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A happy baby

Sara Brook
Once upon a time in a cozy little village nestled between rolling hills, there was a
baby named Lily. With cheeks like ripe apples and eyes that sparkled like dewdrops on a
sunny morning, Lily was the epitome of happiness.

From the moment she opened her eyes in the morning until she drifted off to
sleep at night, Lily was always smiling. Her laughter bubbled like a brook, filling the
hearts of everyone around her with joy.

Lily's laughter was contagious, spreading through the village like wildfire. People
would often stop by her home just to catch a glimpse of her infectious grin and hear her
melodic giggles.

Her parents, Sarah and David, cherished every moment with their precious bundle
of joy. They would sing her lullabies, dance with her in their arms, and shower her with
cuddles and kisses.

As Lily grew, her happiness only seemed to deepen. She found delight in the
simplest of things – a butterfly flitting by, a flower blooming in the garden, or the sound
of birds chirping in the trees.

The villagers often remarked that Lily had a special glow about her, as if she
carried the sunshine within her very soul. And indeed, whenever she entered a room, it
seemed to light up with warmth and happiness.

Years passed, and Lily blossomed into a kind-hearted and radiant young girl, her
laughter still ringing out like bells on a crisp winter morning. And though life brought its
challenges, she faced them all with a smile, knowing that happiness was simply a
choice – one she made every single day.

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