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INDIGENOUS- The people who were living in the Americas before the European explorers

BERING STRAIT- The strait which appeared to be a shallow valley where migrations took
place from Asia to North America.
TENOCHTITLAN- The largest city of the Aztec Empire.
SALISH- A deadly disease that ravaged, killed and depleted the populations of Most Native
American tribal peoples.
CANADIAN SHIELD- It is a large sheet of rock formation stretched all the way from the St.
Lawrence River in Eastern Canada to the Great Lakes in Southern Canada

The Panama Canal was constructed and opened in 1914 and allows ships to pass from
the Caribbean Sea on the Atlantic Ocean to the narrow Isthmus into the Pacific Ocean.
Canada is the biggest country in North America.
Most of the population of Eastern Canada lives below the Arctic Circle in Southern
Ontario and Quebec.
The Americans lacked immunity to the diseases that the Europeans brought.
The area of the Arctic remains in polar darkness during the winter months peaking
on the 22" of December, the winter solstice.

COLUMBIA ICE FIELDS- One of the largest glaciers in the Canadian Rookies
YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK- It has an open geological features such as hot springs
natural geysers and mineral pools.
MT. KINLEY- The highest peak in North America
INUIT- They lived by hunting in the polar region and fishing
the icy waters.
COLUMBIA ICE FIELDS- It is a rock base with lakes and marshes in the northern
landscape was sculpted by the retreat of glaciers.
INUIT- They lived by fishing and gathering the plentiful shellfish
in the Pacific Coast.

MONTEZUMA- The chief of the Aztec Empire.

HERNANDO CORTES- The Spanish Viceroy who conquered the Aztec Empire
NOMADIC- The way of life of the people in the Plain Region of North America.
SIOUX AND CHEYENNE- The native Americans who hunted buffalo as they migrated
across the grasslands of the Great.
APACHE AND NAVAJO TRIBE- They lived in the dry areas of Arizona, New Mexico and to
the South in Mexico.

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