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Guided Approaches to Scientific Writing: Tips and Techniques
Instructor : Ph.D Nguyen Thi Lan
Course : Technical Writing and Presentation
Class ID : 144925
Group : 4

Members: Students’ ID:

Quách Đình Dương 20215558
Vũ Văn Hảo 20215572
Nguyễn Thị Hà Giang 20215359
Nguyễn Minh Dương 20225439
Phạm Sơn Hà 20204740

Hanoi, December 2023

Table of contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2. METHODOLOGY ..................................................................... 3
2.1. Establishing objectives and scope .............................................................. 3
2.2. Collection and evaluation of literature ....................................................... 3
2.3. Analysis and assessment ............................................................................. 3
2.4. Organization and compilation..................................................................... 3
2.5. Validation and review ................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 3. RESULTS .................................................................................... 4
3.1. Scientific writing style ................................................................................ 4
3.2. Avoidance of accusations of plagiarism ..................................................... 5
3.3. The use of Figures and Tables .................................................................... 6
3.4. Outlining ..................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION.............................................................................. 8
CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 9
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 10
The primary objective of this technical report is to delve deep into the
nuances of Scientific Writing Skills, aiming to provide readers with
comprehensive insights into the fundamental principles and techniques that
govern effective scientific writing. The investigation covers a broad spectrum of
topics ranging from the intricate details of writing style to ethical considerations
like plagiarism and the strategic use of figures and tables.
While the report does not undertake experimental methods in the
traditional sense, it employs a systematic approach to analyze and present key
components essential for scientific writing. This includes a thorough examination
of established guidelines, best practices, and practical examples to illustrate each
concept discussed.
The report elucidates the importance of concise and clear sentences,
emphasizing the need for precision in conveying scientific information.
Additionally, it sheds light on the incorporation of Latin words for species names,
the formulation of robust academic arguments, and the judicious use of tense to
ensure coherence and consistency. Furthermore, the report underscores the
significance of avoiding plagiarism by adhering to ethical writing practices and
provides insights into the strategic deployment of figures and tables to enhance
readability and comprehension. A pivotal aspect explored is outlining, delineating
its purpose, organizational strategies, and its role as a cornerstone in structuring
scientific manuscripts.

Scientific writing is a specialized form of communication that plays a
fundamental role in the realm of scientific research and knowledge. It
encompasses various written formats, such as research papers, articles, and
reports, allowing scientists to share their discoveries and insights with the wider
scientific community.

The main purpose of scientific writing is to communicate scientific

information accurately, objectively, and clearly. It involves presenting research in
a structured and logical manner so that other scientists and readers can understand
and evaluate the work.

To be able to write effectively, several skills are needed. In this report, we

will explore four key elements essential for enhancing our scientific writing
skills: Scientific Writing Style, Avoidance of Plagiarism, The Use of Figures and
Tables in Scientific Writing, and Outlining. Especially, outlining serves “aid in
the writing process” and “a structure to follow with all information to be included
in the paper clearly organized”. [1]

2.1. Establishing objectives and scope
The initial phase involves meticulously defining the objectives and scope
of the report. This entails determining the specific goals, research questions, and
areas of focus to provide clarity and direction for the study.
2.2. Collection and evaluation of literature
Subsequently, an extensive collection and evaluation of pertinent literature,
encompassing academic journals, books, conference proceedings, and reputable
online sources, are conducted. [1] [2] This literature review serves as the
foundation for understanding current trends, theories, methodologies, and gaps
within the realm of scientific writing.
2.3. Analysis and assessment
Following the literature review, a comprehensive analysis and assessment
of the gathered information are undertaken. This involves synthesizing key
findings, identifying patterns, evaluating methodologies, and critically assessing
the relevance and applicability of the literature to the report's objectives.
2.4. Organization and compilation
Based on the insights derived from the analysis, the report's content is
systematically organized and compiled. A structured outline is developed,
delineating the main sections, sub-sections, and key themes. This ensures a
logical flow, coherence, and consistency throughout the document, with emphasis
on clarity, conciseness, and precision in presenting information. [3]
2.5. Validation and review
Upon completion of the initial draft, a rigorous validation and review
process is initiated. This involves scrutinizing the content for accuracy, relevancy,
and adherence to scientific standards. Peer reviews, expert consultations, and
feedback sessions may be incorporated to enhance the report's quality, credibility,
and comprehensiveness. Additionally, meticulous proofreading and editing are
conducted to eliminate errors, improve clarity, and refine the language and

3.1. Scientific writing style
3.1.1. Short, clear sentences:
Avoid using informal contractions like “don”t”, “won”t” and “they”re” in
your writing. Instead, you should use the full forms of the words, such as “do
not”, “will not” and “they are”. You should use headings, subheadings,
paragraphs, and transitions to guide the reader through your text. You should also
avoid using technical terms and abbreviations that may not be familiar to your
audience unless you explain them clearly.

Avoid Better
A considerable number of Many
An adequate amount of Enough
An example of this is the fact that For example
As a consequence Because
Considerable amount of Much
Table 1: Examples of phrases that can be shortened

3.1.2. Precision:
Scientific writing requires precision and accuracy, so vague words like
“about” or “approximately” are not suitable. Instead, use SI units and their correct
abbreviations to quantify your data. Be careful with the use of upper case and
lower-case letters, as they can change the meaning of the units. Also, avoid
unnecessary words that do not add any information to your sentences. Be concise
and clear about the point you want to make. For example:

Instead of: "The temperature increased significantly over a long period of time."
Write: "The temperature steadily rose by 5 degrees Celsius over 24 hours."

3.1.3. Latin words for species name:

Using Latin words for species names, such as “Escherichia coli”, are often
used in biology and should be written in italics. Similarly, Latin phrases, such as
in vitro, should also be italicized. These words and phrases help to avoid
ambiguity and confusion when describing scientific concepts and methods.
However, they should not be overused or misused, as this can make the writing
unclear or inaccurate.

3.1.4. Objective viewpoint rather than subjective:
By presenting arguments in an objective way; the reader expects the writer
to evaluate and report the facts based on evidence. Therefore, expressions such
as “I feel”, “I think” or “we deducted” are inappropriate. Words or phrases that
emphasize the use of evidence are more suitable, such as “the data shows”, “the
literature suggests” or “the analysis reveals”.

Rather than… Say…

I think From examining the findings…
I feel In light of the evidence…
I agree It is evident from the data that…
Table 2: Examples of phrases that emphasize the use of evidence

Another way of emphasizing objectivity is to use the passive voice rather

than the active voice as it depersonalizes the writing. The action, rather than the
person, takes precedence. For example:

Passive – The report was written by the team leader.

Active – The team leader wrote the report.

3.1.5. Use of tense:

Scientific writing frequently uses the past tense, especially when
describing activities such as experiments. However, different tenses may be
appropriate depending on the context. For example, when referring to an author,
it is better to say “Mills (2023) claims that” rather than “Mills (2023) claimed
that” because the former implies that your research is more current. Similarly, use
the future tense when discussing what further investigations might need to be
carried out.

3.2. Avoidance of accusations of plagiarism

To avoid plagiarism, you must cite and reference the sources that you use to
support your argument. Not adhering to this may result in allegations of
plagiarism. Only two methods are acceptable for accomplishing this.

• Using direct quotations.

• Paraphrasing.

When paraphrasing you need to ensure that you:

• Avoid using the same words or phrases as in the original text.

• Maintain the gist of what is being said.
• You can alter sentence structure, like combining two short sentences into
one or splitting a long one into two.

3.3. The use of Figures and Tables

Figures and tables are useful tools for presenting data and information in
scientific writing. They can help readers understand complex concepts, compare
results, and see patterns or trends. However, figures and tables should not be used
randomly or excessively. They should be well-designed, clear, and relevant to the
main message of the paper.

Choose the right type of figure or table for your data. For example, use
graphs to show relationships, pie charts to show proportions, and tables to show
numbers or categories.

Figure 1: Multiple chart Figure 2: Pie chart

Label your figures and tables appropriately. Include a descriptive title, a

legend, and axis labels for graphs, and a caption for tables. Label your figures and
tables appropriately. Include a descriptive title, a legend, and axis labels for
graphs, and a caption for tables. Use consistent fonts, colors, and symbols
throughout your paper.

3.4. Outlining
Outlining involves the systematic organization of main ideas, key concepts,
supporting details, and evidence intended for inclusion in the paper. It serves “aid
in the writing process” and “a structure to follow with all information to be
included in the paper clearly organized”.

3.4.1. Organizing the outline

Numerous outline formats, some more visually oriented than others, are
available, with several options provided here. Alternatively, you have the
flexibility to craft your own freeform outline. Despite the variations in format,
the fundamental purpose of all outlines remains consistent. Below, you will find
sample outlines accompanied by explanations of their respective uses. Some
outlines offer more room for elaboration, but it is crucial to note that extensive
content in the blank spaces is not necessary.

• Alphanumeric Outline: The alphanumeric outline, considered the most

formal, is structured like a list, employing numbers and letters to distinguish
various levels of information.
• Web Outline: In the web outline, the thesis is positioned at the center, and
information is organized radiating outward. While appealing to visual writers,
this format lacks a sequential order. To enhance organization, numbering the
circles becomes beneficial since the presentation order of main points might not
be immediately apparent.
• Tree Outlines: Resembling webs, tree outlines are arranged from top to
bottom and left to right. This format is well-suited for tracking the progression of
a concept or chronology. Due to limited space in the evidence and analysis boxes,
it is advisable to include the source, relevant page or paragraph numbers for
evidence, and key words for analysis.

3.4.2. Key aspects of scientific writing skills in outlining

• Define purpose: Clearly state the main message or research question for
your paper as the basis for your outline.
• Segment sections: Divide your paper into standard sections like
introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
• Use subheadings: Within sections, use subheadings to organize key
themes or points.
• Maintain flow: Ensure a logical progression from introduction to
conclusion, presenting information coherently.
• Provide evidence: Detail evidence, data, or examples in each section to
bolster your arguments.
• Address counterarguments: Incorporate potential criticisms or
alternative views to enhance your paper's credibility.
• Refinement: Continuously adjust and refine your outline based on
evolving research and insights.

This report delves into various aspects of scientific writing skills: style,
plagiarism, the use of figures and tables, and outlining.

In scientific writing, maintaining a clear and precise style is fundamental.

This enhances the credibility of the work and ensures effective communication of
complex ideas. Ethical considerations are paramount in scientific writing,
emphasizing the need for proper citation and tools to prevent plagiarism.
Transparency in the research process upholds academic integrity. Visual aids,
such as figures and tables, play a crucial role in enhancing clarity. However, a
delicate balance is essential to avoid overwhelming the reader with visual
information. The hierarchical structure of outlining is central to organizing
scientific writing. From a clear thesis to supporting evidence, outlining ensures a
logical flow of information, acting as a guiding roadmap.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of these components is crucial. A clear

writing style not only complements the outlining process but also works
harmoniously to enhance overall coherence. Simultaneously, diligent plagiarism
avoidance and strategic use of visual elements contribute significantly to ethical
and comprehensive scientific communication. Continuous improvement in these
skills is not just encouraged but vital. Authors should actively seek feedback, stay
abreast of evolving writing conventions, and consistently refine their techniques
for ongoing enhancement. [3] To sum up, the mastery of scientific writing skills
is not only about achieving clarity and impact but also upholding the highest
ethical standards in scientific communication.

In conclusion, the importance of mastering scientific writing cannot be
overstated, especially for researchers who aim to convey their discoveries and
insights effectively within the scientific community. This comprehensive guide
serves as an invaluable resource, shedding light on the nuances of adept scientific
writing. Key elements highlighted include the establishment of a logical
progression in the narrative, the seamless integration of supporting evidence, the
anticipation and addressal of potential counterarguments, and the iterative
refinement of content to ensure clarity and impact.
Moreover, the document underscores critical aspects such as the utilization
of precise and pertinent language, the imperative to steer clear of plagiarism, and
the meticulous adherence to formatting and stylistic guidelines. By emphasizing
these foundational principles, the guide equips researchers with the necessary
tools to maintain credibility, coherence, and consistency in their written work.
Furthermore, a significant emphasis is placed on the art of crafting a well-
structured outline, which serves as the backbone of any scientific manuscript or
report. This involves a systematic organization of primary themes, pivotal
concepts, and corroborative details, ensuring that the narrative flows logically and
cohesively. Through the diligent cultivation and refinement of these multifaceted
skills, researchers are empowered to effectively communicate their research
findings and insights. Consequently, they not only elevate their individual
contributions but also enrich the collective knowledge base of the scientific
community, fostering collaboration, innovation, and advancement in various
fields of study.


[1] C. Gahan, "How to Create a Structured Research Paper Outline," 7 August

2022. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 25 December 2023].

[2] U. o. S. M. The Library, "Scientific Writing Skills," University of Salford

Manchester, Manchester, 2020.

[3] J. R. Matthews and R. W. Matthews, Successful Scientific Writing, 4th ed.,

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

[4] Salve Regina University Writing Center, "Research and Writing: Integrated
Skills & Strategies," 6 November 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25
December 2023].

[5] A. Hofmann, Scientific Writing and Communication, Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2010.

[6] D. Lindsay, Scientific Writing: Thinking in Words, 2nd ed., Csiro Publishing,


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