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( Mobile phones vs Tablets)

Mobile phones and tablets are two of the most commonly used electronic devices in

today’s world. Both devices are portable and allow users to stay connected to the Internet and

communicate with others. While there are some similarities between mobile phones and tablets,

there also some differences. In this essay, I will discuss three similarities and three differences

between mobile phones and tablets.

Firstly, both mobile phones and tablets are portable devices that can be carried around easily.

They are lightweight and compact, making them convenient for users who are always traveling.

Secondly, both devices have touch screens that allow users to navigate through applications and

functions in an easy way. They also build in cameras that allow users to take pictures and record

videos. Thirdly, mobile phones and tablets both have access to the Internet, which means that

users can browse the web, check their emails, and use social media platforms. (Al barrah, A, and

Goggin, G, (2018), P8, “Social Bettin Apps”). They also have built in GPS systems that enable

users to navigate and find directions to their destination locations.

On the other hand, there are also some differences between mobile phones and tablets. Firstly,

mobile phones primarily used for communication purposes, while tablets more geared towards

entertainment and productivity. Tablets have larger screens than mobile phones, which makes

them perfect for watching movies, playing games, and reading e-books. Secondly, mobile phones

are designed to fit into user’s pocket, while tablets are not as portable. Tablets are bulkier and

require a separate carrying case or bag. ( Campbell, C, (2010), P12, “Mobile Communication and

Social Capital”). This makes them less convenient for users who are always on the move. Lastly,

mobile phones have a longer battery compared to tablets. This is because mobile phone have

smaller screen and require less power to operate. Tablets have larger screens and require more

battery power to function, which means that they need to be charged more frequently.

In conclusion, while there are some similarities between mobile phones and tablets, there are also

some significant differences. Both devices are portable, have touch screens, and have access to

the Internet. However, mobile phones are primarily used for communication purposes, while

tablets are more geared towards entertainment and productivity. Mobile phones are more

portable and have longer battery life, while tablets have larger screens and require more power to

function. Ultimately, the choice between a mobile phone and tablet depends the user’s needs.

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