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Client Getting Secrets Using

Facebook Groups
Getting Clients from Facebook Groups is one of the
easiest and most profitable tactics and here I will
walk you through how to accomplish this without being

Step 1: Join Facebook Groups

Look for Facebook Groups that have business owners.

A search for “Business Owners in <City Name>,
Entrepreneurs in in <City Name>,, Small Businesses in
<City Name>, or <Niche Name Business Owners> are all
good ways to start.

Aim to join at least 10 Groups.

Step 2: Comment & Participate

Be an active participant in the group and try to add

value by helping business owners. We highly recommend
spending 1 hour a day participating, and adding
value/helping business owners. It doesn’t have to be
marketing related and you’ll be surprised how many of
these easy solutions you’ll be able to discover on
youtube/ google.
You’ll also find that oftentimes, business owners have
marketing related problems and you can help them out
and give solutions to their problems and at the end,
finish up your advice with “​Hope this information
helped you out! In case you are interested, I would
love to chat with you more. Let me know if you want to
set something up.”

This works very very well as comments are much less

moderated than Posts.

There are a lot of times that I come across posts in

Facebook groups where somebody is ​specifically​ ​looking
to hire somebody. They need a new logo design, or want
to hire a Facebook ads specialist, and they are
basically asking YOU to comment and apply for the job.

Step 3: Post & Make Paper

After you’ve spent a few days (2-3) creating rapport.

Start making posts.

One excellent way to do this is by sending a message

like this one:

“Hey all, Just wondering if any of you guys have

noticed a change in your online marketing efforts ever
since COVID. I know overall we’re seeing a 50%
reduction in leads because less people have been
advertising. Would love to hear how your business has
been impacted. “

Another one for normal times would be:

“Thought I’d share this great business growth spy tool

for you guys.

What if you can basically look at your top competitor’s

campaigns and see their best performing ads on
Instagram & Facebook!!

This was a game changer for many folks when facebook

launched this tool. I’ll add the link in the comments.

Here’s the kicker: The older the ad, the more money
it’s making!!”

Here’s the link:​ ​
There's also some tips & tricks I’m happy to share if
you’re curious.

Once you do this you can hop on a quick zoom call

(​​) and help them out. Show them the tool,
create rapport with them and transition into what
their goals are to grow their company, and what they
need help with and start the sales process :)

Trust me guys, follow this process and you’ll find due

to the rapport that you build with folks, these are
some of the easiest sales to be had!

- Abdul Samad

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