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Article • 02/20/2023

Sql.Databases(server as text, optional options as nullable record) as table

Returns a table of databases on the specified SQL server, server . An optional record parameter,
options , may be specified to control the following options:

CreateNavigationProperties : A logical (true/false) that sets whether to generate navigation

properties on the returned values (default is true).

NavigationPropertyNameGenerator : A function that is used for the creation of names for

navigation properties.
MaxDegreeOfParallelism : A number that sets the value of the "maxdop" query clause in the

generated SQL query.

CommandTimeout : A duration that controls how long the server-side query is allowed to run

before it is canceled. The default value is ten minutes.

ConnectionTimeout : A duration that controls how long to wait before abandoning an attempt

to make a connection to the server. The default value is driver-dependent.

HierarchicalNavigation : A logical (true/false) that sets whether to view the tables grouped

by their schema names (default is false).

MultiSubnetFailover : A logical (true/false) that sets the value of the "MultiSubnetFailover"

property in the connection string (default is false).

UnsafeTypeConversions : A logical (true/false) that, if true, attempts to fold type conversions

which could fail and cause the entire query to fail. Not recommended for general use.
ContextInfo : A binary value that is used to set the CONTEXT_INFO before running each

OmitSRID : A logical (true/false) that, if true, omits the SRID when producing Well-Known Text

from geometry and geography types.

EnableCrossDatabaseFolding : A logical (true/false) value that, if true, allows query folding

across databases on the same server. The default value is false.

The record parameter is specified as [option1 = value1, option2 = value2...] for example.

Does not support setting a SQL query to run on the server. Sql.Database should be used instead to
run a SQL query.

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