vast and fascinating frontier, full of wonders that defy imagination. Here are some captivating
facts about space:

 Silence of Space: Space is completely silent because it’s a vacuum, meaning there’s

no medium for sound waves to travel through1.

 Scorching Venus: Despite not being the closest planet to the Sun, Venus is the

hottest, with an average surface temperature of about 450°C due to its thick

atmosphere trapping heat1.

 Life on Mars: Mars is considered the most likely candidate in our solar system to host

life, with potential fossils of microscopic living things found in a rock from Mars1.

 Countless Stars: The exact number of stars is unknown, but our galaxy alone is

estimated to have between 200-400 billion stars, and there are billions of galaxies 1.
 Halley’s Comet: This famous comet, last seen in 1986, is only visible from Earth

every 75 to 76 years and is expected to return in 20611.

 Expensive Space Suits: A full NASA space suit costs around $12,000,000, with the

backpack and control module making up most of the cost1.

These facts barely scratch the surface of the mysteries and marvels that space has

to offer. It’s a realm that continues to inspire curiosity and drive exploration. 🌌✨

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