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One night, Pedro was getting ready for bed when he heard a strange sound coming from under
his bed. It sounded like a low growl, and it made him feel scared. Pedro quickly jumped into bed
and pulled the covers over his head, hoping the sound would go away. But the growling
continued, and Pedro's imagination started to run wild.
The next night, Pedro decided to be brave and investigate the mysterious sound. He called his
cat, Fred, to come with him. Together, they peeked under the bed, and to their surprise, they
found a small orange ball that had rolled under the bed. Fred playfully batted the ball out, and
the growling sound stopped. It turned out that the 'monster' was just a harmless toy!
Pedro realized that the 'monster' under his bed wasn't real. It was just his imagination playing
tricks on him. From that day on, Pedro wasn't afraid of the dark or the mysterious sounds
anymore. He even started to make up his own fun stories about the 'friendly monster' under his
bed. And whenever he heard a strange noise, he would just laugh and say, 'It's probably just the
friendly monster saying hello!'
Pedro learned that sometimes, things are not as scary as they seem. With the help of his brave
cat, Fred, and his imagination, he overcame his fear of the 'monster' under his bed. He also
discovered that imagination can turn something scary into something fun and exciting. From
that day on, Pedro and Fred had many more adventures together, both real and imagined.

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