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1 SWOT Analysis of personality

Strength I am hardworking, puctual , good in networking,meeting deadlines,

team spirit

Give an eg where you showed team spirit and leader ship

team spirit 1 one of my friend was in trouble due to some personal reasons , he was not complet
2 tiffin share, knwoledge share , help , explain , patient with teaching skills

leadership 1 one of the client I did audit for first time , it was manufacturing sector, so it was my
Audit complaince
next time wheen he went for CA final, he told princiapl I will handle it properly altho
that was a pressure
Stat audit tax audit
had to calll to client to get data, update weekly plan register, status update register

Weakness Initially in my articleship, I had a problem of patience, I wanted to learn evrything ve

this create a bad impression earlier due to which I lost some key cleint works and w
This incident made me more serious , responsible and perfect toward the work I get

Present weakness To be very honest ,At present, there is no such weakness I remember with respect t
perhaps I am try to improve my typing speed more faster
typing without seeing to increase typing speed

Leadership skills has ability to leverage the benefits and potential out of each human

Analytival procedure
Current Yr Previous yr
1 Variance analysis CY PY Difference Remarks Reason for increase/ decreas
Sales 50 10 500% Revenue can incrase due to one time e
Normalised Revenue

Payroll 100 10 1000% Suspicoius transactions

Analyitcal review is done at 2 stage

1 Initial AP at planning stage to identify significant accounts, neature , timing. Extent of au
2 Final AP at audit closure stage to inform mgt about significant variances and forms our audi
Partner level
AP, CARO , Financials , audit report

2 Ratio analyisis
GP Ratio
Debt Equity Ratio

3 Why deloitte usi over other big4

ans I heard about culture is very good, learning environment is good
I like to handle offshore clients for gaining new experiences as I have alreadt dealth with indian cleints in my article

4 how will you value inventory

ans cost or NRV whichever is lower

inventory spare
raw materiin case FG is at cost,then raw material will be at cost
FG cost or nrv whichever is lower

for eg
an expeienced teacher jo SFM teach aroung 15000
another teacher who has just enter into market and same course at very 3000

how will the ecperience will value goods

ans depends upon realisation avlue

depends upon competitors
NRV formuestimated SP
less Expenses for completion
How to check NRV testing of closing stock as on 31st march

1 subseqnt sales after 31st march

sales register
if it is selling at a lower price than cost

NRV when we take NRV

1 depends upon market competition, nature of business and industry in which business
2 depends upon the customer
3 depends upon the product or service that you are selling

5 Assertions Balance sheet Profit loss


6 how would handle misstatements while doing vouching

ans misstatements I will communicate with my senior first then upon discussion with cleint,
if misstatements is material, above performance materialty, we willl ask mgt to correct uncorrected misstatements

if its below PM, we will ask mgt to correct uncorrected mistatemnt

7 opinon audit

qualified when misstatement is material but not pervasive

everything is good subject to certain mistakes

adverse when mistatstemtn is material and pervasive

everything is wrong

disclaimer of opion when there is significant limitation on auditor by client

when we are not able to obtain suffient audit evidence

8 how to audit fixed assets , trade receiables

9 walkthrough , test of controls , test of details

reasons , he was not complete the work, I took ownership and completed his wrok
with teaching skills

facturing sector, so it was my first time, I did not much expertise

I will handle it properly although he did not give me that much guidance

gister, status update register , review the work of first yr articles, as in my office there were few CA

wanted to learn evrything very quickly, there fore I was not able to execute the work which was given to me with full attention, also I was
some key cleint works and was allocated to my friend
perfect toward the work I get and give less chances to senior to find out mistakes in my work

ss I remember with respect to work ir somthting but I feel there is scope of improvement in each and every we can do

Reason for increase/ decrease

can incrase due to one time event

ed Revenue

s transactions

neature , timing. Extent of audit procedures

variances and forms our audit opinion
th indian cleints in my articleship

at very 3000

ry in which business
t uncorrected misstatements, if it is not done , we will qualifiy audit report
e with full attention, also I was not reviewing my own work properly and was dependent on my senior for tellling me mistakes

we can do
llling me mistakes

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