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Food adjectives
1Which adjective in each group below cannot usually be used to describe the food items?

 1meat: frozen tender sweet

 2vinegar: cooked sour disgusting
 3broccoli: raw organic unhealthy
 4banana: tough healthy delicious
 5soup: plain hard spicy
 6cheese: soft frozen processed

Choose the correct words.

1Are you going to the supermarket? Could you get me a _____ of milk?

2This ______ of toothpaste is empty. Throw it away.

3I'm sure there was a ________ of biscuits in this cupboard.

4Put that _________ of flour away. You don't need flour to make an omelette.

5I can't open this ________ of jam. Could you help me, please?

6I'd like a ________________ of mineral water and a chicken salad, please.

7One ___________of cola a week isn't too bad, but you mustn't drink too much.

8There's a ______________of tissues in the kitchen. Could you bring me some, please?

Complete the healthy eating questionnaire with how much or how many. Then answer the
questions to find out how healthy your diet is.
1__________do you eat for breakfast?

a nothing b some cereal c a lot of fruit

2____________cola do you drink a day?

a a lot b a little c none

3_____________portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat in a day?

a none b two or three c five or more

4____________glasses of water do you drink in a day?

a one b three c more than five

5_____________meals do you miss in a week?

a a lot b a few c none

6_______junk food do you eat in a week?

a five or six meals b two meals c none

Mostly As: You don't eat very well. Try to eat more fruit and drink more water – you'll feel

Mostly Bs: Your diet is OK. Try to drink fewer fizzy drinks and be sure to eat all your meals.

Mostly Cs: You eat very well. You're a healthy person – keep it up!

Study the advert below. A restaurant in your town is having a special event called 'Food around the
world', where you can find out about international food and drink, and try some of the food, too.
Write a dialogue inviting two friends to come with you.


Choose the correct words.

 1 Are you going to the supermarket? Could you get me a carton of milk?
 2 This tube of toothpaste is empty. Throw it away.
 3 I'm sure there was a packet of biscuits in this cupboard.
 4 Put that bag of flour away. You don't need flour to make an omelette.
 5 I can't open this jar of jam. Could you help me, please?
 6 I'd like a bottle of mineral water and a chicken salad, please.
 7 One can of cola a week isn't too bad, but you mustn't drink too much.
 8 There's a box of tissues in the kitchen. Could you bring me some, please?


In my fridge- Read 1–14 and evaluate your learning in Unit 3. Give yourself a mark from 1 to 3. How
can you improve?
1 I can't do this. 2 I have some problems with this. 3 I can do this well.

1 Name three things you can learn about a food item you bought by reading the label.

2Name five verbs you can use to describe the life cycle of ketchup.

3What is the difference between a rubbish dump and a recycling centre?


What are your favourite foods? Are they healthy or unhealthy? Write three sentences to
explain why.

I think oranges are healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins. Crisps aren't healthy
because ...

Food and nutrition

3Choose the correct words.

1Men need to have 2,500 __________a day. Women only need 2,000.

2One apple contains six different__________, including A and C.

3Without__________, cola wouldn't be brown and mint ice cream wouldn't be green.

4All fizzy drinks contain____________. Even tonic water, which doesn't taste sweet, has about thirty
grams in it.

5___________is good for your nails and hair. Beef contains the most of all meat products.
6_______________from vegetable sources, like nuts and olives, are healthier than those from

Choose the best answer.

 1 Mmm. This steak is wonderful. It's so tender.

 2 John cooked for us last night. It was absolutely delicious.

 3 I don't like Thai food. It's much too spicy for me.

 4 I'm afraid I put too much lemon juice in. It's a bit sour.

 5 I know the Japanese like it, but I could never eat raw fish.

 6 Jane eats at least five or six servings of vegetables a day. She loves healthy food

 7 He'll only eat fresh peas. He says they taste different from peas in a can or from the

 8 I'm sending this back. It tastes disgusting

Liquid gold

Olive oil is very popular all over the world and some people even call it liquid gold. Olive oil is healthy
because it is high in________ E and vegetable________ It doesn't contain any________or sugar, but
it is a rich source of energy – one tablespoon of olive oil has 119________The olive tree_________in
the Mediterranean, where olive oil is an important part of life. Spain___________the most olive oil,
but the Greeks use the most, for cooking or just in salads. In the past, people also used it in oil lamps,
medicines and cosmetic products. Farmers in the Mediterranean pick the olives from November to
March – you need 1,500 olives to produce one litre of oil. First, the farmers store the oil
underground, then they put it into bottles, pack it into boxes and______________it to other
countries. You don't need to___________olive oil as it can stay fresh for two years if you keep it in a
cool dark place. Although it is possible to__________the bottles, olive oil isn't very__________. Olive
production in some countries is so large that it is damaging the environment.

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