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1)A chessboard is eight spaces wide and eight spaces long

If you can checkmate your opponent you win if your opponent checkmates you

If you lose the king or if your king is trapped you lose the game

The king can only move one space at a time but in any direction

The rook can move forward and backwards and left and right horizontally , can
move like a cross forwards and backwards left and right it can move as many
spaces as it likes as long as its path is not blocked

The knight can moves is an I-shaped fashion like this or maybe like this yes a

knight moves like an L also a knight is the only chess piece can jump over
another chess piece that is very interesting

A bishop moves diagonally on the chessboard and moves like an ax it goes

sideways or diagonally

The pawn can only move forward a pawn can only move one or two spaces at
the beginning of the match but only one spaces after it first moves

There are eight white pawns and eight black pawn

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