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NAECOLOe 35 MCQs | 10 SEQs | 65 Mary pr. Ali Raza Chaudary & Dr. Hasaan agg lullah |1SEQ | 7 Marks anatomy yf Genital Tract | pcos | 1SEQ 15 Marks 875 pisorde! i ruation ? gcos | 1SEQ | 11 Marks 88) Abortions & Ectopic Pregnancy 3 $31COs | 1SEQ | 6 Marks 896 infertility & Endometriosis 3MCQs | 1SEQ | 6 Marks 906 nese _ AC |nfections of Genital Tract 91 Ler 2) sxicos | 1 SEQ | 6 Marks 16 Urogynaecolo ema a " Nogyngecoigy 926 ] ‘enign tumours of Genital Tract 935 IMCQs |1 SEQ | 7 Marks | Maignancies of Genital Tract 947 Mon i dures 960 : oh Gynaecological Proce 968 ANATOMY OF GENITAL TRACT TOMY OF GENITAL TRAG 2MCQs |1SEQ | 5 May Dr, Ali Raza Chaudary & Dr. Hasaan Aba Edited by Dr, Aiman ie ES DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALE quesriow 3 : race te secures whch uke prt denen feo, Ann 2054 a rociea petunia vac What structures are the precursors of female. LI 'S FOR FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM: 2. Genital tubercle ~ Clitoris b. Genital folds - Labia minora © Genital (labioscrotal) swellings Labla majora Urogenital sinus ~+ Vestibule 2. Internal genital organs: Intermediate mesoderm ~ Origin of genitourinary system b. Genital ridge from gonads ~+ Ovary: € Paramesonephric (Mollerian) ducts |. Unfused caudal segment + Fallopian tubes |i,“ Mullerian tubercle ~ Forms uterus, cervix and proximal two-third of vagina Sinovaginal bulb ~ Forms distal vagina Urogenital sinus ~ Extends from Millerian tubercle and forms hymen pa g 3S A newborn female baby is born with @ 2% female. Annual 2011] EMBRYOLOGICAL DERIVATIVES FOR Fi iy gy S2me a5 QUESTION 2 in 1.1. = ‘only external genital organs” ANATOMICAL DERIVATIVES OF : 1. Unfused caudal segment — Fallopian tubes 2: Mollerian tubercle ~ Forms uterus, cervix and proximal ‘two-third of vagina SYNAECOLOgy a ROR ae urinary bladide, iis ‘on ‘lea nit ladder alls oF eum Pouch With —Supravagina! ‘osterior surface oF ‘clon gael |e "a R Anterior fornix oF oe i OF Vagina Posterior f oe l fornix Of vagin Later ; I es freer Cours in the elvis. Cannual Seve) ncHonal Uterine bleeding. um QF PELVIC URETER: as Bosses pelvic brim ~ Lies in front of bifurcation Bid the broad ligament to pass beneath tering Bi the upper part of the cardinal ligament the OF common iliac artery Passes inwards and Uns downwards ana foena artery — Passes forwar ye ~ Runs close to the later eeeeee” QUESTION 2 ithe ureteric course in pelvis. Bis risk of ureteric damage during hysterectomy? eran be damaged during hysterectomy? [annual 2018) ~(a)- OF PELVIC URETER: SS QUESTION 1 in 1.3. =(6)- B Or URETERIC DAMAGE DURING HYSTERECTOMY: Fes dann Oee {lationship to the cervix, the vault of the vagina and the uterine artery, the ureter may be uring hysterectomy ()- AMAGE DURING HYSTERECTOMY: 4 “ah 8 tying in radical procedures : nce with ureteric blood supply leading to necrosis ligament Displacement by scar tissue or by fibromyomata or cysts that are growing between layers of broad ligament Purse of pelvic ureter, ply of pelvic uretes ze ~(b)- } OF PELVIC URETER: i oe ces of ovarian artery _Fne)oy a 275'N9 near the iliac bifurcation Sa ranegei"e artery where it crosses beneath It : "ches Of the vesical artery =(a)- pULLAH DR ALE RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN 42 ANATOMY OF GENIT: ALTR, AEE EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2¥0 STRUCTURES RE} : a a) Detine QUESTION 1 ») Enume Pelvic diaphragm, ate the muscles of pelvic diaphragm. [Annual 2019) PELVIC DIAPHRAGM, adi tis a muscular partition betws formed by the te The two muscles, n the true pelvis and the perineum which forms the "vator ani muscles, which are broad, flat muscles, th one on either side, constitute the pelvic diaphragm, ~{b) utter shape, he fibres of which pass aor et Pee PASS downwards att hincter vaginae Pubococcygeus ___&_Ilococeygeus 2, Coccygeus ie, Ischlococeygeus Uterus and vagina are supported by pelvic 2) What Is the pelvic diaphragm? bb) Describe its origin and Insertion. [Ani PELVIC DIAPHRA Same as QUESTI 1 ayinta ~(b)- ORIGIN OF PELVIC DIAPHRAGM: 1, Lower part of the body of the os pubis 2; Internal sufece of te poles! pave ae ee ee 4, polncturace dt ine sonal tee TION OF PELVIC PHRAGM; i. raanal raphe and cartral poln¢ Of gaat ee rete ee epeea ae 2) Wallof eral cane, where te fered mle NE gant Ore tePPen a ar 3 Postanal or anococeygeal raphe, where again one musele meets the other on opposite side Lower part of the coceyx 4 G 1.5, BLOOD SUPPLY id multiparous pati Oe anise BRANCHES OF ANTERIOR DIVISION OF INTERNAL ILIAC ARTERY: Tnferor vesialertery ie: vaginal artery Superior vesical artery ALN RATA a74- Peeperroid female Gey axe td excessive bieedir Bpprte sown the co Bikamethe branches 0 QUESTION diagnosed as a case of can rcinama cerv. Outline tymphatic drainage of eerie. tAnhual oid lady indergoes clin i ay ae ia vy. Name the | ne QUESTION 2 aging for carcinoma of the cervix. An examination Unde camesthasia eves ‘Gynecological surgeon fs planning a radical hysteretony wi bat mvs lymph nodes Which drain the cervix. [Annual 2010) upper two-tlds on ehese (WO. ee rans” aot ee ne Dt od ion zone or tne eo Fest op iS 29 area of squamous metaplasle . marge sae ae eae risk for cervical neoplasia 5 HASKAN ABOU ‘DRL ALT RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN AP A375 - @eeeeeen7, ANATOMY OF GENITAL TRACT EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2 £6 (a) DIAGNosis Mallerian obstruction (Imperforate hymen) c -(b)- MANAGEMENT 1. Tovestigations: Same as QUESTION 5 (b) in 1.7. 2. Treatment: Same as QUESTION 1 (c) in 1.7. QUESTION 8 A d-vear-old_aici comes with complaints of cyclical abdominal pain for 1 year ang sy iaty-sexual characters are well developed. On examination, a mass is felt 2) What is the most likely diagnosis? ©) How will you investigate and treat her? [Annual 2008] (a) DIAGNosIs; ’ Mallerian obstruction (Imperforate hymen: re MANAGEMENT 1. Investigations: Same as QUESTION 5 (b) in 1.7, 2, Treatment: Same as QUESTION 1 (c) in 1.7, QUESTION 9 eraAt-vear-old tall unmarried atl presents with primary amenorrhea. Secondary sex chatseey examination, she has a blind vagina, 2) What is your diagnosis? ) How will you treat her? [Supple 2007 held in 2008] ~(a)- DIAGNosIs. Mollerian agenesis (Rokitansky syndrome OR Mayer-Rokitansky-Kister-Hauser) “{b)- ‘TREATMENT: ‘Same as QUESTION 2 (c) in 1.7. QUESTION 10 sdeeateatsold_airl presents with primary amenorrhea and_UBNIIMEh abdominopelyic mass consistent with 20 weeks gestation; 2) What is the likely diagnosis? ) Outline the management plan. [Annual 2007] -(a)- DIAGNosIs: Millerian obstruction (Imperforate hymen) =(b)- MANAGEMENT: 1. Investigations: Same as QUESTION 5 (b) in 1.7. 2. Treatment: Same as QUESTION 1 (c) in 1.7, QuEsTIO! jagiZ eat ole oir! presented in gynae OPD with complaint ef, Wax: che gives history of failure of menstruate. On abdomin {rspection of vulva, bluish bulge at introitus is visible. 2) What is your diagnosis? ») What is management pian? [Annual 2022) (a @ puscnosis: Millerian obstruction (imperforate hymen) ~(b)- A wanacenent: a 2, 1f¥estigations: Same as QUESTION 5 (b) in 1.7. R 2 Treatment: Same as Guesmane (in 1.7. ‘i ' ALI RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. -878- F 1 UESTION ore formed at what 07 aE goria are forme at what. 9g Maas around 5 weeks of Gestation, By the tice he 1a EIR ie il ever e. After th Na Sn Beir cr of oogonia tw Altes this poi Sogona yi smber ihich will tually become. ih begin 4) Ovarian ligaments ©) Broad ligaments pres aments ae al igaments se overe conical garments The ules held FBR) SSS aes mas the cardinal igament®) These narens extend fon te a us and prevent it from sagging, te ns of the ss se know Aer oul supporto te 013: QUESTION 3 4) Genital ridge 2) Urogenital sinus esonephvric ducts (also known as Neon ice 5 para RAE] ssi develops from: Pesorephic duct Peanesoneptric duct tive trac, including the uterus, fallopian tubes and upper pate age Pei uverce TEN Foamesorwpiic ek Te por toys fet ee ae ypcaly 2013: QUESTION 4 ae case of rordia flict is reached a ne d) Birth ¢) Menarehe vei of gestation tens! gestation iis ae wale age an NEN eS = ie eveepne. Stiesis of gestation i TREVIEW: 3) 20 weeks of gestation: Primordial Telices aie the calls. These fol out 20 weak of gestation AEE the female reprod egress and do not develop into reproductive smuctues, 2013; QUESTION 5 : nd 35 HO in gynae OPD. Your registrar fs examining ita batent ic havong ae jain supports of uterus © ot shaving 2" degree UV prolapse. Main Support | fast sai €) Cardinal ligaments gamers Itulopelvic ligaments Gana gamers Movers cervical ig ipo othe uterus — QUESTION ¢ pests of following parts: tinge el infundibulum, lum, am “te finns I7A>eeeeeod ANATOMY OF GENITAL TRACT {PISODE FINAL YEAR 2% 9p, sativa Th falogiin Hes A Uno ” dee, hor ani ic triton (0 Oe trade age aa Wich located wrt the ten wo ar die section of th tub, ae nding EFY REVIEW: 4) (vier fuses that connect the ovaries to the afin ntuding (t tutses are dinate! ito several mgt tube api ihc ts. he ee SUPPLY 2013: QUESTION 7 , mee d) thiddie rectal artery : ee ¢) Renal artery Er WE ViEWs bi Ath now Fl ‘The ovarian artery is 8 branch of the abdominal sora, aid’ cry mec A i i el Saas et ae cae MCQS WITHOUT OPTIONS ANNUAL 2015: ANATOMY OF GENITAL TRACT _ = of male external genitalia: Testosterone jhric (Mullerian) duct form: Fallopian tube se col segment of paramesone 5 : f KOster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome Usimentary uterus: Mayer-Rokitansky ANN 2 ANY # female urethra: 3-5 om drainage of cervix: Internal | ion: Male chromosome |ATOMY OF GENITAL 7 eee onitansky-Kuster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome l.e. MUllerian agenesis liac + Obturator + External iliac lymph nodes [mB \ GRR ES Eianon artery is 2 direct branch of: Abdominal aorta ae ANNUAL Mf NIT Se reer nvmen with bluish membrane + Normal menstrual eyele: Millerian obstruction sanacs S Winch part of uterus become lower portion of gravid uterus: Cervix 1 | eee Eibply of upper vagina: Cervicovaginal Branches of the uterine artery 2 120; ANATOMY OF GEN: = @, Failure of fusion of only upper part of MOllerian duct; Bicomuate uterus 20, Major lymphatic drainage of female genital tract: Para aortic nodes a 1: v Muscle farming main bulk of levator ani: Pubococcygeus: ANNUAL 2022: ANATOMY OF GENITAL TRACT He oral secondary sevual charactersties, amenorthea, absent uterus and vagina: Molielan 37° 25 Ovaries present, uterus absent, shallow vagina: Rokitansky syndrome Unfused caudual segment of paramesonephric (MOllrian) dct forms: EALLPOIAN TUBE forms uterus, cervix and proximal 2/80f vagina Overion artery 6 branch of, ABDOMINAL AORTA JUST BELOW RENAL ARTERY 3, Muscle forming bulk of levator ani: BUBOCOCCYGEUS: % Imperforate hymen with bluish membrane: MULLERTAN OBSTRUCTION *ensis be known a Rokitansy syndrome; here wl be bln vagina wth no eS ~~=-COPYRIGHTS PROTECTED © EPISODE FINAL YEAR ED. 2° 2023-—-—~ DR, ALI RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABDULLAH lan tube mph nodes (a) BELLYING PATHOLOGY. Ollerian ageness EB chromosomal abnormality i.e, 45, Xo - ENT: 1 Chichood: Treatment is | Adblescence: Treatment Is focused on induction of puberty 4, Pteanancy: Possible with ovum donation only Psychological input and support Focused on growth ~(e- =D MEDICAL CONDITIONS! Goarctation of the aorta IMemmatory bowel disease petsorineural and conduction deafness Renal mncrogen levels ( Atragen ) With 8 months amenorthea. She had previous infrequent eyes 6/90 r= |. What is lagnosie? 4) Sheehan syndrome f) Asherman’s syndrome Frnt of rors ON thes ge Sane Neier ne cae RY see a oe tn oe ese ang 2013: QUESTION 77, eae mh or os a Beta teresy narod POST, pense specs one et sd my of en oo rere oS ean ore ony i MCQS WITHOUT OPTIONS of ranamsl pce, aor ck npn Simca Samer rere eran pus bopey! De under genera! arenes renee 2S cre tara see went 2 ree asa oe See atte! Sern cena OSE aa Bence a ton 2 ee ce ee on: Spo ene apni» Surgery meetin ni Pat tg of puberty mn gin: Breast enlargement {Fest ine vesmert for heavy menstrual Bleeding ‘©. Sine teanmentn payee nary syndrome (PCOS) Vfesyie meaESBN ane: OC ‘SI ine mestgton of feo engl leding incase fatigue end thy P= <3 Best rvesigston fr heavy menstrual leading: Endometrial DOPSY 5019 yeas os or presented on 14 days of te regular menstrual cycle (ovement syareme): Resets ner thats prysiologic 51 Absolute conrlneaton oF WT Ane ver ease n_ mid pan a rg paver with om eyed pte wth Sees nanan rene freecet ie fn breast development ane 1 gecptsa ster tere Mee ck onto: Check peg Messing t0 puberty: Breast Fi nets = r Gonadal dysgenesis Esco of HRT: Acute ver disease ete er oa ee veg 0 ut ue Pata bros cer PEATED MCQS (EFY REVIEW 2022) 1 heeng for HE: TRANEXAMIC ACID. Antinorinltc dra For dymenoroes ts MEFEXANOC ACD Le = ee a bien oes ct sass Sacnom sna BEBE Progesterone) (Mean age: 51-52 years a Seen ane ee —Cormacits movecTen © etso0e 2am DR-AU RAZA GHAUGART A DR. HASHAN EOLA QUESTION 3 Win apenonbes ot st ginal, Macon eats ecetr yon ce thane (a) 2009) ed gown roy iecca gone ge Rrochtasnta ete rision and resusctation ae 0, ese ee and administer fuids WOR chemi ee mae ee me aes lore minaret ge a Penne QUtsTION S at 12. weeks of gestation came with mild vacia! bleed 5P/120/70 mil, cers cosa it slant Hecate a et eeoeenr ys a — ict ss eee] “@) donot ener roc of coneestion = ot Menerroge : Petts: Gre pret 7" TS abcoinopelic examination 1 ansabdominal/ Transvaginal ultrasound scan (1vUss) o0000000MISCARRIAGES» eee) 4=— appa 1. Natal management Milestone (prostaglandin antagon ea fo take urine eat after 3 weeks = PPE ee i O arereeese @ carne, 2 Tranenbdomina Transvaginal strasound scan (TVUSS) Hemapedin ees 1 GBiotionctage <2 wears Ste otters is sma eras responding fe pregnancy 2 nengeuterine pregnancy (no fetal neat Le deodet) Cored A “0 worl ‘Aametomatie OLE oF urmasonoceanate 5 {proves cay ret cea fey pregnancy loss Le fetal ese, nares R recto oncasan cena DR. ALE RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABDULLAH 296 'CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABDULLAH 397" pISODE FINAL YEAR 2 Anonrions, aoe (oy ECTOPIC PREG Hane £D.© evn OL06, Sapeey A eae er Sey Mme ote areas © Fed coro gC (en NS dn e esnecr smc © iz : a e 9 question 2 sn pipet cet OT “3 withthe danas of ise is Azzyescot ra ccne soonest ene 2037) eh manacersTON 3) 32 questron 3 al 3 Ao reas ey epla 2014 tt s ‘Question F 2 years presents inthe OPD wih history of tree consecutive 2% tine 2eicpelaeas roy ESTITIONS 32, ony investigations Ts Be 20) me ened peta cae . aay REET ay 922 ev tee a Eee ee 5 J Spree anna! trscund san (1055) eae ee a a = ‘ers aato p a aS © eee rieemea ter eee ne OF MISCARRLAGE aed merge anaconent: ess QUESTIN 3 (0) 32. © ccricarions oF suncica, manacemENT: ‘See ar uesTION (e)m 33 4 19-yeaol dy presers ‘Sota Cnn eonuscoiocy = er1S008 FINAL YEAR 2° £06 orgy me Questions TIONS & Ectopic Patcnay ecroric PREGNANCY as O06) for one yer, resents with amenorthes tr a anoxrions 8 I or anton ston a na operat sen rsnora at oe ST BS eg Can ee nan en ig win seep ote ws AL eat sat, on at = . nna, ye se weconee eeeeeoer” PORTIONS ron om _ EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2 5 1M 7. ao emergency vith History of 8 ees amenon, Poona ea ioe 0 th ie 0.66 Wolo, pe na irrutene pregrey wth 90 Cardiac a es, Se ha past and cheaper opto re yesTiON 2 anita 2013 QUESTION Geof 9 moO Praga th tena ‘Uj prosaganain £2 FP SH etd as = SS — a Dlemegee thal QU PNP dagrour and mangement” SRB To pra 4 : MCQS WITHOUT OPTIONS caro. She ls very upset and Wants know the cause 018: QUESTION. gar I 9 mh 7 Be 2 eres eral 98 ‘Wat fection Pde ea easton Rea ITRGE RESTET aTNG MTA age A iG ABORTIONS BET Zon on USS + Vaginal bleeding + Abdominal pain: ee eal Mepis rere Fon Pee oF Vol Sng". Poe wees, gen tat he pet 40 years od sn ae pee renee ” se reas kato ns cae ha fe too TOPIC PREGNANCY mornslegem ees Meyekfeerim eee TTT eee neta: Treatened shorten Baie mptured ectopic pregnancy with f-hCG 10500 IU/: Lapomtomy + Sapingec arama ent abortions: Artiphospholid syndrome (XPS) sees vein. 150 ne ie egnancy. You dead Medical Teatnent Yap ewneenate a sa errerret miscarriages Detween 22-28 vieeks; Uterine abnormal 8) sucess ates 80% ie ace fr eaopi pregnancy: Methotrexate z 7a etrferes with DNA sys 1 his fea agonst 6) indicated in cores! pregnancy TIONS & ECTOPIC PREGNANCY i rasnet for foht-stded ruptured ectopic pregnancy: Laparotomy wit slpngecom See ems MAREE sn eu arebope renarey ls nium wt en Noe i Seay OCS ES BSA] utyglueeda ocr brown color with cervix os cosed and no fal cae fit cevatexcttion: Ectopic pregnancy cig acy: Mased scare Sewer SS Tren oma wean EIS "ree nc pone coaoes noni ne Siec s Se ome reoneee of sone renee fsalpingostomy rr SUPPLY 2013: QUESTION 6 yagina bestia, A ; Vari? eu nar Got at ne weks gestation com of vai epee BINGECTOM heresy te mi perce aay sr ae SOME also known as lupus ancoaguar snsrone sage of any tazue vaginally, What e your dagnosis? 2) complete abortion )) Sromtaness abortion 6) Missed abortion 2 oof comeing sso amen, ey neve Oregon epee PTGS PROTECTED ESoDE rina YEA ED 2°20 MALT RAZA GHAUDARY & OR HASAN ABDUL V2 >@ecoccecoeo5oe reer & ENDOMET INFERTILITY & ENDOM Os 3MCQs [1 SEQ | 64, 4 De Ars Cnn 4D Hu at aited by Dr Jawan rns ve 90000000 SUBFERTILITY. 000008 PORES ASST oa eo nae Segment EAA y and physical examination Sones Secon ef ene sora Pecnnsonorpemane! abrormalties ‘92 ‘Sign of me spene trying for pregnancy ny previous pregnancles Catal reqveney eaipation (General gynaeolgihstory Frevaus hstory of peli inflarnmatorydlsease Pres medial and surgeal story Previous fertity eater Carvel smear story General hath ~ seen for history of thyroid lsorders Signe of androgen (hstusm, weght gain, ane) and goactorhes age Length o tie spent tring for pregnancy Fettered any revs pregnancies ‘son of mumps x mendes stor of testa of tests ‘ ‘rama, surgery "Sa ewmaty po ep. © GYNAECOLOGY Tg en INFERTILITY & enon As HC WN her huang, eTRIOStS aking for female and male. (supe: Ste es Pole 2050 a Mes N10 ld aaaay eos cine for istry of tity cin for har ose ores 3 years, ico yore 3 yar Cae sng ogee vg syns ~ 1" tne Ivestontionnsubterity nae > Onision» See ie Lm FSH = to check for HPO dysfunction IL Misnaeai progesterone measurements - to confirm ovation & Anti-MUllerian hormone ~ Most successul bochemical rker to mea IN, Ts, Prolactin Testosterone ~ incase of regan ec et 1 sai folice count - to measure ovarion reserve £ Insc sen: Chiamyaia testing, ial screening (Rubella, HV, HBv, Hv, ennninalutrasound scan m Tb asessment: To check tubal patency 1 Wysterosalpingography (HSG) using X-ray investigation ofc I. tptercotrast srosrepy (yeo5y) tang Geomana ent OME I. 3Dhysteracontrast synography “ 4 Invasive laparoscopic chormopertubation (dye test) ~ gold m, frvatve leparoecon (ye test) ~ ole standard hr UESTION2 ars. Her menstrual eyee is regular and has a nol pelvic scan. Semen Investigations to evaluate “Supple 2019 be in SHESTIN In 4.2.~ oni tubal assessment or © GYNAEcoLocy ‘QUESTION 1 sor of rary years. en sanvstoate her? [Supple 2007 hola 2a995°"=" nessa 08 UR menemgenntt ; — LA cae RRR, auesron 12 R er em es Se ee Ge eae cen oa Wa ee pe ron gC a. Soeott } Prassision'= nor 3 aby org ® 10 mont wh sat he woman ° Question 13 = * FN ett usta cae ery cco < me NE ie dec Fi mia repair a5 8 chi. Sperm count yw infer of 2 year. 25-Y feauar mena! cc 3 igatlon wil You reqvest? [Annual 2021] Apps ome Nunes wo | = mai gers: n42 ‘Se coupe? [annual 2017] — sy aa SEE era etn pe Asse an Sn co ‘ivesica10Ns FOR TUBA PATENY: BNSC a2 ny tubal atsessent ee, cin earner fase wth cpl of a your fey ars mage wih complaints ‘Att een fbn mma and wis wverarkable. nat econ seer te the at iestgnton20vees en? ae sel om syon ove reser is vesignton? [Annual 2012] “gyri as os RES OF POLYCYSTIC OVARIES.” aelcuspd ores = ktpesrat folds a any eee pe : ee i pen onhade rum wt 0 a tages! Potro to regu witonl besos ‘pe ssder before cobcting te semen sample Elles complete ejecdate and be sure put the id on tightly Heel nerapy: Clomiphene, FSH ‘Senen somes bet evaluated within 1 Pour of ejaciton i act Stbel tery: Copan, Seen sad utnned ether by masturbation or by sexual intercourse witha siicane condom ‘tat Ovarian criling ( unresponsive to meical therapy) © Day Wea tacoma exerce Os tard five Yrs one: er theoid func patency te Suerte tirana 'b) What i the cause of infertility and give two important {has a pelvic scan. Semen ip : var Sl eu 9 Polycystic avary syndrome (PCOS) a. Bee sate cerca mere, Seer ‘Tubal mi Irgery in reversal of sterilization es a ertlization ie, WF os = C ree Quen mags ‘BR: ALTRAZR GHAUDARY & DR. WASAAN ABOULIAM ‘908 - cr WY BATACHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABDULLAH == e QUESTION 7 INFERTELITY a ENDON for the lst ve Years presects to —— Lars ete me sree mL TART. ec uray & EXDOMETES ier TTS, prolactin and testost or a == ~~ ad ee ne SSS p Sreapaena (count 510 rand.) inv oer Besar ee ‘Donor egg with IVF acs) severe ae Mem nici & ae ss anon ean oESTION 8 ; tomer Senet py laparotomy, Arid embozatn Bal redone come to tetity cok after tying — papas rea ea 9c spern mt fe 3 Te pan \they need? [Annual 2021) vt with Gecreased matty a pe0ENDOMETRIOSIS 0000050 @ ren ye a er a ee = a — senso to Beer a ee. ae 5 Renter pas enna re) : Pvcenctaentns eve nce seaoen quesrion s ss ahr 3 orl nt Te cul Den Sesriem 7 nae ity? teat pete SRS acces se Sc aman Deep. a Fam fixed acnexol moss fordomecrn) Tender noduiosty of erie igoments and cul-de-sac ion recovagial extn Uo REET Frmoryunnted si 10) Omen 04s pg colecon (sedation) Teennatov cSt Festzation check (91) Enry cuture (2-5 doy) Ebr art ( OR >eCCCe GYNAECOLOGY OE FINAL YEAR 2° Fp oo cee ANFERTIITy a, visor 2.0 20 ‘QUESTION 5 ENOOMETRIOSS ce 08S a, OPH, Gt ose wah ge tee een cer otters atte sr ENDOMETRSSE meese : ‘ay pa fendec E5805 Senha tamara ny AA 5 former sear: Onan Jer elp you to confirm your dag0osis. [Annual peepee noe me a seme me rc R ¢ question 2 soy e Some eeepc one yn ony vetaions aes te tee question 6 ® oo 12018 | SOE, Ori cert te hr army 2006) BI rc Maret 3 em wn nts 2 rrp @ oat as o Bind nome o of eysmenortesl and deep dyspareunia, She wo gue aoe i velo gy fe ey Tht rmerate tro relevant vestigations? soa ecss with coupe? Canmat 2022) e 5 ® (vy Framers “0 ‘MsERTLITY UE TO ENDOMETRIOSIS: 1 Ora A ed by prostalond F2 [Ecometial gonds and stoma deep whine momen seated Saconiny Sprevomicate CvCieA SROCE SERSDe rn SCA ae sere Sharla Gaal ear mental Seeding ess ee + ost pte 3 adn rr Oe um conan eee rane e 9 Te CBee Sue as QUESTION 1 (b)in 44. - ‘only treatment” =] se ‘DR. ALT RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABOU! "912 - yo gp. © GYNAECOLOGY EPISODE FINAL vean 20 wont ter £0: 07 = Le ATTY no moos co i = here ces oni A 800METRIOSIS e Ea etn non saw pee | 7 secondary dysmenorthea and increased mers pis doops Se crn analogues mong options geen ees. ky ay aeons 2 9 options given tar Repent Al A on Inst 2 years. Husband semen anah Bes ste ons 1) Drup induced 80S GR ana ae one 2087 UTI han cone a 85 Wa abn ieomes Recor eeeeta Inet a eg C ® e re et ae ur a Kel mm 2 40 mtion wn ane fas we mons erate ag ieee Sommer aes eas aa a oa cara econ on5 ter se of GRH alas led dp med oc ees Be, is TWTOI RRC ve nn Fe be montre Th i of Cat amg tr endoce F oi On oe (Eman omen sa =] s anna 2053: QUESTION 2 man comes in gynae OPD with primary infetity for 3 ~MCQS WITHOUT OPTIONS gue eames 207" oat aunts The Cota euerey YS th gy ® ® to gona wicemee sr ern OTA rep SY eM ag BEIT tro Tol atomia hysterectomy ® Peppoame for erative colts ere ory geen eee 8 rs hysterectomy (TAH) + Blsteralsalphingo-oopherecomy e 2 aoe worker {50), reunia + Cyc menorrhagia: Endometriosis Insect ind Rion W couse reverb ney footer nwo fertizaion (IVF): Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) fe neidedordecndnvedin menuto we njng ence eee cen el patency ond adhesive: Laparscapy Oye SS) sn, 3: QUESTIONS non er 4 prea Me aon: 05% 3 ence See SRE essere neon oe men ccs Pro novoay 3 FepeaieR oye alo cls te orien kc Tea) I BSPEMERM IV lon, Morphogy 50%, Motity 35%, Volume 2k: Otgospermia isaac maser of xan sere ond cane ed ple] iRGnthpwocopy: To check point of tubs blockage ae me loners crate [ANNUAL 2033: QUESTION 4 siz tl patency: Hysteresainaography (HSC) Aunt 201: QUESTION 4 srg pater came to OPD wth by to cocve, Se hsp Im RRR NOOMETRAOSS 1 2 oe tage om, peic USc ston 7x 6 cm chocolat cyt. Best treatment opto 3lus pm cunt prevausly had parotid sweling” Mumps & ri igure cone seorn/ se Sur eviousy had prod sweling Mums de to mumps vs 1) Progesterone ‘e) Laparoscopic cystectomy 2 Jwaeks uterus size: Adenomyoss ysmenores, deep dyspareunia, and heavy mensval beeing ry in PCOS: Clomiphene crate @ airmvsoin quernons Spe enn sree fr 10 years, nuliara came in gynae OPD and requested fr 128 (a ag pe enna 2 tapoxcooy @ 3 Bisse ar F PROTECTED © EPISODE FINAL YEAR ED, 2" 2023~ 4 of primary infrtity for 3 oon he ee mney et a RAZA CHAUDARY & OR, HASAAN ABDULAH 2) 10.158 ae ) 15-208 an 4) 10-20% ©) 20-25% eae ACT RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABDULLAH < == 94 '& DR, HASAN ABDULLAH mDS ve eo, © GYNAECOLOGY eae lrse act i, Hence vaginal BH >4.5 Db tnreed OO Characteristic Rshy smelt Bete ck on cole nek Wil py “le celson saline wet mount INFECTIONS OF GENITAL TRA fe eesion 23 EOC 3MCt resco 0 | eaa vaya — Tick, curd, wile vagina discharge Supericial dyspareunia ¢c e e Veta cing (Coeinnt molon) ond sore e e e ® (Choroclerte ny ame ‘oe cet present on MCCICOPY. Questions Pests ae pase cane wi compas of war ching, ation end vainal dchare, Eis tree cg PE gaduge: Heaty, Pregnancy, Ovulation — SE uple 2034 held in 2035) UD: am saree: acteral vaginosis sands | ate ee 3 Aude: Cervical leeang Cabeare | Tesi | acer vaginas ‘ feasaarge: Heakhy, Vuvovaginal candidiasis rae 2 Vevoregel oes S Ganshreon discharge: STIs wie” | THE cr |eowaraen 3 Yiewmenass { hdecmge Mensouston, Cervical disorders ese = Fea | (QuesTION 2 ‘h.0 yers ld las om chil five years ack, presented with offensive vaginal discharge fr saat -(b)- tals 3s fo vst case? [Supple 2011 held 2022] ol OSS: Pons | chor | Srl arene opera | Hay este spontaneously but symptomatic then; Beanery | © Gecwenze ccm vsasy acl @ 2 re elcid esse a ning 1 26-year-old pave G2PL+4 re ave tue came at week enna : — : a) @ forest eiress “ @ Spm scos: “0 -o 1 Depitoneeaabsc in ema voi fare suring, Typical ae 2. Sevatan ot vagal pH (above 45) sure, Tyla white asheret 2. steno A Cainer vagina R sce 1 espns: Me +e c 0) 2 Gram staring of vaginal dscharge EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2"° ep, ©orNARC pra YRACT recrons oF GENITAL 1 rungts ad use of 200048 P39 agen soap ana bath so a gabrats) Woniints of waver ering, iitation and v se? [Supple 2014 held in 2015] S98. Hom wh you dag 2018) : Jn saline wet mount: Mobile trichomonads “ay Say gscnare 0” ts - scPATS ation test on vulvovaginal swab ~ gold standard cn Ans. “or _ : oe fninatotatandrentment of partners eeeeer7 some 25 QUESTION? (9 52 s MA on: same mg ETON (8 se 2 Treatment; Same as QUES! 10M 2 . a zs pam z fgynse OPD with complaint of vulval soreness and fou smeling greenen i = She aloo ives Hatory of doa z psn eae presets OF si Gives story of occasional mld pains te lower sbeses 2 eich prespose i Se me USATIVE AGENT nly €. albicans) a ont regent Ca Pe enEpSPOSING FACTORS ons Same a QUESTION 1 in 5.3. ~ ‘ony investigations ‘Same as QUESTION 2 (0) in $2. +e (Same as QUESTION 1 in 5.3. - ‘only management’ rpestmea: Berauesnon 2(0n52 “we ration, dlstarge scat 7 chy tana star. On examination, ‘question + ‘30 years i iy comes to you (Of increased vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain and dyspareunia. Specuum | mucopurulent discharge and pelvic tenderness with ceria exctaton. orrhea? Veupelaaaizibeldin20is] a “ay a a @ sxzoiseosiic ractons: (0) TREATMENT a ls in (ceftriaxone) + 2 u omycin + Azithromycin if severe pene a eas sete ee) em @ Pre EtTONZ.0 052, sec r3 OF GENITAL TIAST oy E fs sce 2 af eS: yawn si Sonnet congue ret pa ets, Wve) -eTwss Po : Reig eau cre ot TN oy ro standard test ay old susctation (in se bial therapy: Macrolde or ti S DISEASE (PID) ee ee oa to make a diagnosis of Pelvic Inlammatory Ds fete pom (conga meinen mpbcations? TAnnual 2047) ae? 2 Deep epareena 1 {eee pc menses) MB/PCE eee tb) [ecatmoton ana adnexal fenemers 4b) eeoeeeor7 (QUESTION 4 eer rend fr ages? We sete cua 905? eter cctons? (Anna! 2020) a ; pucnos aa oe By 2 (2) in 5.6. ‘ony investostons PE try doease (1D) | Sivoo ut nave b)- ae | faoSormoneauesotP0 (Cfo pusGNOsis: snd A. gonarbens Ai Oe a enn) and cervical maton (Chandellers sign : Z attenpewture 05°F Forse vegnsl mecspunient hare, 2 Ae Pease wecon amine mont of voi secretions $ groismayon & Eemeco, & Bove entation of cera infection wth Neserie gonorhene or Chlamydia racemats “ar © cusere sccm “va ‘ -(b)- chlamydia trachomatis 2 Neisseria gonortheae 4 Mycsnleame genau 4e- {ONG-TERAL COMPLICATIONS: Same as QUESTION 1 (b)n5.5. nrecrions oF GENITAL TRACT ‘TREATMENT yin 5.6 ~‘oly reste pe QUESTION2 eS apoeremtane ecg SE mse nanan © Serum antbegy tests (IgM ond IgG to HSV and HSV2) 2 syngeneic rie Sr enone 2 Or aqtovr (or airs) % a 2016 eld n 2037) MANAGEMENT: a Sie Gino) m5. ‘COMPLICATIONS: oe © scspsn une mtrion and cnspaion =a bo minted ection Set nono) 57.~ as EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2" ep, enacg Ot06y g i s F é ] BN rat nat ondyomata suri sare es asset nth cervn Ioptsal eps an cee repay — or incl earination ‘resment lative therapy) 4, vor eaten (Both contraindicated in pregnancy) ee eeeoeeenr, SITE ae tee _ MCQS WITH OPTIONS 007: QUESTION 1 snping of miky whitish discharge with shy odor. No history of tching 9. Most hy agro ‘atone J Sim ; aa Sea Kis acon gral con uc PRBS apa Te aha nea iy od mil wie dchage sn mins ae Pa gutstion 2 Rea 11S o¥P2eOPD wih istry of dur, burning micron and sor penum ts ye inpatient comes with history of high grade fever and wound tenderness Eemns-% mia 24 enon right sce of wound suggesting obsces. Host sade on f= 1) Inesion and ranage 9) ke packs rai ed digs Bere ‘ischarge. Bes treatment option fr tchorariass 1d) Metronidazole 2) Gingamycn ‘OR. ALT RAZA GHAUDARY & Da HAGAAN ABDULLA GENITAL TRACT INFECTIONS oF cenrra BONE Drarge, somelmes frothy geen + pearance SF=001 TAAL YOR 0.6 crac ra al discharge 374 Aching. On exaMnaton, dich sacromanes 20a pacteral Yaginosis v0 nets AL wo we teal let 2PM panan of ania arin aca Srancos organ ceri (richomonass) Matronicezle ou somes: as 4 er Tri case of yelowsh discharge: Champa aus Ph 6 an BE array white clscherge (candies): iaetes melius "8 You ape acta ae benefit inte wy Meee ay tubercuioss: Fallopian tube er ee iacoahane UAL AE, = Ste agra —— Getecrescrtic res eeoeeeen zs apn causS lama Frresston gonortee! Aztiomyan er vats ove: Conca ata 7 , A TO ace woh nr ts ater eatin oats concen ny Se AE yee hia son escenario hey bo guns re ate Mohs Sor Ul ee a cee TRA terme oe, Pew infarmator Ssease aot apessmlex:AcySovir Sy named pata of enc fers Tmchomeniasis ——————— . a |OST REPEATED MCQS (EFY REVIEW 2022) ee for trienomens tr recah yon Gace est retmert option for rcbamoni & fl snetng discharge with strawberry cervix: TRICHOMONIASIS (T« jetronisazoe Sos Ek wine candy discharge with pruntus end superficial dyspareunia NAL : - (Babyy: inmunocompromisee, Diabetes, Anedictcs) (MC causatve 256°": Candia albicans eT CAS Om ats meroscopy with fishy ocovr: BACTERIAL VAGINGSIS (Cause: Decreased o-2000 | eave enon Fa eee scan a eects epee Boers e. Goreretavasinaisanerve) (T=: Metronidazole) ones abdominal, uterine and cervical motion tenderness (pelvic inflammatory dco): CHLAMYDIA DECUS (Gold standard investgaton: Laparoscopy) (TE Ceohaisporine mo win mile kregular growths on vulva and itching. O/E marty esos wt ou ©) Chamyaia ——_tRosratconogy compl Births, presents in gynecology cine wit ic studies confirmed stress urinary incnt ray mess rinry incontinence? icmiarce og A, Aree ment i hi pane? (Supple 2017 held in . — in 2018) R UROGYNAE: ina births) C OLOG jularty vaginal Dit rn (a _2MCQs |1 SEQ | 544, Va ® Deaton ata tr aS Mas ii ° ited by De Zab raet Le mf paris eso e eee e disease fone reg ronctectats or chon obstructive pulmonary dees) e ome re areneraic antagonist) i= “oy Tima ickage when se COUGH SECTS Ts JOMDS of arly Pe. e ne yoyo era crete amount oicing wih he cesT celia BOBO acral crag tscne. pene cen sess and urge Incontinence wile taking Piston? mservaive Westmont of rtaryincrnence,[AMMUS! 2038) ; at gS ara een, eer aM of =e . ; 8 CONTINENCE: Rote Se Grice as thes dturting her ay He. J ‘STRESS INCONTINENCE c ra the rest ty Sagres? Teak wth activites which increase | When urge to vod occurs, ate vestigations wo you adie Mg Sroton | Sbdominal pressure e-. cough coke bore reaching tet eS Se Leak of rie via urtira whieh | —Sportaneos ten ret wich ee frac coincides with acter | __perste after acti shed ‘ts urnaryncotnece - ‘nse spe tec) Hiram | 0,124 of urine when abdominal voluntary dtr conactons -o pom ayn | pressures elevated and detrusor i ons Sates ae not contracting | {bated story and physical examination =) 2 adsveam wine sonple! To exe ection er yonuria 5 loser ry ~only conservative therapy’ ete 6 yes eve e: Urearame suey ase te & mt oenwse 40- z ors 2 sie 1 conserative therapy 1 e 3 eg reckon 2. ive bt Ml lance © Recucton octet e & Sager ce © Fee @ » atten: ; 20151 ‘ as er A G reson sin > meee neck to the zon of itre-abdorinal R rohmers * c 0) anesthe ‘CHAUDARY & OR. HASAN. tbe performed under loc D6 "RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABDULLA F QUESTION 1 UROGNAECoL yal prolapse and Stress incontinence fra ae rat years. Sh cana £0. © ornatco oaynneco106 a X09 : SS a niga ens vt ere a t ef roves ris and ses nen tages 3 te a cations assoclted with vaginal hytec ct OSTiam ‘Supple 2020 held in ae24) Gaetan io hott urine for tana. time. Sre ato gies ity Js yrs ot pesoneoneist R Cc «v) ® ® Ss 2 Ben Fee cme ane ~ ms (pth overactive Bladder and stress incontinence) rectovoginl iste send thromboerbolsm™ cueon 10) 6 a a copa Pos Pa 3 Pir RED LD) ACTIVITY (URGE URINARY “menage o vod oxen patie! eas Delore aching let Teeny detinrconbactons quesTion 1 IESTION2(0)'n 6.1. I preers psautne ot mezuion ursancy ar insotinence, Her WS 0 DEGREE OF PRO! assy. = fy urgent proanse (Gaden-Walker classification) Seer wy domes Saye Were the prolapse does not reach the hymen. 1 fie Were te prolapse reaches the hymen. Sieweloeeny a oi — er 1 Suge IM: When the prolapse is mostly or wholly outside the hymen. When the uterus prolapses wholly ‘ide this is termed procidentia. * 7 : to mone nein, {Spec easton: vagal examen tony owen nh Ss sn i mee & Reis nade nines i atten: ee, feibaleeys aomesctety ee > teen: oe mace) 2 top bane reseteraae, anal pessaries (ring or shel) sternis® are uterus preserving procesues) ‘ogg seston, dacenfo and heaves nahin Pelt Feeting elmo coming down Dysparna + Dcomio and backache Liar aa ecatincoinence s7MPOMS OA7>OCCCCe DDR ALT RAZA CHAUDARY & DR. HASAAN ABDULLA UDARY & _p0 0. © GYNAECOLOGY = Question 7 ae [eins dence verona pence MatcoLoGy a {EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2° © CYMAEcotogy 2 see a eae or this rblen? (Supple 26, rary SHPPIC 2014 held tn 2015) Fatal bony rene! SSeoatpene" ado Re Brn conducted by ce 6 oa ons fr, and hesvines thin pe socom pope eau mia nae oe =a assent a cn or Feist cra an bata re ies Set 20 lain 20201 oe Beran mma re wre 2019" re (oy aC oesron 28) nS oy pete? UME no (on 62. “omnes Bess clesrion2 (0 ‘question + OE ino stra anthems tenet nt nl eeeeeeor7, an omese 55 MI acy anon? De aor x wero ae ; rmanogerent options for her? {Supple 203 held in 2019) 2(0) 96. OC + ETON (6) 6.2. cuca susk ACTORS SERA UESTION 2 (2) m8. = o- panacea: QUESTION 9) epause for 9 years, presented with second ; aN quesrion2 (01962. ‘questo SIG rale ce wen aoe se lance wth cetael, How wi you menage he (8 eee Fee ice! he asec: © kee Sere -@y ‘quesrra sashes eral ae nome [Stiga Sc dene ay sgn vary nd bowel oy eat sary on bowel ae ieee : oe Crete Aamnuen Some 35 QU RAZA CHAUDARY & DR, HASAAN ABDULLAM 1, © GYNAECOLOGY nocymatcovoay geal mesh £P.© ornate ers > Tena recone ‘oy QUESTION 7 reer ss teva eee te Ben rua 248 ln 208 ae, acd gaa careers co noe mo -sa.ah ota san seretemn a3 ee a 8 eae Fearon ne ag ad cos eee a, \ weeiitenon 20 62. tea ayn is BEATE yy 2() 62. — er etme : ‘question « “= eld and combi of matnasemna fn Se wae sae setae? me tannual 2024) «oy naomeune BR wy nen = ' [Breas QUESTION 2 (8) n 6.1. ‘ essere ces oro! praia e cnet: Sess QUESTION 2 (en 6.2 s CaesiON 28) 6 east Ea tr = QuesTONS a yeaa 00. cae wih a etc. Ho wo re seiehoain 2037) sucess. Bhan TION 20) ae e iL. Supportive vaginal pessares (ring or shelf) o. sae garcia Same as QUESTION 2) 6 Ses Question 2 (c) in 6.2. ~‘only eaten” nce al ny 510 he 2 tot ‘Meatraze’ She dees oy signet inary 2 isie ey apas 2) Eruer te tat nr or development Otttontenuarenot ore nase vcoas. @ ere cae ‘RISK FACTORS: . Ane oe rn -(o- LIN ‘Same as QUESTION 2 (c) in 62. 1 £0, © GYNAECOLOGY [EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2° £0.06 Maco i gh gestION 2 ltl OT or Seren 4) Cetra ©) Endometriens A Aran 200 m6? crs ie u i : = Ged aria ann 0, 104 hemasemsere i oe a 3 Be eM ee ote a, ti, eur paces eroarst to ere COMPLICATIONS, ary rere eorinence. Sess incontinence is the mast conan ype of ui i ® Geers apes th ecto cr afr aco @ 2 Seta at comptatons QUESTION 4 7, : bee et one acta ms e & seeang o- @) Hemorroidecomy nee tes ©) Operative injury q paneer 1ON 2 (c)in 62. ~ ony weatment TSERIaTTOBHeicwaura & he most common cous of vagnowstal faa Wh 2 aaa ‘pre ‘moi amin aul oT vaginal Fala WF adbeast) Ss en ces 0 ve corns of ema ' L af Ae Henas ln die in voding and SISAL. cians? 1043: QUESTION 5 ; 2 pss examination wil ep YOU fie siso cones wth 1/0 ofteakage of urine on coughing and laughin ua et aptens il you ove ther? EARN 292) mae vaemen option with 90% success rate fore ane SNE CONAN anna whch seen en {) Weighted vaginal cones SICAL EXAMINA feet ana ie ©) Electrical simulation Sa thatomy position wih Sims speculum Vaginal x atomy Bo aa ail tape. Tenson-fee vaginal tape (UI) a reareo E 7 = BREEE QUESTION 2() in 6.2. ~"ontrestent ape der the rete o prove spor ro on UES Bs 2: QUEsTION 6 ' 6s year ot warn presets n gnae OFD wth mass comiog ou eri mer Ss hi ti her art eter, 29, Years, nlipara presents in OPD with 3° degree UV plese & mbit to reteegut Manchester repair and its Complications. Patient refused surgery. Whin cmpicavon s ) Whats yor agnosis? @ Bi cree anogement pon. fAnnual 2022) 4) Cervical stenosis ) Infertility eed Manacenent Same 25 QUESTION 2) 6.2. e back, delivered at home by dai. She pr ee resented in cic with icovagial Fa 4) Breech presentation © con ner cee Saas ee oe ae R b} Descent of genital tract within vagina ©) Descent of genital tract up to intros Cc DAL ALT RAZA CHAUDARY 2 DR HASAAN ABDULLAH [EPISODE FINAL YEAR 24° ~ es WITHOUT OPTIONS suas 2015: DOINMEEDLOS ay doe Dt eel aN fCuaN: Cavs Pee ee ney GL NEES NA V2 rn i Lesage ou 2 gages OBESE nnal 2017: UROSTHAECOLOSY a ypcty (9 cen In case scenario) MUA 20 penne mesures (TORS), ace aiinence: Burd COBCELSPeNon 1 er eanara wearin ©. 06y Mage Loe 1 nocyNAecoLosY 1 bayem gpnra one ae pun. 2020 UBD hysterectomy: VU olps= Oe eominence: Urine alysis AECL yesicovasnl Fle (WWF: Urine cutout na tte manor ae! SSE CS cry of prevous rth: Obstructed labour 20, Cause of vescovaginl ease of vaginal prolapse: Ucer due to ischemia MUAL 2022. © Chronic pain: oul eycieal pain «heute pon: bleeding torson phe enor erst > MOST REPEATED MCQS (EFY REVIEW 2022) Bp as iaaa’ct ney need = Commonest tumor fo undergo onion ovcave O98 grouP ¢ Hate tooth ft sin, muscle came b nc of Uv prope: MULTEPARITY - eatin mace cr ‘ a eesnery meontnence: TOL>-TVT (Cold anders Burch colposuspension) Batic uniocucreys ec or he most commen fsa 1. veslcovaginal: OBSTRUCTED LABOUE (In deveopet carte, , Iyer”) wars: SARDINAL LIGAMENT sso Koown 9 Transverse ceva UterosscralIgament > Round ligament Lo stula: Repair after 2-3 months 2 lane plete prouent BF Users outside hymen: Cor COPYRIGHTS PROTECTED © EPISODE FINAL YEAR ED, 28 2023-~—~ ahr RAZA CHAUDARY & OR. HASAAN ABDULLAN Is rotation of th Pi plameraec eco ee Ss (9 GYNAECOLOGY a [EPISODE FINAL YEAR 2" £0. © gy ms ma ECOL0gy ro j 1st | Fagetinel ean Ga essentATON 0 DERHOID on cm er | gpa Fane tora Bete er ome ean nese a b pees Senay Fen fhe acca G._ cyte aren cary 2 Ae ag Conn trea ee oes spe as QUESTION 2 (0) 971 men Siegen) rekre oon ane ha sas en srs 2 28 2 Sore a Sete Sorensen’ | Memon vane wen Sta Ss teas eee, B51 o" Sa urasounds at 3 6, and 12 weoks = Se ed ath OR oa contraceptive ple eos: ovarian cystectomy ectomy nace ee Tr SA ag pas (TUES oF TAUSS)~ De eS eae i i sold yp ence oven or BBS 2 (0) in 7.1. ~ ‘only investigations xsnoD CIS ym of ty germ cl vow mich uy erent i Woe ded Fi me ren gpa, ay a sy rane, clage, ne od erdon stew ene Tice cae cysts underge malignant transformation. ewe ion os 3 rai cuca, PaESeATATION OF DERMOID IST: Her mens ft He mans ce somal nd was? dys Shite QUESTION (2) 67 “a cmt est common tumour tumour of reproductive age and there is presence of tooth nthe ston 2 oonaz = @ i tier - @ sores Gurion ao) me2(@)87- sennen Tonouns 0 GENT TRACE 3p pemiio 3 can sts 8 5700) Faken A 4 oar ya oot ieamaee os, R \ § Seaeoon alee er * core C 2 hc aco Corpus tata oa rae gun 05 QUESTION 2 (0) i972. Ft tone cana \ Bass Store sree cote cyto a tt Soden Stine a ® bi o sass Bee cart ees @ MANAGEMENT: ‘+ Bic wale + Peper va A, ytrasounds at 3, 6, and 12 weeks Mater nin sn cans Bisnis Pounds a2, 6ont 2 evs | Se an sean ag ple (TVUSS or TAUSS) ~ best est “a iesetege ay ime i er wat an watch OR ol contraceptive pis | 6 consumer wcaosns — @ 2 adios HCG = Woeriaca = sane tant Eevaran estecomy mi Ohana | @ 12. Treatment: ‘Depends on symptoms and sze of cyst ‘May lead 10 mutipo and maar ee meme DeFeet wath wh si SCANS ‘Tae Regress spore = QUESTION 6 $222 rememecsny : Be oE NS Eon e 0121 Seoaancatitaiaan, @ “ay _ Bach 7. vny nestor PMG mf sega ec un ich ra iy eee : - SEs nent a ist 7 ft. Her menstral eye i normal et enero noma nd Uw ms ay ‘GUNICAL PRESENTATION tees QUESTION2() 07 @ esse: e TRACT BENIGN TUMOURS OF GENITAL TRA‘ nd urgency for so history of having at with urinary frequency. 2 Some ey ood as. she ONES Pe ten, 0s86000UTERUScoc00009 Sie peter ene Sa nani a i 238 Ne eS eos? MESO ed seroae Ripe tn Bens (=e HH rs) 2 Sey +3 Iiceneckon oclocen'stuctwesn pis treater ®@eeeaan ‘Question 1 ASSIIGL Pee came wan 20 nes size mass abdomen, on Utrascund the dagnon Whar arethe spo and signs? Enunente coon renter tes. [Annual 2029) perform andy? CAnnwat 20397 5 yo na antes Sp ate cdg (sly HO and 18) 2 ttt on ot ee es “oy b Reetrmmmnyins anata a ns: 5 Sikes oat cries n vs ae era paneain 7. Bladder and bowel dysfunction 2 et pane a nd small intramural fibroids om bane a ‘Transvaginal ultrasound scan (TVUSs): For detecting submucous 0 : Te _t, matiasora Yarra! wrasound van (TVUSS) 1 nang rg emma, 2d eee sia: Efpatlna raped sa CAUSSY:rcncon fer ara endonetl POPS oe faery Fe cg snus nd edometal 9s 1 ferplaningsubeequene hysteroscopic surgi treatment cation of frlds atch eatin snd to mantr treatment response f eeinvasis Simmer areca s ‘TREATMENT OPTIONS: pe ro ‘L Canservative therapy: Except GnRH agonists and ulipristal acetate, all other drug® 2 eae snare ns hea patton see 7 vm 4 fayeriting mrsoay ana a erage oe Eocene e tcp te ders six fave ce eta 1 Garbo lone (OP e nets oe © ee s honor or hsbc a ena Aka mercer ere 4 rade o 2 tener enbalaton (Ue ee R 8. 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