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John Mark E.

Jandayan ME325 ME Elective 1

ME-3B March 16, 2024

Topic 3: Photovoltaic Fundamentals

The photovoltaic effect is the basis of photovoltaic technology; it is a phenomenon that

enables certain materials to directly transform light energy into electrical energy. The interaction
between sunlight's photons and the electrons in a semiconductor material, typically silicon is
what drives this process. A photon's energy is transferred to an electron by the semiconductor
upon absorption, enabling the electron to break free from its atomic link. As a result, mobile
electron-hole pairs are produced, which can be retrieved and separated to produce an electrical
current. The mechanism behind solar cells' functioning is the photovoltaic effect, a spectacular
demonstration of quantum physics.

Solar cells are the most fundamental components of solar power systems. They are
manufactured from advanced semiconductor materials that maximize the photovoltaic effect. P-
type and n-type semiconductor layers are joined to form the p-n junction, which is a critical
component. When photons are absorbed within the depletion area of this junction, electron-hole
pairs are generated and separated by the internal electric field, allowing electrons to flow via an
external circuit as electricity. Several factors influence how well a solar cell converts sunlight to
energy. These include the quality of the junction where the semiconductor materials meet, the
coatings that prevent light reflection, the methods utilized to trap more light, and the
semiconductor materials used. Researchers and manufacturers are always working to improve
solar cell designs and production techniques. Their objectives are to lower prices and enhance
the efficiency of converting solar into useful electricity.

Although the fundamental energy conversion component is the solar cell, to effectively
harvest solar energy, modules, arrays, and systems are usually assembled from smaller individual
cells. Multiple solar cells are combined into a single module to provide a scalable building
component. An array is constructed from multiple modules that are connected to increase the
overall power output. A comprehensive solar system includes not just arrays but also inverters,
mounting frameworks, and electrical connections to feed the generated electricity into a
neighboring circuit or the utility grid. Photovoltaic technology needs to be properly planned and
integrated into arrays, systems, and modules in order to maximize energy capture and ensure
dependable operation before it can be widely used for residential, commercial, and utility scale

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