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Maps Methods

put(key, value) - This method adds a key-value pair to

the map. If the key already exists in the map, the value
is overwritten.

get(key) - This method returns the value associated with

the specified key. If the key is not found in the map, null
is returned.

containsKey(key) - This method returns true if the map

contains the specified key, otherwise it returns false.

containsValue(value) - This method returns true if the

map contains the specified value, otherwise it returns

isEmpty() - This method returns true if the map is

empty, otherwise it returns false.

size() - This method returns the number of key-value

pairs in the map.

keySet() - This method returns a set of all the keys in

the map.

values() - This method returns a list of all the values in

the map.

remove(key) - This method removes the key-value pair

with the specified key from the map. If the key is not
found in the map, no action is taken.

clear() - This method removes all key-value pairs from

the map.

putAll(mapToCopy) - This method copies all the key-

value pairs from the specified map into the current map.
Some more advanced methods:

entrySet() - This method returns a set of all the key-

value pairs in the map, as a Map.Entry object. The
Map.Entry object contains both the key and value for
each entry in the map.

getOrDefault(key, defaultValue) - This method returns

the value associated with the specified key, or the
specified default value if the key is not found in the map.

putIfAbsent(key, value) - This method adds a key-value

pair to the map only if the key does not already exist in
the map. If the key is already present, the existing value
is returned and no action is taken.

replace(key, newValue) - This method replaces the

value associated with the specified key with the new
value. If the key is not found in the map, no action is

replaceAll(function) - This method replaces all the

values in the map with the result of applying the
specified function to each value.

computeIfAbsent(key, function) - This method

computes the value for the specified key using the
specified function if the key is not already in the map,
and adds the key-value pair to the map.

computeIfPresent(key, function) - This method

computes a new value for the specified key using the
specified function only if the key is already in the map,
and updates the map with the new key-value pair.

compute(key, function) - This method computes a new

value for the specified key using the specified function,
and updates the map with the new key-value pair. If the
key is not already in the map, no action is taken.
merge(key, value, function) - This method adds the key-
value pair to the map if the key does not already exist,
or updates the existing value with the specified function.

keySetForValues(values) - This method returns a set of

all the keys in the map that have the specified values.


add(element) - This method adds an element to the end

of the list.

addAll(list) - This method adds all the elements from

another list to the end of the current list.

clear() - This method removes all elements from the list.

contains(element) - This method returns true if the list

contains the specified element, otherwise it returns false.

get(index) - This method returns the element at the

specified index in the list.

indexOf(element) - This method returns the index of the

first occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1
if the element is not found.

isEmpty() - This method returns true if the list is empty,

otherwise it returns false.

lastIndexOf(element) - This method returns the index of

the last occurrence of the specified element in the list, or
-1 if the element is not found.

remove(index) - This method removes the element at

the specified index from the list.
remove(element) - This method removes the first
occurrence of the specified element from the list.

removeAll(list) - This method removes all the elements

in the current list that are also in the specified list.

retainAll(list) - This method removes all the elements in

the current list that are not in the specified list.

set(index, element) - This method replaces the element

at the specified index in the list with the specified

size() - This method returns the number of elements in

the list.

sort() - This method sorts the elements in the list in

ascending order, based on their natural ordering.

subList(fromIndex, toIndex) - This method returns a

new list containing the elements from the specified
starting index to the ending index (exclusive).


add(element) - This method adds an element to the set.

addAll(set) - This method adds all the elements from

another set to the current set.

clear() - This method removes all elements from the set.

contains(element) - This method returns true if the set

contains the specified element, otherwise it returns false.

isEmpty() - This method returns true if the set is empty,

otherwise it returns false.
remove(element) - This method removes the specified
element from the set.

removeAll(set) - This method removes all the elements

in the current set that are also in the specified set.

retainAll(set) - This method removes all the elements in

the current set that are not in the specified set.

size() - This method returns the number of elements in

the set.

toArray() - This method returns an array containing all

the elements in the set.

containsAll(set) - This method returns true if the set

contains all the elements in the specified set, otherwise it
returns false.

equals(set) - This method returns true if the specified

set is equal to the current set, i.e., they have the same
elements, otherwise it returns false.

hashCode() - This method returns a hash code value for

the set.

String Methods

charAt(index) - This method returns the character at

the specified index in the string.

compareTo(otherString) - This method compares the

current string to another string lexicographically. It
returns 0 if the strings are equal, a negative number if
the current string is less than the other string, and a
positive number if the current string is greater than the
other string.
concat(otherString) - This method concatenates the
current string with another string.

contains(substring) - This method returns true if the

current string contains the specified substring,
otherwise it returns false.

endsWith(suffix) - This method returns true if the

current string ends with the specified suffix, otherwise it
returns false.

equals(otherObject) - This method compares the

current string to another object. It returns true if the
object is a string and contains the same characters as
the current string, otherwise it returns false.

equalsIgnoreCase(otherString) - This method compares

the current string to another string, ignoring case
differences. It returns true if the strings are equal,
otherwise it returns false.

indexOf(substring) - This method returns the index of

the first occurrence of the specified substring in the
current string, or -1 if the substring is not found.

isEmpty() - This method returns true if the current

string is empty, otherwise it returns false.

lastIndexOf(substring) - This method returns the index

of the last occurrence of the specified substring in the
current string, or -1 if the substring is not found.

length() - This method returns the length of the current


replace(oldValue, newValue) - This method replaces all

occurrences of the specified old value in the current
string with the specified new value.
startsWith(prefix) - This method returns true if the
current string starts with the specified prefix, otherwise
it returns false.

substring(startIndex) - This method returns a substring

of the current string starting at the specified index.

substring(startIndex, endIndex) - This method returns

a substring of the current string starting at the specified
start index and ending at the specified end index.

toLowerCase() - This method returns a new string with

all the characters in the current string converted to

toUpperCase() - This method returns a new string with

all the characters in the current string converted to

trim() - This method returns a new string with all

leading and trailing whitespace characters removed.

sObjects Methods

get(fieldName) - This method returns the value of a

field on the sObject.

put(fieldName, fieldValue) - This method sets the value

of a field on the sObject.

getId() - This method returns the ID of the sObject.

getSObjectType() - This method returns the sObject

type of the sObject.

clone(shouldPreserveId) - This method creates a clone

of the sObject. The shouldPreserveId parameter
determines whether the ID of the sObject should be
preserved in the clone.

delete() - This method deletes the sObject from the


getErrors() - This method returns a list of errors that

occurred when the sObject was last saved.

getFields() - This method returns a map of field names

to field values on the sObject.

getDescribe() - This method returns the describe result

for the sObject.

isSet(fieldName) - This method returns true if the

specified field on the sObject has been set, otherwise it
returns false.

putAll(fieldValues) - This method sets multiple field

values on the sObject at once. The fieldValues
parameter is a map of field names to field values.

putSObject(fieldName, fieldValue) - This method sets

the value of a field on the sObject to another sObject.

set(fieldName, fieldValue) - This method sets the value

of a field on the sObject. This method can also be used
to set values on child sObjects.

toDebugString() - This method returns a string

representation of the sObject for debugging purposes.

undelete() - This method undeletes the sObject from the


update() - This method updates the sObject in the


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