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The role of composting in recycling manure nutrients

Francis J. Larney1, Dan M. Sullivan2, Katherine E. Buckley3, and Bahman Eghball4†

and Agri-Food Canada, 5403 1st Ave. S., Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1J 4B1 (e-mail:; 2Department of Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-
3002, USA; 3Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, P.O. Box 1000A, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 5Y3;
4USDA-ARS, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583-0934, USA. Lethbridge Research Centre
contribution no. 38705052. Received 23 September 2005, accepted 11 April 2006.

Larney, F. J., Sullivan, D. M., Buckley, K. E. and Eghball, B. 2006. The role of composting in recycling manure nutrients. Can.
J. Soil Sci. 86: 597–611. Recently, composting has been gaining increased attention as an alternative means of handling manure
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generated by the livestock industry. Composting is not a new technology, it merely controls what is a natural decomposition
process. A major advantage of composting is reduced mass, volume and water content compared with fresh manure which in turn
reduces transportation requirements. Concomitant benefits include elimination of pathogens, parasites, weed seeds and odour
emissions on land application. However, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) losses and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are associated
with composting. Nutrients are stabilized during composting which slows their release once soil-applied. Compost also enhances
soil physical and biological properties and has a disease suppression effect. Where the supply of manure currently exceeds land
availability for application, or in some future scenario, if producers need to comply with stricter manure application rate regula-
tions, composting may be an option to encourage nutrient export from high-loading watersheds to soils that may benefit from nutri-
ent and organic matter inputs. Composting may be seen as a means of maximizing the potential for recycling manure nutrients by
soils and crops while protecting surface and groundwater resources from manure-related contamination.

Key words: Manure, compost, nutrients, cropping systems, soil quality

Larney, F. J., Sullivan, D. M., Buckley, K. E. et Eghball, B. 2006. Rôle du compostage dans le recyclage des éléments nutri-
tifs du fumier. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86: 597–611. Depuis peu, le compostage retient de plus en plus l’attention comme solution de
rechange à la manutention du fumier venant de l’élevage. Le compostage n’est pas une nouvelle technologie. Cette technique ne
fait que réguler le processus naturel de décomposition. Un de ses atouts majeurs est de réduire la masse, le volume et la teneur en
eau du fumier frais, avec les économies que cela suppose au niveau du transport. Les avantages concomitants comprennent l’élim-
ination des microorganismes pathogènes, des parasites, des semences de mauvaises herbes et des odeurs au moment de l’épandage
sur les terres. Toutefois, on associe au compostage des pertes en carbone (C), en azote (N) et en gaz à effet de serre (GES). Le
compostage stabilise les éléments nutritifs, ce qui en ralentit la libération après application au sol. Le compost rehausse également
les propriétés physiques et biologiques du sol, et a tendance à combattre la maladie. Quand la quantité de fumier dépasse la super-
ficie des terres sur lesquelles on pourrait l’étendre et que l’agriculteur doit composer avec des règlements plus sévères quant aux
taux d’application, le compostage pourrait favoriser le transfert des éléments nutritifs des bassins hydrographiques surchargés vers
les sols susceptibles de profiter d’un apport d’éléments nutritifs et de matière organique. On pourrait voir dans le compostage un
moyen pour maximiser la capacité de recyclage des nutriments par le sol et par les cultures, mais aussi de mettre les eaux de sur-
face et souterraines à l’abri de la contamination par les effluents du fumier.

Mots clés: Fumier, compost, éléments nutritifs, systèmes agricoles, qualité du sol

The livestock industry represents a large segment of the agri- range haulage of fresh manure from a livestock operation is
cultural economies of the United States and Canada. For most uneconomical. Therefore, most manure is land-applied at
of farming history, livestock and the manure they produced high application rates close to source, thereby diminishing
were seen as necessary components for maintenance of soil its potential use as a soil amendment. High application rates
quality and crop productivity (Janzen 2001; McNeill and are unsustainable in the long-term and lead to degradation of
Winiwarter 2004). During the 20th century, specialization soil (Hao and Chang 2003), water (Chang and Entz 1996;
made farms less diverse and increasing numbers of livestock Chang and Janzen 1996) and air quality (Chang et al. 1998)
are now raised in confined feeding operations on land bases as well as public perception issues (Pell 1997). Chemical,
that are often too small to accommodate the large volumes of physical and biological properties of fresh manure are also
manure produced (Ribaudo et al. 2003; Larney et al. 2004). highly variable, making its use in cropping systems more of
This has created a dichotomy, where manure is either a lead- a challenge than commercial fertilizers (Laguë et al. 2005).
ing source of agricultural pollution if mismanaged or a valu-
able fertilizer and soil amendment if handled properly. Abbreviations: DM, dry matter; EC, electrical conductiv-
Due to its high water content (WC) of up to 99% (wet ity; GHG, greenhouse gas; PAN, plant-available nitrogen;
weight) for liquid manure and 70% for solid manure, long- PG, phosphogypsum; SBM, straw-bedded manure; TC,
total carbon; WBM, wood-bedded manure; WC, water con-
†Deceased. tent

Composting has gained increased attention as a means of composting refers to methods which confine manure within
reducing the environmental impact of livestock manure a building, container or vessel and relies on forced aeration
(Kashmanian and Rynk 1996, 1998). Composting benefits and mechanical turning. In-vessel systems are used on some
the environment because manure nutrients are converted to hog and dairy farms to compost the solid manure fraction
more stable forms and are less likely to reach groundwater (after separation of the liquid component of manure slurry).
or move in surface runoff. Compost can be stored until land While the composting process is explained in greater
application conditions are suitable or, compared with fresh detail by Haug (1993), Epstein (1997), Keener et al. (2000),
manure, can be more economically transported to water- Stoffella and Kahn (2001) and Peigné and Girardin (2004),
sheds with low nutrient loadings. While some livestock some of the more important parameters pertaining to com-
operations in Canada and the United States have invested in posting of livestock manure are outlined below.
composting, mainly for their own end-use, others have con-
tracted out to commercial composting companies. This dis- Feedstocks
penses with the need for individual farms to invest in Cereal straw has been traditionally used as a bedding mate-
compost turning equipment. In most cases, the farm supplies rial for feedlot cattle on the Canadian prairies, resulting in a
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the fresh manure to the contractor at no cost. The manure is material at pen cleaning which is roughly 80% manure and
composted on-farm by the contractor, who then owns and 20% bedding (dry wt. basis). However, forest product com-
distributes the final product for agricultural land application, panies are promoting the use of wood residuals (mixture of
the urban market or the soil reclamation industry. However, bark, post peelings and sawdust) as an alternative bedding
the proportion of the total manure that is composted remains source (McAllister et al. 1998). Use of wood rather than
small. In southern Alberta, only about 5–10% of beef feed- straw creates feedstocks with higher initial C:N ratios.
lot manure is composted (Larney, unpublished data). Most compost recipes seek to minimize nutrient losses,
Stewart et al. (2000) reported that although composting of particularly N, so that they are retained in the final product.
feedlot manure on the US Great Plains began in the 1960s Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of phosphorus (P) fer-
and had increased by the 1990s, statistics were not available, tilizer manufacture. Zvomuya et al. (2005) added PG to
although the proportion of total manure composted was fresh manure at four rates and co-composted the materials.
believed to be low. They found reduced N losses with additions of PG, e.g.,
The objectives of this paper are (1) to present an overview 19.3% N loss (as a percent of initial) for a control treatment
of current composting practices for livestock manure, and vs. 0.3% N loss with a PG rate of 70 kg Mg–1. This may be
their effects on nutrients; and (2) to outline other benefits of related to lower pH values associated with PG addition.
composting which complement its role in nutrient recycling. There is a well-established link between N loss via ammo-
nia (NH3) volatilization and pH, with volatilization losses
decreasing as pH decreases (Al-Kanani et al. 1992).
Composting is not a new technology (Rynk 1992). It is an
Phosphogypsum also added sulphur (S) resulting in a more
aerobic biological process where microorganisms convert
balanced nutrient source, especially for S-deficient soils.
organic materials (manure, sludge, leaves, paper, food
Amendment of poultry manure with elemental S and zeo-
wastes) into a humus-like material called compost. The
lite reduced NH3 loss during composting by 60% compared
microorganisms consume oxygen while feeding on the
with 33.5% with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw and
organic matter and in the process generate carbon dioxide
(CO2), heat and water vapour. Composting is essentially the 25.8% with peat moss amendments (Mahimairaja et al.
application of controlled conditions (e.g., optimum recipe of 1994).
organic materials, aeration, turning and mixing, time) to
enhance a natural decomposition process. Aeration
Manure composting was practiced as far back as biblical Since composting is an aerobic process, the means by which
times and up until the mid 20th century when it fell out of air is introduced to the substrate often defines the compost-
favour, following increased mechanization and the intro- ing technology. With windrow composting, air is introduced
duction of chemical fertilizers. In the 1980s, interest in com- and porosity is maintained by frequent turning, with either
posting was rekindled, initially by municipalities (municipal conventional farm equipment (tractor and front-end loader,
solid waste compost) as a means of diverting organic mate- skid-steer loader) or specialized windrow turning equip-
rials from shrinking landfill space. Nowadays, in an era of ment. With passive aeration (often called aerated static
increased environmental awareness, composting is very piles), air enters via a system of open-ended perforated pipes
much part of the “Three Rs” (reduce, reuse, recycle) philos- placed under the windrow (Sartaj et al. 1995; Burton and
ophy of modern society. It is viewed as a way of turning Turner 2003). Even though passive aeration dispenses with
organic materials, including livestock manures, into value- the need for turning and lowers energy costs, Larney et al.
added products that can be recycled back to soil. (2000) found that aeration by turning works best for large
Windrow composting is generally used for solid livestock volumes of windrowed manure. Passive aeration resulted in
manures. The word “windrow” is “wind” + “row” i.e., the partially composted material, especially in the centre of the
placement of wet material into long narrow rows to facilitate windrow, due to the lack of mixing. However, Solano et al.
drying by wind. Windrows are generally established on an (2001) found that passive aeration resulted in less N loss
open-air earthen pad close to the livestock facility. In-vessel compared with turning and forced aeration of sheep manure.

Temperature and Microbial Activity operating at temperatures > 70°C increases the likelihood of
Temperature is one of the main parameters influencing the better destruction of potential human pathogens and aller-
success of windrow composting (Rynk 1992) and is espe- genic moulds as well as phytopathogens and weed seeds. A
cially important in eliminating pathogens and viable weed study with separated dairy manure solids containing wood
seeds. Heat is produced as a by-product of the microbial shavings as bedding indicated that when temperatures were
breakdown of organic material during composting. Initially, highest early in the composting period, the thermophilic
winter air temperatures were thought to be too low in south- community may not have been well established (Carpenter-
ern Alberta to maintain thermophilic activity in compost Boggs et al. 1998). Using phospholipid fatty acid profiles as
windrows. However, results from Larney et al. (2000) indicators of microbial communities, they observed that
showed that this was not the case as peak temperatures of composts maintaining temperatures of > 40°C for a longer
65°C were recorded for both active and passive aeration duration allowed the growth of thermophilic organisms.
treatments on day 6 of a winter (October to March) com-
posting study. Temperatures dropped to near ambient imme- Water Content
diately after each turning event on the active treatment but Water management during composting involves a delicate
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returned to thermophilic conditions within 2 d. The mini- balance between two functions: encouraging optimum
mum ambient air temperature during the study was –39°C. microbial activity and permitting adequate oxygen supply.
Overall, during the 132 d winter composting period, there Water is essential in the decomposition process and exces-
were 12 d when the minimum air temperature was < –30°C sive loss is one of the most common problems associated
and 33 d when it was < –20°C. This was much colder than with poor composting (Smith 1978). Manipulation of sub-
the winter temperatures (–27 to +15°C) reported by Lynch strate density and particle size may alleviate situations with
and Cherry (1996) for successful overwinter composting in non-optimal water content (Richard et al. 2002). More fre-
Idaho. quent windrow turning to reduce bulk density and facilitate
The amount of heat produced depends on the size of the evaporation benefits high-moisture materials.
windrow, its WC, aeration, and C/N ratio (De Bertoldi et al. Optimum water levels are also important in the economics
1983). The microbes affect their own destiny during compost- of the composting system. Ekinci et al. (2004) modelled com-
ing by producing heat which in turn dictates the microbial pop- posting rate as a function of initial WC and temperature in a
ulations (Epstein 1997). There is an initial phase of rapid bench-scale incubator-bioreactor system. They found that
microbial growth during which the most readily available sug- broiler litter amended with paper mill sludge achieved maxi-
ars and amino acids are consumed (Phase a, Fig. 1). This phase mum decomposition at 44% WC and a temperature around
is initiated by mesophilic organisms, which generate heat by 58°C. Optimizing an aerated composting system to achieve a
their metabolism and raise the temperature to a point where temperature of 60°C reduced fan energy cost by 31% com-
their own activities are suppressed. Then thermophilic fungi pared with allowing decomposition to take place at 50°C.
(e.g., Rhizomucor pusillus) and several thermophilic bacteria A drawback with summer windrow composting is water
continue the process, raising the temperature of the material to loss by evaporative drying especially with high turning fre-
70–80°C (Phase b, Fig. 1) within a few days. During this phase quencies. This necessitates haulage and addition of water
all the mesophilic organisms and the initial thermophilic fungi which is an added expense. Water mass loss with winter
are destroyed or inactivated. A prolonged high-temperature composting (44% of initial) was significantly lower than
phase favours the development of other thermophilic species. that for summer composting (83%) (Larney et al. 2000).
A few thermophilic prokaryotes can continue to grow during However, summer composting resulted in higher volume
peak-heating and persist during the prolonged high-tempera- reduction (72% of initial) than winter composting (51%),
ture plateau, when the temperature is maintained at between resulting in lower haulage requirements for the finished
40 and 60°C (Phase c, Fig. 1). Chang and Hudson (1967) compost.
found that thermophilic or thermotolerant fungi could increase
in a compost pile even as the compost temperature decreased CHEMICAL CHANGES DURING COMPOSTING
from 70 to 50°C. By their combined activities, these fungi pro- Since composting is a stabilization process, the nutrients in
mote a major phase of decomposition (e.g., plant cell-wall finished compost are more stable and less plant-available
materials such as cellulose and hemicellulose), so that the dry than in fresh manure. However, composting leads to nutri-
weight of the compost can be halved during a relatively high ent losses and recent composting research has aimed to min-
temperature phase which may last 20 d or more after peak imize these losses in order to (1) reduce their environmental
heating. Eventually, as temperature declines, mesophilic impact, e.g., loss of N as NH3 or nitrous oxide (N2O), which
organisms recolonize the compost and displace the ther- is a GHG; and (2) retain nutrients in the compost so as to
mophiles (Phase d, Fig. 1). However, some heat-tolerant maximize its value for crop production. Management (turn-
species such as Aspergillus fumigatus (a very common and ing regime, presence or absence of bulking agents) and envi-
important member of the high-temperature compost commu- ronmental conditions (e.g., season) affect nutrient losses
nity with a temperature range from 12–55°C) can continue to during composting (Barrington et al. 2002; Parkinson et al.
grow. 2004).
Beffa et al. (1996a, b) provided evidence of a high diver- While knowledge of concentration changes due to com-
sity of thermophilic bacteria thriving in compost at temper- posting is important for land application of nutrients, it
atures of 65 to 82°C. A functional bacterial population offers no indication of nutrient mass losses during the
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Fig. 1. Changes in temperature, and populations of mesophilic and thermophilic fungi in a wheat straw compost. [Adapted from Chang and
Hudson (1967)].

process itself. Comparing final to initial concentrations of

nutrients can be misleading (Breitenbeck and Schellinger
2004) because of simultaneous dry matter (DM) losses
(Eghball et al. 1997; Tiquia et al. 2002). For example, an
identical N concentration of 15 g kg–1 in initial manure and
subsequent final compost does not mean zero N loss during
composting. Assuming a 30% DM loss (1000 kg manure
DM becomes 700 kg of compost DM), there is 15 kg of ini-
tial manure N (15 g N kg–1 × 1000 kg) and only 10.5 kg of
final compost N (15 g N kg–1 × 700 kg), representing an N
mass loss of 30%.

Since microorganisms consume C during the composting
process, C concentrations decrease and C mass losses (mainly
as CO2) may be substantial. In southern Alberta, Larney et al.
(2001) reported that total carbon (TC) concentration was 314
g kg–1 with straw-bedded manure (SBM) and 358 g kg–1 with
wood-bedded manure (WBM) on day 0 of a feedlot manure Fig. 2. Effect of bedding type on total C concentration during com-
composting experiment (Fig. 2) and this difference was non- posting of beef feedlot manure at Lethbridge, Alberta. Bedding
significant. However, on all 16 subsequent sampling dates, TC type effect significant (P = 0.05) on all sampling dates except day
concentration of WBM was significantly higher than that of 0 (Larney et al. 2001).
SBM. Total C content decreased as composting progressed for
both bedding types with an initial more rapid decrease for
SBM. By day 10, TC concentration had dropped by 70 g kg–1 g kg–1) to day 108 (185 g kg–1) for SBM, and by only 6 g kg–1
for SBM and by only 25 g kg–1 for WBM. This was due to during the same period for WBM.
faster microbial decomposition of C and release as CO2 from Larney et al. (2006) reported significantly higher (P =
straw compared with wood materials. Carbon compounds in 0.007) C losses with composting (66.9%) than stockpiling
wood are bound by lignins, which are highly resistant to bio- (37.5%), due to greater decomposition. Tiquia et al. (2002)
logical degradation, while C in straw (which is mainly cellu- found C losses of 64% for turned compost windrows, which
lose) is less resistant. Carbon concentrations stabilized after was significantly higher than 50% for unturned windrows of
day 45, e.g., TC declined by only 14 g kg–1 from day 45 (199 solid pig manure. Carbon losses from other composting
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Fig. 3. Effect of bedding type on plant-available N (PAN, expressed as a percent of total N) for fresh manure and finished compost at
Lethbridge, Alberta, 1998–2000. Bedding effect significant at *5% level; ***0.1% level; ns = non-significant (Larney et al. 2002b).

studies include: 45–62% for feedlot manure in Nebraska Tiquia et al. (2002) found that C:N ratio of the initial raw
(Eghball et al. 1997); 45–74% from sawdust- and 54–79% material was the most critical factor affecting N loss. Lower
from straw-amended dairy manure in Ohio (Michel et al. ratios mean that the microbes utilize all the C before N is
2004); and 44% (Sommer and Dahl 1999) and 40–49% stabilized, resulting in N losses mostly as NH3. DeLaune et
(Sommer 2001) for deep litter dairy manure in Denmark. al. (2004) reported that alum (aluminum sulphate) addition
reduced NH3 volatilization from composting poultry litter
Nitrogen by 76% while phosphoric acid reduced it by 54%.
Total N concentrations generally remain fairly constant as Hansen et al. (1993) reported that the quantity of NH3 lost
fresh manure is composted which means that N loss ≈ DM loss during poultry manure composting was affected by process
(expressed as percent of initial mass). Increases in TN con- conditions including C:N ratio, turning frequency, and par-
centration during composting show that N loss < DM loss, ticle size of amendments. Approximately 85% of the NH3
which is favourable. On the other hand, declines in N concen- was emitted during the first 5 d of composting, and cumula-
tration result in N loss > DM loss, which is undesirable. tive mass emitted was over three times greater with a C:N
The form of inorganic N also changes during composting. ratio of 15:1 than 20:1. Addition of biodegradable C to
In the early stages most of the inorganic N is present as achieve a C:N ratio of 30:1 minimized NH3 loss, but
NH4-N with very little as NO3-N. In the latter stages of com- increased material handling costs.
posting, nitrification leads to a decline in NH4-N levels and
an increase in NO3-N. Hence NH4-N: NO3-N ratio is often Phosphorus
used as an index of compost maturity, with lower values (< Unlike N, P losses during composting are usually low unless
10) indicating stable product (Bernal et al. 1998). Larney et the windrows are subjected to runoff (rainfall or snowmelt).
al. (2002b) reported that NO3-N increased from 1 to 430 mg Total P concentrations generally increase, e.g., from an
kg–1 during active composting while NH4-N decreased from average of 4 g kg–1 in fresh manure to 5.3 g kg–1 in finished
1950 to 590 mg kg–1. They also found that plant-available compost (Larney et al. 2002a). Since P losses are minimal,
nitrogen [PAN = (NH4-N + NO3-N)/TN × 100] decreased the increased P concentration is due largely to DM losses, as
with composting. The sharpest decrease was for SBM, essentially the same mass of P is present in less DM mass.
which fell from 43.7% PAN in fresh material to only 4.6% Likewise, in a Danish composting study, Sommer (2001)
for compost (Fig. 3). This much lower value should be taken found that P losses from dairy manure and straw mixtures
into account when compost is used in cropping systems as a were low. During 132 d, 2% of total P was lost in runoff.
source of plant nutrients. Additionally, Larney et al. (2002b) In contrast, under UK conditions, Parkinson et al. (2004)
reported that PAN in finished compost varied from 4.6 to reported P losses of 12–28% where leachate had been gen-
6.3% of TN for SBM and from 6.8 to 11.0% for WBM. erated from open-air compost stacks by rainfall amounts of
Nitrogen loss during composting is mostly due to NH3 400–500 mm over 16–19 wk periods.
volatilization. Møller et al. (2000) reported N losses of
15–42% during a 143 d composting period for hog manure Salts
in Denmark. Sawdust-amended freestall dairy manure lost Salt concentrations increase during composting as organic
8–26% of its initial N whereas straw-amended manure lost matter is lost by decomposition and salt mass remains more
15–43% N (Michel et al. 2004). or less constant. Limitations on compost use imposed by salt

concentrations can be determined by compost testing Gaseous emissions of N and C from dairy manure with
(Sullivan and Miller 2001). For potting media, electrical straw bedding were quantified in a Danish study (Sommer
conductivity (EC) > 3 dS m–1 is often phytotoxic. In com- 2001). Less than 0.3% of the TN loss was emitted as N2O,
post, chloride >350 mg L–1 or boron >1 mg L–1 in a saturat- and CH4 emission was between 0.01 and 0.03% of the C in
ed paste extract can be toxic to sensitive crops. Seed the composted material. Most of the total N loss (28%) dur-
germination tests can also be used to assess potential salt ing composting was attributed to volatilization of ammonia.
toxicity of manure composts. Reducing salt intake in live- Covering the compost with a porous tarpaulin or compact-
stock diets is effective in reducing salt levels in manure and ing the compost reduced emission losses to 12–18% of TN.
hence in finished compost.
COMPOSTING AND In Alberta composting studies with feedlot manure, WC
GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS dropped from 70% (wet wt.) at pen cleaning to 35% for fin-
Greenhouse gas emissions are associated with livestock pro- ished compost (Larney et al. 2000). Water mass loss from
duction (Sommer et al. 2004). Methane (CH4) is emitted feedlot manure was up to 80%. Composting a mixture of
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directly from the animals while N2O is emitted from manure swine manure and wood shavings resulted in a reduction in
bedding packs, stockpiles and compost windrows (Peigné and WC from an initial level of 62%, to a final level of 46.8%
Girardin 2004; Sommer and Møller 2000) and after applica- with continuous aeration, and 55.3% with intermittent aera-
tion of manure and composts to soil (Yang et al. 2002). tion (Keener et al. 2001). Moisture had to be added to the
Under southern Alberta conditions, the effects of aeration continuously aerated vessel at day 21 of the 28 d compost-
method (Hao et al. 2001), pen bedding material (Hao et al. ing period to maintain optimum moisture. Windrow turning
2004) and PG addition (Hao et al. 2005) on GHG emissions of the same initial material decreased WC to 42.5%.
during composting of feedlot manure have been examined. However, in high rainfall areas, finished compost may have
For a passive aeration treatment (no turning), C lost as CO2 a higher total mass than the initial fresh manure due to reten-
was 73.8 kg C Mg–1 manure and as CH4, 6.3 kg C Mg–1 tion of moisture, even though the DM loss may be substan-
(Hao et al. 2001). Equivalent values were 168 and 8.1 kg C tial (Michel et al. 2004).
Mg–1 manure for an active treatment (turned six times). The Dry matter losses are expected during composting as the
N loss in the form of N2O was 0.11 kg N Mg–1 manure for feedstocks are subjected to microbial decomposition. In
the passive treatment and 0.19 kg N Mg–1 for the active Alberta, DM mass reductions with composting were in the
treatment. Fuel consumption to turn and maintain the range of 20–30% (Larney et al. 2000) while losses of up to
windrow added a further 4.4 kg C Mg–1 manure for the 58% have been reported in Manitoba (Larney et al. 2006). A
active aeration treatment. Since CH4 is 21 times more harm- Nebraska study found that DM losses of feedlot manure var-
ful, and N2O 310 times more harmful than CO2 in their ied from 14.9 to 20% depending on climatic conditions, ini-
global warming effects, GHG emissions expressed as CO2- tial C level and amount of soil mixed with the manure
C equivalents were 240 kg C Mg–1 manure for passive and (Eghball et al. 1997). For composting of deep litter from
401 kg C Mg–1 manure for active aeration. The lower emis- dairy cows, Sommer and Dahl (1999) reported DM losses of
sion associated with the passive treatment was mainly due to 39–43% in Denmark.
the incomplete decomposition of manure and a lower gas Housing grower or finisher pigs on solid bedding in low-
diffusion rate. In addition, the turning action affected N cost wooden or canvas structures (hoop shelters) is becom-
transformation and transport in the windrow profile, which ing an increasingly popular alternative to liquid manure
contributed to higher N2O emissions for the active aeration collection in conventional hog barns (Wastell and Lubischer
treatment. Hao et al. (2001) concluded that gas diffusion is 2000). Turning a swine manure-corn (Zea mays L.) stalk
an important factor controlling GHG emissions. Higher bedding mixture from a hoop shelter with a manure spread-
GHG concentrations in the pore space within compost er resulted in DM losses of 63%, compared with 42% using
windrows does not necessarily mean higher emission rates a loader (Richard and Smits 1998). The High-Rise™ hog
at the windrow surface. building, where manure is collected on an absorbent mater-
For GHG emissions during composting of SBM and ial under slatted floors is another housing option (Sun et al.
WBM, most C was lost as CO2 (> 94%) with CH4 account- 2003). Swine manure-wood shaving mixtures collected
ing for < 6% (Hao et al. 2004). However, the net contribu- from a High-Rise™ facility and composted in aerated ves-
tion to GHG emissions was greater for CH4 since its global sels for 4 wk had DM losses of 30.5% (continuous aeration)
warming potential is greater than CO2. Nitrous oxide emis- to 33.5% (intermittent aeration). Open windrow composting
sions were 0.077 kg N Mg–1 manure for SBM and 0.084 kg of the same mixture for 106 d resulted in less DM loss as
N Mg–1 for WBM, accounting for 1 to 6% of total N loss. estimated by a lower ash content (Keener et al. 2001).
Total GHG emissions as CO2-C equivalent were not signif- Dry bulk density increased from 0.10 to 0.36 Mg m3 for
icantly different between SBM (368.4 ± 18.5 kg Mg–1) and active (seven turnings) and 0.10 to 0.18 Mg m3 for passive
WBM (349.2 ± 24.3 kg Mg–1). summer composting of feedlot manure (Larney et al. 2000).
In another study, Hao et al. (2005) found that PG addition Volume reduction (as a percent of initial) was 66% for the
reduced GHG emissions (CO2-C equivalent) during com- active and 44% for the passive treatment (Fig. 4). The influ-
posting of livestock manure by at least 58%, primarily due ence of amendment type on initial bulk density is an impor-
to reduced CH4 emission. tant consideration for compost operation management and

related primarily to manure application rate rather than

source. Miller et al. (2004) found no difference in barley
(Hordeum vulgare L.) yield between fresh and composted
feedlot manure in a 3-yr field study in southern Alberta.
Helgason et al. (2006) found that N uptake in a compost
bioassay with canola (Brassica napus L.) was strongly relat-
ed to the mineral N added (R2 = 0.98; P < 0.001) in the com-
posts. Mineral N content of compost, analyzed prior to
application, predicted PAN release. In seven of eight com-
posts, <5% of organic N was mineralized over 425 d, sug-
gesting that organic N in compost is largely unavailable to
plants in the year of application. DeLuca and DeLuca (1997)
summarized research studies indicating that N mineraliza-
tion rates for cattle manure compost varied from 5 to 34%
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/19/24

yr–1. Eghball (2000) reported that of the organic N applied

in the previous fall, 11% was mineralized from composted
feedlot manure compared with 21% from non-composted
manure during the succeeding growing season. Eghball and
Fig. 4. Volume reduction during composting of beef cattle feedlot Power (1999b) estimated N availability of 40% for feedlot
manure at Lethbridge, Alberta (Larney et al. 2000). manure and 15% for compost in the first year, and 18% for
manure and 8% for compost in the second year. Across 4 yr,
apparent N use efficiency was 17% for fresh feedlot manure,
12% for composted manure and 45% for N fertilizer
facility design. Although amendment of freestall dairy (Eghball and Power 1999a). Less N mineralization from
manure with straw or sawdust led to manure volume and compost compared with fresh manure reflects loss of easily
weight reduction, straw resulted in a larger volume decrease convertible N and C compounds during composting and the
than sawdust, due to greater changes in bulk density and free presence of stable N compounds (Eghball et al. 2002).
air space (Michel et al. 2004). Preusch et al. (2002) reported an N mineralization rate of
Physical changes during composting (mass and volume 1–9% for composted compared with 42–64% for fresh poul-
reductions) help increase the transportability of the final try litter.
product compared with fresh manure. Less water is trans- In Oregon and Washington, field and laboratory studies
ported in compost, and its higher bulk density than fresh with a variety of composts, manures and other organic
manure means a greater DM mass can be loaded onto a truck amendments (Gale et al. 2005) showed that first-season
for haulage. Therefore, if exporting nutrients from high- to PAN was related to initial chemical characteristics such as
low-loading watersheds is the aim, compost is the more C:N ratio (Fig. 5), NH4-N, and the degree of organic matter
attractive option. stability (Table 1). Dry stacking of broiler litter for 2 to 12
wk did not substantially affect analytical characteristics,
USES OF MANURE COMPOST PAN, or organic matter decomposition rate. Composts and
Nutrient Source for Crop Production manures fell into three broad groups based on PAN deter-
Application to soil is the predominant end use of agricultur- mined during the growing season that followed application.
al compost. In conventional cropping systems, compost is The first group, well-composted amendments with slow, lin-
often applied as a complement to chemical fertilizer, while ear decomposition rates in soil (average 21% decomposition
in organic rotations it is used to supplement green manuring in 70 d at 22°C), supplied first-season PAN of approximate-
practices. ly 0 to 20%. Much of the PAN in these composts was pre-
One of the more frequent questions on compost pertains sent as inorganic N at application. For the second
to its release of N and P, compared with fresh manure or fer- amendment group, rapidly decomposing manures and other
tilizer, once applied to soil. The release dynamics determine amendments with C:N ratios <15, first-season PAN ranged
the amounts of N and P mineralized and made available for from approximately 20 to 80%. Much of the PAN released
plant uptake and growth. Since these nutrients have been from these amendments was detected by early-season soil
stabilized, their release rates are generally lower than those sampling for NO3-N. Most of these amendments contained
of fresh manure. In a lysimeter study, Basso and Ritchie significant amounts of NH4-N, which can be rapidly lost as
(2005) found lower levels of NO3-N leaching in compost- NH3 if the amendments are not immediately incorporated by
amended soils than manure-amended soils where treatments tillage. The third group of amendments (C:N ratio >20)
were calculated to supply 120 kg N ha–1. However, included non-composted screened dairy manure solids, and
Ferguson et al. (2005) found that after a decade of high these immobilized PAN for 30–60 d following soil incorpo-
application rates of fresh vs. composted beef feedlot manure ration.
in Nebraska, there was little difference in crop yield, nutri- Questions also arise about the ability of composts to sup-
ent uptake, or soil nutrient accumulation. Differences were ply crop nutrients compared with traditional inorganic fer-

the composted manure influenced P adsorption/desorption.

Earlier studies indicated that organic anions were not only
effective in reducing retention of added P, but also helped in
mobilizing P already retained in the soil, making adsorbed P
more available for plant uptake (Lopez-Hernandez et al.
1979; Chand and Tomar 1992).
Based on soil test P changes and plant P uptake, P avail-
ability in the first year after application was 85% for fresh
beef cattle feedlot manure and 73% for composted manure
(Eghball et al. 2002). Slightly lower P availability from
composted manure indicated that chemical reactions during
mixing and turning of composting caused P to become less
plant-available. In a field study, Wen et al. (1997) found that
69% of composted manure P was plant-available. In an incu-
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/19/24

bation study with a range of organic amendments, Gagnon

and Simard (2003) found that fresh dairy manure gave the
highest net increase in resin-P and labile P fractions in terms
of percentage of total P added, whereas poultry litter com-
post was the most efficient in increasing NaHCO3-
extractable inorganic P. In a growth chamber study with
feedlot manures and composts, Zvomuya et al. (2006) indi-
cated that only two parameters (water-extractable P and
Fig. 5. Carbon:nitrogen ratio vs. plant-available nitrogen (PAN) total P concentrations) were adequate to model uptake of
from compost, broiler litter or other organic amendments at field amendment-derived P, explaining 81% of the variation in P
sites in western Oregon and Washington. Each data-point repre- uptake.
sents one amendment site-year. Amendments were applied 30 to
45 d prior to seeding sweet corn. (Gale et al. 2005).
Adler and Sikora (2003) suggested that water-extractable
P increased when loam soils were amended with biological-
ly active, immature compost or when the sorption capacity
of the soil was not sufficient to offset the effects of the com-
tilizers. Sikora and Enkiri (2004) considered poultry litter post addition. Because water-extractable P is implicated in
compost equal to triple superphosphate in supplying P to runoff events, they advised caution in applying immature
fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb). In Nova Scotia, composts to critical source areas within a watershed, which
Warman and Cooper (2000) compared the effects of fertil- are most vulnerable to P loss in surface runoff or erosion.
ization of mixed forage with fresh and composted chicken Composting concentrates salt levels compared with fresh
manure and inorganic N, P and potassium (K). Compost manure. However, Miller et al. (2005) indicated that apply-
amendments produced yields as high as the recommended ing composted manure to irrigated barley on a clay loam soil
rate of N, P and K fertilizer. However, compost P and K for 3 yr at rates up to 77 Mg ha–1 should not cause an
were used inefficiently by the forage, resulting in increased increase in salinity and sodicity variables compared with
levels of Mehlich 3-extractable P and K in the 0- to 15-cm fresh manure. Calcium, Mg, K, Cl, EC, and potassium
layer of the compost-amended plots. adsorption ratio were significantly higher for SBM than
A long-term irrigated rotation study at Vauxhall, Alberta, WBM at certain rates and years. These results suggest that
examines feedlot manure compost as a replacement for inor- bedding material could be used as a management tool to
ganic N and P fertilizers in rotations including potatoes control levels of some salinity variables in soil.
(Solanum tuberosum L.), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.),
beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and wheat (Larney, unpub- Maintenance of Soil Quality and Soil Reclamation
lished data). There was no negative effect of providing the Even though C is lost during composting, compost is rich in
full P requirement and partial N requirement of the potato stable C, and this has immediate implications for replenish-
crop with compost as the yield difference was non-signifi- ment of soil organic matter and maintenance of soil quality,
cant when compared with rotations receiving their N and P which is not the case with inorganic fertilizers. Depletion of
from fertilizer (Table 2). Additionally, there should be some soil organic matter is a problem on intensively cultivated
residual nutrient release from the compost for subsequent cropland, e.g., irrigated land in southern Alberta, where
crops. Schlegel (1992) found that sorghum [Sorghum bicol- crops such as potatoes, sugar beets, beans and peas, grown
or (L.) Moench] yields were greatest from combinations of in rotation, return little plant residue to the soil.
compost and N fertilizer than from either applied alone. The retention time of soil-added C is an important issue
Apparent N recovery from compost was about 13% com- in light of the recent interest in using soil as a C sink
pared with 36% for N fertilizer. (Helgason et al. 2005). Eghball (2002) reported that about
Øgaard (1996) indicated that P added with composted 25% of applied feedlot manure C and 36% of applied com-
manure was adsorbed to a lesser degree on soil particles post C remained in a Nebraska soil 4 yr after application,
than added inorganic P, and concluded that organic acids in indicating greater C sequestration with composted material.

Table 1. Amendment analyses, decomposition rate, and plant-available nitrogen (PAN) release in laboratory and field trials in western Oregon and
C:N ratio Total N NH4-N Lab decomp.y Lab PANy Field PANy
Amendment (g kg–1) (%) (% of total N)
Pelleted fish by-product 5 94 1.1 99 57 77
Dry-stacked broiler litter 9 38 6.3 57 45 41
Screened dairy solids 27 16 1.5 62 1 9
Screened, composted dairy solids 20 20 0.6 28 8 5
Lagooned, anaerobically digested dairy solids 20 19 2.4 39 14 13
Rabbit manure 11 30 7.7 66 42 27
Composted rabbit manurex 10 18 0.0 9 19 22
zAdapted from Gale et al. (2005).
yLaboratory decomposition and plant-available nitrogen (PAN) determined in 70 d laboratory incubation at 22°C. Field PAN determined in the field using
fertilizer N equivalency method, with immediate tillage after amendment application.
xComposted rabbit manure was the only amendment containing a significant amount of PAN as NO -N (1.5 g kg–1; 8% of total N) at application.
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/19/24

Table 2. Effect of compost application and rotation management on potato yield, Vauxhall, Alberta, 2002
Rotation Previous crop Nutrient inputs Potato yield (Mg ha–1)
3 yr Conventional Wheat 112 N, 67 P, 67 Ky 27.2a
3 yr Sustainable Wheat 62 N, 28 P, 67 K
28 Mg ha–1 compost (wet wt) 33.1a
4 yr Conventional Beans 112 N, 67 P, 67 K 29.1a
4 yr Sustainable Beans 37 N, 0 P, 67 K
42 Mg ha–1 compost (wet wt) 22.8a
5 yr Sustainable Beans 37 N, 0 P, 67 K
42 Mg ha–1compost (wet wt) 30.7a
6 yr Sustainable Beans 37 N, 0 P, 67 K
42 Mg ha–1compost (wet wt) 26.2a
of N, P and K fertilizer inputs are kg ha–1.
a Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other (P = 0.05, LSD).

In a wellsite reclamation study in Alberta, Larney et al. that compost-induced benefits in soil physical properties
(2005) found that, over a 40-mo period, the average (bulk density, macro-porosity, oxygen diffusion rate, shear
amounts (n = 3 wellsites) of added C conserved in the 0–15 vane strength, water-filled pore space) were mainly
cm soil depth ranked: compost (65 ± 10% SE) > manure (45 expressed in the red clover (Trifolium pretense L.) phase of
± 16% SE) > alfalfa (28 ± 11% SE) > straw (23 ± 6% SE). a 3-yr potato-barley-red clover rotation in Prince Edward
Although compost has a lower C concentration than fresh Island. Soil water content at –0.033 MPa was increased by
manure at land application, compost-C is more stable and is compost in the potato phase, compared with the control.
stored longer in soil than the fresh manure-C, which is sub- Biological properties are also enhanced by compost appli-
ject to microbial decomposition. This concept is illustrated cation. Adding 11.5 Mg ha–1 of hog manure/papermill
in Table 3 and shows equivalent amounts of stable C in soil biosolid compost resulted in a 30% increase in enzymatic
after manure and compost addition, although 70% more activities (β-glucosidase, β-galactosidase, acid phosphatase,
total C was added in manure than compost. urease) and a 55% increase in microbial biomass C in a
Estimation of the C retained in soils amended with com- Quebec study (Lalande et al. 2003).
post as a function of simple chemical properties of the com- The reclamation success of oil and gas wellsites in agri-
post provides an important tool for evaluating the cultural areas depends on their capacity to sustain levels of
effectiveness of compost as a soil amendment to improve biomass production similar to those which existed prior to
soil quality, helping to calculate net retention of C. In an soil disturbance. There is often a reclamation problem on
incubation study, Helgason et al. (2005) investigated C min- older wellsites where the original topsoil was stripped and
eralization in soils amended with nine commercial feedlot removed prior to drilling. Larney et al. (2003a, 2005) exam-
manure composts from southern Alberta. The composts ined the effect of compost application with various levels of
were dissimilar in composition and resulted in substantial topsoil replacement depths on three abandoned wellsites in
differences in the amount of C retained in the soils (2–39% south-central Alberta. In the absence of topsoil, compost at
C added evolved as CO2). Total C evolved during the incu- a rate of 40 Mg ha–1 dry wt. had a reclamation capacity of
bation period could be predicted from the NH4-N content 95% (based on cumulative wheat biomass yields over 4 yr,
and the NH4-N/NO3-N ratio of the composted manures (R2 1997–2000) of the check treatment (100% topsoil replace-
= 0.91–0.93). ment depth with no amendment). For the 50% topsoil
Addition of composted manure to agricultural soils also replacement depth, addition of compost achieved a reclama-
benefits soil physical properties. Carter et al. (2004) found tion capacity of 109% of the check treatment. These results

Table 3. Comparison of fate of soil-applied carbon in 1000 kg dry wt. dominantly as plant disease suppressant (Scheuerell and
of straw-bedded fresh manure and finished compost (i.e., equivalent Mahaffee 2002). Compost tea is an aqueous extract, con-
DM basis, not accounting for DM losses during composting) from the taining both the water-soluble and microbial fractions of
same source compost (Bess 2000; Bess et al. 2002; Touart 2000). Ideally,
Fresh manure Compost the compost tea is derived from compost that does not con-
(kg) tain human pathogens. In actual practice, however, the com-
Dry matter 1000 1000 post may contain microorganisms that are not desirable for
Total carbon at soil additionz 314 185 human consumption, albeit at low concentrations (Duffy et
Mineralizable carbony 144 11
Stable carbonx 170 174 al. 2002).
zLarney et al. (2001).
yBased on laboratory soil incubation study data of 46% mineralizable C in ELIMINATION OF UNDESIRABLE
fresh manure and 6% mineralizable C in compost (Helgason et al. 2005). MANURE PROPERTIES
xStable carbon = (total C – mineralizable C). As well as its role in recycling manure nutrients, there are a
number of other benefits from composting. These are relat-
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/19/24

ed to elimination of undesirable aspects of fresh manure,

show that compost acted as a substitute for topsoil, at least e.g., pathogens (Hess et al. 2004; Turner 2002), parasites
in the short-term (4 yr), as the longevity of the effect was not (Van Herk et al. 2004), weed seeds (Eghball and Lesoing
evaluated. 2000), pesticide residues (Büyüksönmez et al. 2000) and
malodours (Rynk 1992). These negative features of fresh
Plant Disease Suppression manure often preclude utilization, adding to over-supply
There is a large body of literature detailing the benefits of problems in certain watersheds. A recent example from
compost as a disease suppressant when used in cropping sys- Alberta is the perceived spread of Fusarium graminearum
tems (Litterick et al. 2004; Noble and Coventry 2005). This (Fusarium head blight) in cereals, whereby infected cereal
can be viewed as a bonus to the role of compost in recycling seed in cattle feed finds its way into manure due to spillage
nutrients. Huang et al. (2002) examined organic residues, at feed troughs. The manure is then removed at pen cleaning
including composted manure, as suppressants of Sclerotinia and spread on adjacent fields, providing a disease “bridge”
which affects many agricultural crops. Composted mixtures to subsequent crops. Turkington et al. (2005) found that
of cattle manure, canola straw and canola screenings applied composting eliminated Fusarium on infected wheat and
to soil at 3% (wt/wt) were effective in suppressing carpogenic corn seed, mitigating the dissemination of the disease.
germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to 19% compared Larney et al. (2003b) reported a rapid decline in E. coli
with an untreated control with 79% germination in an indoor levels in the first 7 d of composting with > 99.95% elimina-
study. When the compost was applied at 1% (wt/wt), the ger- tion, even though windrow temperatures averaged only
mination of sclerotia was 36%, which was still significantly 34–42°C. After 1 mo, E. coli was no longer detectable by
lower than the control. culturing methods. Total aerobic heterotroph populations
In a potting study, Ringer et al. (1997) found that poultry remained high (log10 7 CFU g–1 dry wt.) throughout the
litter, dairy manure and steer/horse manure composts sepa- composting period possibly causing an antagonistic effect
rately co-composted with organic residues suppressed on coliform bacteria. Van Herk et al. (2004) spiked manure
damping-off caused by Pythium and Rhizoctonia. with Cryptosporidium and Giardia and buried the samples
Suppression of Pythium ranked as follows: dairy manure ≥ in windrows for retrieval at various intervals during com-
steer manure ≥ poultry litter. Comparisons between disease posting. The parasites Giardia and Crytposporidium were
losses in non-autoclaved and autoclaved potting mixes pro- eliminated after composting SBM for 42 d and WBM for 56
vided evidence that disease suppression was microbially d.
mediated. There was also evidence that low levels of NO2- Unlike fresh manure, compost is often promoted as being
or NO3-N were associated with suppression of Pythium. “weed-free”. Many farmers are reluctant to spread fresh
Stone et al. (2004) found that the magnitude of suppres- manure for fear of introducing viable weed seeds to their
sion of some soil-borne fungal diseases depended on the sta- fields. Larney and Blackshaw (2003) recovered pre-counted
bility of the compost. Because fungi like Pythium are good weed seeds in nylon-mesh bags at various times during
colonizers of fresh organic matter, but not good competitors composting. Only one of the 13 species retained ger-
with other microorganisms, prior colonization of compost minability on day 21 and only two species had respiring
organic matter by other microorganisms typically reduces seeds on day 42. Lethal temperature to eliminate viability
Pythium infection of seedlings. Suppression of Pythium by was species-dependent. Four weed species were killed in the
compost addition is lost when composts are very stable and initial 7 d of composting at a lethal temperature of 39°C
do not support a suppressive microflora. Suppression of while temperatures >60°C were required for two species.
other soil-borne diseases like Rhizoctonia spp. by compost Another contentious issue with fresh manure is odour
is not as common because suppression of these pathogens emissions during land application (McGinn et al. 2003).
typically requires the presence of specific microbial antago- One of the benefits most often espoused for land application
nists (Scheuerell et al. 2005). of compost, compared with fresh manure, is that it is virtu-
In both conventional and organic agriculture, foliar appli- ally odourless. Hence odour nuisance complaints from
cation of compost tea is becoming increasingly popular, pre- neighbours are eliminated. However, the composting

process itself is not always odour-free. Rynk (1992) pointed 2004). Soil contaminated with >380 000 mg kg–1 creosote
out that composting odours arise from malodorous feed- was successfully co-composted with cattle manure and
stocks, NH3 volatilization and anaerobic windrow condi- mixed vegetable waste for 19 mo (Atagana et al. 2003).
tions. Anaerobic conditions may occur if the initial
feedstock mix is too wet or lacks porosity. Odour emissions SUMMARY
are often associated with turning, hence passive aeration Compost and composting enable the export of nutrients
systems may minimize odours. from areas of high nutrient loading to soils which may be
deficient in nutrients. This reduces the risk of environmen-
ECONOMICS OF MANURE COMPOSTING tal issues (water, soil and air quality degradation) in high
Composting manure converts a non-marketable by-product nutrient loading areas and enhances soil quality and produc-
into a marketable product (Fritsch and Collins 1993). Most tivity and crop yield in nutrient-deficient areas. As well as
fresh manure is donated to adjacent landowners while compost benefiting the livestock sector through exportation of nutri-
is sold at $15–25 Mg–1 wet weight (Larney, unpublished data). ents, compost and composting also benefit the crop produc-
Increased expenses of composting compared with fresh tion sector by providing nutrients and maintaining soil
Can. J. Soil. Sci. Downloaded from by on 02/19/24

manure include haulage to a composting site, windrow turning quality. The oil and natural gas sector can also benefit from
and maintenance, and loading for transport to the field. These compost as a tool in wellsite reclamation. Composting also
costs total $6–8 Mg–1of finished compost (Freeze et al. 1999). has benefits beyond the realm of nutrient recycling, e.g., dis-
Composting can reduce the cost of removal and hauling of ease suppression, and reduction in the potential spreading of
manure by as much as 75% compared with fresh manure. viable coliform bacteria, Giardia cysts, Cryptosporidium
Compost has a break-even hauling distance which is approxi- oocysts and weed seeds to a wider environment beyond the
mately twice that of fresh manure (23–32 vs. 15 km). feedlot.
Wang and Sparling (1995) related profitability of feedlot Greenhouse gas emissions measured during composting
manure composting to the N content of the final product are only one part of the bigger picture. A comparative study
compared with fresh manure. While haulage costs were is required, comparing emissions from traditional handling
lower for compost compared with fresh manure, composting methods (fresh manure hauled directly to the field) vs. com-
costs were $1–2 Mg–1 finished product. However, DeLaune posting. In a feedlot setting, this comparison should begin in
et al. (2004) believed that due to the cost and N loss associ- the cattle pens. For example, composting may mean more
ated with composting poultry litter, composting was not frequent pen cleaning with the result that manure is not left
economical from an agronomic perspective compared with as long in bedding packs compared with conventional han-
the use of fresh poultry litter. dling. This effect should be quantified in a comparative
Lacy et al. (2001) indicated that composting of deep litter GHG budget. Also, GHG emissions following land applica-
was a feasible alternative to lagoon storage of swine manure
tion should be compared for fresh manure and compost from
in Mississippi. If producers had the resources to market the
the same source.
compost produced then it was even more profitable. The cost
The true merits of composting are often queried given the
of wood shavings and the sale price of the compost were the
high C and N losses associated with the process. A major
two largest determinants of composting profitability.
goal of future composting research should be to maximize
Vervoort and Keeler (1999) reported that composting of
nutrient retention (possibly by the use of additives) while
broiler litter before land application was not economically
minimizing GHG emissions.
attractive unless an environmental constraint was imposed
If future environmental regulations require the adoption
(e.g., P concentration limit in hayfield runoff). Composting
of P-based instead of N-based land application of manure
became more viable as the land base for application became
smaller relative to broiler production, as alternative dispos- (Olson 2004), farmers will need to increase the amount of
al costs for litter became higher or as environmental con- land they have available for spreading (Ribaudo et al. 2003;
straints became stricter. Olson et al. 2005). Therefore, the radius of manure nutrient
haulage distance will increase, making the economics of
EXPANDED ROLE OF MANURE COMPOSTING manure composting more attractive.
Composting, while predominantly employed as a means of
handling nutrients, has also been successful in dealing with ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
livestock mortalities (Bagley et al. 1999; Fonstad et al. This paper is dedicated to the memory of our co-author
2003; Stanford et al. 2000). Manure is an integral part of the Bahman Eghball for his innovative work in compost nutri-
mix of materials required for mortality composting as the ent management before his untimely death on July 26, 2004.
manure microbes promote thermophilic conditions and lead
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availability with poultry compost age. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant
Another potential role of composting is in the safe dis- Anal. 34: 81–95.
posal of transgenic plant wastes. Guan et al. (2005) reported Al-Kanani, T., Akochi, E., MacKenzie, A. F., Alli, I. and
rapid degradation of the transgene cryIA(b) during co-com- Barrington, S. 1992. Organic and inorganic amendments to
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posting of manure with contaminated materials has been 21: 709–715.
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Atagana, H. I., Haynes, R. J. and Wallis, F. M. 2003. Co-com- Chang, Y. and Hudson, H. J. 1967. The fungi of wheat straw
posting of soil heavily contaminated with creosote with cattle compost. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 50: 649–666.
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contaminated soil. Soil Sediment Contam. 12: 885–899. composting: a review. Waste Manage. Res. 1: 157–176.
Bagley, C. V., Kirk, J. H. and Farrell-Poe, K. 1999. Cow mor- DeLaune, P. B., Moore, P. A., Daniel, T. C. and Lemunyon, J.
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