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Subject: Management
Chapter 4: Planning

1. Planning: The process of assessing an organization's current state, defining its

desired future state, and identifying the optimal approach to achieve its goals. Hoạch


2. Strategic planning: The process of setting long-term goals and developing

strategies to achieve those goals, taking into account an organization's mission,

vision, core values, competitive landscape, and market trends. Hoạch định chiến


3. Goals: Desired outcomes or targets that an organization aims to achieve within a

specified timeframe. Mục tiêu

4. Resources: Assets or means available to an organization, such as financial capital,

human resources, technology, and time. Nguồn lực

5. Mission: An organization's fundamental purpose or reason for existence, describing

what it seeks to accomplish. Sứ mệnh

6. Vision: A desired future state or a compelling image of what an organization aspires

to become. Tầm nhìn

7. Core values: Fundamental beliefs and principles that guide the behavior and

decisions of an organization and its members. Giá trị cốt lõi

8. Competitive landscape: The overall structure and dynamics of a market or

industry, including the existing competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and the

potential threats and opportunities. Bối cảnh cạnh tranh

9. Uncertainty: The lack of predictability or the presence of unknown factors that can

impact the outcome of decisions and actions. Sự không chắc chắn

10. Risk management: The process of identifying potential risks, assessing their

likelihood and potential impact, and developing strategies and contingency plans to

minimize or mitigate those risks. Quản trị rủi ro

11. Contingency plans: Alternative courses of action developed to address unforeseen

events or circumstances that may disrupt or deviate from the original plans. Kế

hoạch dự phòng

12. Productivity: The measure of efficiency and output in relation to the resources

utilized in achieving a specific goal or outcome. Năng suất

13. Innovation: The process of creating and implementing new ideas, products,

processes, or approaches that result in improved outcomes or provide a competitive

advantage. Đổi mới

14. Corporate-level plan: The strategic plan developed by top management to guide

the overall direction and growth of the entire organization. Hoạch định cấp công ty

15. Business-level plan: The plan formulated by divisional managers to establish long-

term goals and strategies for a specific business unit or division within the

organization. Hoạch định cấp kinh doanh

16. Functional-level plan: Plans developed by functional managers that outline goals

and strategies for specific functions or departments within the organization, aligning

with the business-level plan. Hoạch định cấp chức năng

17. Differentiation strategy: A business strategy that involves adding unique features

or attributes to a product or service to make it stand out and appeal to customers.

Chiến lược khác biệt

18. Cost leadership: A business strategy that focuses on reducing production costs and

offering products or services at a lower price than competitors. Chiến lược dẫn đầu

chi phí

19. Market segmentation: The process of dividing a broad market into distinct groups

or segments based on shared characteristics, needs, or preferences. Phân khúc thị


20. Diversification: A strategy that involves entering new markets or industries to

expand the organization's reach. It can be horizontal (expanding into related

markets), vertical (integrating backward or forward in the value chain), or

conglomerate (entering unrelated markets). Chiến lược đa dạng hóa

21. Integration: A strategy that involves combining or merging with other

organizations to strengthen market position or gain operational efficiencies. It can

be vertical (acquiring suppliers or distributors) or horizontal (acquiring

competitors). Chiến lược tích hợp

22. Strategic Alliances: Collaborative partnerships formed with other organizations to

leverage resources, expertise, or market access. Chiến lược liên minh

23. Portfolio Management: The process of optimizing an organization's portfolio of

businesses by adjusting or divesting underperforming or non-core businesses and

focusing on core competencies. Chiến lược quản lý doanh mục đầu tư

24. Marketing Strategy: Strategies developed to effectively position the organization's

products or services in the market, target specific customer segments, and create

value for customers. Chiến lược tiếp thị

25. Operational Strategy: Strategies focused on improving operational efficiency,

optimizing processes, reducing costs, ensuring quality, and enhancing supply chain

management. Chiến lược vận hành

26. Financial Strategy: Strategies related to financial planning, budgeting, resource

allocation, capital investment decisions, risk management, and performance

measurement. Chiến lược tài chính

27. Human Resources Strategy: Strategies aimed at aligning the organization's

workforce with its objectives, including talent acquisition and retention, employee

development and training, succession planning, organizational culture development,

and employee engagement initiatives. Chiến lược nguồn nhân lực

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