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Advantages oI aged people

For elderly people, they have some advantages over the young like much higher amount oI both
knowledge and liIe experience. They are older; it means time and reality situations they have
experienced are also much higher compared with young ones. As a result, they can estimate and
deal with liIe problems more eIIective as well as suitable. They play a role as 'mirror or teacher
Ior the next generations.
In term oI working Ior some Iields, younger employees oIten have much less work experience
than most oI the elderly. Employment experience undoubtedly aIIects an individual's income.
Because elderly individuals generally have more work experience than young employees, elderly
employees may be granted a higher income.
2. DiIIiculties oI aged people
There are many disadvantages oI an ageing population. They range Irom their saIety and health
as well as their psychological well-being to Iinancial problems.
Firstly, physical saIety is one oI the problems Iacing to aged people. For example, medical
conditions common in elderly people, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, may
aIIect balance and physical strength. They are also less likely to prepare nutritious meals than
those who share meals with others. Besides, a signiIicant number oI seniors notice decline in
memory that may aIIect their ability to saIely carry out household chores. Failure to turn oII
stoves, heaters, irons and other appliances that can cause house Iires is more common in the
elderly. Smokers who Iorget to put out cigarettes, pipes, and cigars may also be in danger.
Forgetting to pay bills, perIorm tasks oI basic hygiene, and to take medications on time and in
appropriate doses are other concerns Ior memory-impaired people living alone.
In addition, as people age, they become more dependent on the care oI others. Traditionally, this
care was provided by the Iamily, and was not a problem with relatively low liIe expectancy.
Elderly people need more than a home and meals, they have speciIic needs in terms iI medical
care, day centres, transport and leisure. However, in Iact many aged people have lived in low
living standard; even some ones live without caring oI their sons so Ieeling oI alone is easy to
happen with aged population.
Lastly, an ageing population has several economic consequences. The major problem is Iunding
welIare systems (pensions and healthcare). With the proportion oI working people who create
wealth and paying taxes Ialling whilst the proportion oI elderly people dependent on the welIare
system increasing Iunding the system is becoming increasingly diIIicult. On the other hand, a
senior living alone may Iind it costly to live alone. Furthermore, they will Iind to start new job
or even things they like because oI their reduced physical condition and social requirements.

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