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PASSION OF CHRIST DRAMATIZATION SCRIPT PRODUCED BY CATHOLIC YOUTH ORGANIZATION OF NIGERIA, ST FRANCIS PARISH, RUMUOKWUTA, PORT HARCOURT THE SANHEDRIN MEETING Esdras, Gameliel, for an important m different ELDERS: Habbakku) Alexander, Napolino and Tobit, Joseph, Nicodemus, ecting thers, having been summoned meeting by the chief others, having been sum a ef pri ° ee directions for the meeting, (Caiaphas) will come to the Sanhedrin fror CAIAPHAS: wi (Will walk into the Sanhedrin for the meeting) ELDERS: (Standing up, will hail in a loud voice) Caiaphas!!! CAIAPHAS: (Already seated, will reply) Sit down my elders: (Caiaphas standing ones again will say) Elders of the Jews, | greet you all. ELDERS: (Will reply) Caiaphas!!! CAIAPHAS: (Will continue) Its my earnest desire to welcome you all to this important meeting. My heart is troubled; In fact, our land is rained, our people are highly deceived. Especially our women and children, because of a new culture introduced by a man called Jesus. He has been going around deceiving long way in our people with his teaching and magic. This meeting will go a helping not only us present but also our children yet unborn. Habakkuk, Tobit, Nicodemus, Esdras, Joseph and the rest of my elders, what are your opinions? | need your suggestions before it’s too late, HABAKKUK: (Standing and clearing his throat will speaksaying)Caiaphas and my fellow elders,] greet you all. OTHER ELDERS: (will reply) Habakkuk! HABAKKUK: (Will continue) | have been longing for this meeting since last week. My eldest son came back from the synagogue and told me of a woman who was caught committing adultery and we all know what the law of Moses is required of such person. OTHER ELDERS: (Will respond aloud) Stone to death!!! HABAKKUK: (Witt ay Paar Bee Continue) Could you believe, that same boy called Jest! ELDERS: (In shock, witt shout) Abomination!!! paaraid rut continue) We have to do something; We must 4° something, if nott!! T reserve my comment for now, thank You. TOBIT: (Will stand and greet) Caiaphas and elders of the Jews, | greet you all OTHER ELDERS: (Will reply) Tobit! (Some may add) Son of Tobielt! TOBIT: (Will continue) | even heard that this same man called Jesus raised & man from the grave after four days, Most of our people, even the Pharisees have been converted by his teaching. If we don't stop him now, even some of oUF elders might be converted too. ELDERS: (Other elders will respond aloud) God forbid!!! GAMELIEL: (Will be sleeping while Tobit will be speaking. One of the elder will tap him and say).....”So you are here sleeping”. JOSEPH: (Will stand and greet) Caiaphas and elders of the land, | greet you all. OTHER ELDERS: (Will reply) Joseph!!\(Some will add) The man of Arimathea!!! JOSEPH: (Will continue) Why are we troubling ourselves? ELDERS: (Will reply) Troubling ourselves? We are not troubling ourselves, JOSEPH: (Will continue) Don’t we believe the Scriptures anymore? a OTHER ELDERS: (yj 'S+ (Will reply) OF course we do believe JOSEPH: (continy the es) Hav says thal Tnessiah will comer’? Have we forgotten that the scripture $99 ELDERS: (will reply) We are still expecting the messiah. JOSEPH: (continues) Oh! Glory to God, the messiah is here in our midst OTHER ELDERS: (will reply) And who is he? JOSEPH: (will answer) That Jesus of Nazareth SOME ELDERS: (will reply in anger) Joseph sit down!!! (Other Elders will add)... Sit down! If you don’t know what to say. GAMELIEL: (Will be sleeping again but will wake up as a result of the noise and ask one of the elders quietly) What is the problem? (One of the Elder will answer Gameliel saying)... So you were sleeping. NICODEMUS: (Will stand and greet) Caiaphas and my fellow members of the Sanhedrin, I greet you all. OTHER ELDERS: (will reply) Nicodemus!!!(Some will add)....Teacher of the law!!! NICODEMUS: (will continue)As an elder and a highly respectable person i the society, | know that my witnesses are true. person in OTHER ELDERS: (will reply) Exactly! (Some elders may add)... the | ~~» Even the last one!!! NICODEMUS: (wi ‘, . eaiied estate fee continue) | have personally discussed with this same she is a prophet from God. His miracles can prove ¥t OTHER ELDERS: (i . 2 " in turns, will reply Nicodemus and Nicodemus sit down!!! Even you is alling that boy a prophet. So twO of you have been converted too. | can’t believe this is coming from Nicodemus os Joseph. Look at your mouth saying Prophet. If you don't sit down, | will RII stick on your head. I'am disappointed at the two of you. My CAIAPHAS: (will stand in anger and command) Peace! Peace! Peace!!! My elders ELDERS: (will all keep quite and sit down) CAIAPHAS.(will continue) | am highly disappointed at the most honourable man like Joseph and a teacher of the law like Nicodemus. Alll they have to offer in this meeting is to put hands in their pockets and begin to tell us about Messiah, Prophets and miracles. What kind of prophet have we not had in this land? Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, Isaiah and even John the all lived here with us. Anyway, let us not be troubled by that my eld t we need now is how to get rid of that boy. Anybody with useful information should please tell us in this meeting. Baptist. They lers, what JUDAS ISCARIOT: (Having left the Passover meal, went to the Sanhedrin to see Caiaphas the chief priest but was stopped at the entrance by the guard) GUARD: Hey! Stop there!! Where are you going to? JUDAS ISCARIOT: (will reply) | want to see the Chief Priest. GUARD: Hold on while | inform him.(The guard will go inside and inform 2 Caiaphas saying)My Lord, a man outside wants to see you. CATAPHAS: (will reply saying) A rwan?At this time of the night? cALAPHAS. Ce 100k at all the elders while the elders will all nod in goceptance: Now, Caiaphas witl order ine Suard saying) Let him in YARD: (will respond) Okay my (org (The guard will go back to Judas sscariot and tet hitn in saying ous may go jn JuDAS ISCARIOT: (on entering the council, will greet) Greetings, Elders of cour land. ELDERS: (will reply) Welcome! Young man. (Other elders will also say) Welcome! My son CAIAPHAS: Who are you and what do you want? JUDAS ISCARIOT: | am Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciple. ELDERS: (will angrily reply) So why are you here (Some elders will say) What can we do for you? JUDAS ISCARIOT: (will continue) What will you offer me if I hand over Jesus to you? ELDERS: (in anxiety will reply) Hand Jesus the false prophet to us? How ‘much do you want from us? JUDAS ISCARIOT: (will reply) Thirty pieces of silver, ELDERS: (wig reply) Thirty pieces of silver? I ii PAS ISCARIOT: Yes! And I will take you to where he is now , it because of JOSEPH: (will speak to Judas Iscariot saying) Young man, is it PS Y pisces of silver you want to betray your master? sph you have OTHER ELDERS: (in anger will shoutat Joseph saying) JOSP* TY eis mac 2eain. Joseph what is wrong with you? Joseph, if you are meeting, why not g0 to your house y Elders, 1 ; , i CATAPHAS: (will interfere in the roardiness saying) Peace ? in! Joseph! se thought there would have been peace in this meeting by now. Josep! Be careful or you will be excommunicated from the Sanhedrin will harm CATAPHAS: (will refer to Judas saying) My son, courage! ee yet you, What you are doing now will help us a lot and even to ge unborn, so fear no opposition. . Iver CAIAPHAS: (will refer to the elders saying) My elders, thirty pieces of si means nothing to us. CAIAPHAS: (will speak to Esdras saying)Esdras, bring thirty pieces of silver and give to him (referring to Judas Iscariot). ESDRAS: (will go in and on returning will speak to Judas Iscariot saying) Young man, here is thirty pieces of silver, do a good job. CAIAPHAS: (added saying)If you want more, we will give you.(Then Caiaphas willcall on his servant)..... Malchus! Malchus!! MALCHUS: (will rush in and respond)Yes, My Lord! CAIAPHAS: (referring to Malchuswill say)Call the chief guard for me. CHIEF GUARD: (will walk in and say) Greetings elders of our land. CAIAPHAS: Chief guard! CAIAPHAS: (¢ o Roman soldieas tues) Go with this young man, along side yon ofl 1 learnt that the m Yone he shows you, bring him here. Also De © "an had magic, et him not disappeat from your hands CHIEF GU, ARD: (responds) Consider it done my Lord. CAIAPHAS: (conti ‘AS: (continues) Malchus, go with them. and say) (Moving out of the Sanhedrin, Judas will turn to the elief B10" is is the secret; Any man I kiss is theone. You are to arrest him soldiers, the Roman re ill CHIEF GUARD: : , (responds) Okay, let's go.(Then to the ecomplish.(H chief guard will say)..... Soldiers, we have a mission to whisper the message to them with silent demonstration). THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE JESUS: (will speak to the disciples saying)Sit here while I go over there and pray. Peter, James and John, come with me ..The (Moving a bit forward, Jesuswill speak to the three disciples saying).. sorrow in my heart is so great that it almost crushes me, stay here and keep watch with me. (Stepping a little further again, Jesuswill throw himself face down on the *s possible, take this cup of suffering from ground and pray)....My father, if me; yet not what I want but what you want, (Then Jesus will come back to the three disciples, Peter, James and John and find them sleeping instead of praying). (Jesuswill say to the disciples)... Peter, how is it that three of you were not able to keep watch with me even for one hour? Keep watch and pray that you do not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, (Oncemore Jesus will go to pray saying).... My father, if this cu feri cannot be taken away unless I drink it, your will be done, p of suffering king at t yi (Jesus ee will (ap them and shake his head but will say nothing. He will: er Lo ck to his usual place of prayer and say)....Father, all things aye possi yous If this cup of suffering cannot be taken away from me unless | drink it, let your will be done, (now Jesus Will return t0 the three disciples, Peter, James and John for the inird time and found them stilt steeping), esus speaking 10 the three disciples will say)... Peter, James and John are You still sleeping and resting? Look! The hour has come for the son of man to be handed over to the power of sinners. Get up, let's go! (Jesus, Peter, James and John will 80 back to the other disciples. Jesus will speak to the disciples saying)... Love one another just as I have loved you, so you must love one another that the world may know that you are my disciples There is no greater love than this, that a man will give up his life for his friends. Do you believe now? The time is coming and is already here, when all of you will be scattered, each of you to your own home and I will be left alone. But I am not really alone because the father is with me. The world will make you suffer but be brave. I have defeated the world SOLDIERS: (led by Judas Iscariot will arrive. Judas Iscariot will approach Jesus and say) Rabbi or Teacher. (He will kiss Jesus and join the rest of the disciples). JESUS: (Will turn to Judas Iscariot and say) Judas! Is it with a kiss you betray the son of man? (Turning to the soldiers, Jesus will ask).... Who is it you are looking for? SOLDIERS: (will respond) Jesus of Nazareth! JESUS: | am he! SOLDIERS: (will move back and fall on the ground). CHIEF Sotpre, io 1 'R: (will Shout out to the other soldiers saying) So\sie*® SOLDIERS: O81 responyy og cies t) Ves sie! complish our mission CHIEF SOLDrp; LDIER: (yj here. * (will continue) Get up! We must a JESUS: (wi ‘will ask them ones again) Who is it you are looking for? SOLDIER: (will rey ‘Re (will respond again saying) Jesus of Nazareth! JESUS: (will continue) 1 have told you that | am he. If then you are looking oe me, let these others go CHIEF SOLDIER: (pointing at Matchus and two other soldiers will order them saying) You, you and you, arrest him. DISCIPLES: (will ask Jesus) Master, shall we use our swords?But while asking, Peter drew his own swordand cut off Malchus’ right ear. JESUS: (willscold Peter saying) Put your sword back to its place, all who take the sword will die by the sword. Am I not to drink the cup which my father has given me? (He will pick up the ear and put it back to its place). (Malchus will show some act of surprise that his ear has been healed. Then he will move back and not join in the arrest). JESUS: (will continue) Do you have to come with swords and clubs as though I were an outlaw? I was with you in the temple everyday and you did not arrest me. But this is your hour to act when the power of darkness rules. Be quick about it! (The soldiers will arrest Jesus and take him away, While the disciples will all run away in different directions). JESUS BEF oe 7 SSS BEFORE THE SANHEDRIN ELDERS: (Esdras ‘H ask) Is this the so called Jesus? ABAKKUK (wi 1 y canine is (ill stand up, look at Jesus closely and ask)\s this not the A sf , ind Up and Rast Somectders will reply), he is(Then Jose?! ll his sea), ind move close to Jesus, he will shake his head and return bac his seat). s, where are all your disciples’ Siectnies Cwill speak to Jesus saying) Je What is it that T hear you teach? And whet is your mission? JESUS: (will reply) | have spoken openly for the entire world to heat me : have always taught in the synagogue and in the temple where all the Jews mect together. | have said nothing in the secret, so why then do you question me Ask my hearers, they know what I said. CHIEF GUARD: (As soon as Jesus finish speaking, the chief guard standingbeside him will slap him and say) How dare you talk to the high priest like that. JESUS: (will reply) If there is anything wrong in what I have said, then point it out. But if not, why did you hit me? ELDERS: (Some Elders will respond) My friend, shut up! (Other elders will say).... Friend of thieves! Lover of prostitutes!! Tax collectors!!! CAIAPHAS: He even deserves more but meanwhile | am not satisfied. He still has some questions to answer. (As Caiaphas speaks, two women will walk in saying)... FIRST ACCUSER: This man said he is the messiah We are expecting, SECOND ACCUSER: This man also said he is the s © son of a ~ came down from heaven. God and that he 10 1S: Son of God! Doe. pLDER: *! Does God marry? Who is even his wife? piher WOMAN Will Walkin says anole MK in saying. THIRD ACCUSER: This Jesus said he is the king of the Jews ELDERS: King of the Jews? Even when Caesar is still alive (Two men will also walk in and say)... FOURTH ACCUSERS: This man standing here said he will destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days ELDERS: (will reply in anger) The temple that took our fore fathers thirty six years to build? Even if he is a magician! CAIAPHAS: (still sitting will ask Jesus saying) Jesus, have you no answer to these accusations? JESUS: (will remain silent) see, he is silent, meaning that he has accepted ELDERS: Yo JOSEPH: Silence is golden. MCODEMUS: Silence is the best. CAIAPHAS:1 still have one more question for him whether he is silent or not, Tam giving you an oath in the name of the living God Sanhedrin. Now tell us, are you the messiah, the be it golden or best. Jesus and before the elders of this Christ, the son of God? JESUS: (will respond) If | tell you, you will not believe and if I question you, Jou will not answer, But | tell you that from now on, you will see the son of ight hand of the almighty and coming down on the clouds of Man sitting at the ri heaven, 1 ELDERS: (will all close their ears with their hands). is one and CAIAPHAS: (will stand up and exclaimsaying) Oh Israel! Our God Is © only him we must serve. (Now, he will tear his garment in anger). itt slap Jesus ELDERS: (will all rush and hold Caiaphas but one of them will slap and say) Have you seen what you have caused? JESUS: (On receiving the slap, will fall on the ground). itnesses. YOU CAIAPHAS: Blasphemy! Blasphemy!! We don’t need anymore witness have just heard his blasphemy, what do you think? ELDERS: He is guilty and must die. ; ilate CAIAPHAS: Tomorrow morning, we are going 10 the palace of Pontius ris fa so that he can be tried by the Roman law. If the law sets him free, so be 1 not, it is better for one man to die for all than for all to die for one man. ELDERS: Exactly! He must die. pacer My fellow elders, we all know that this man is our brother. ELDERS: (Will intrude) Not our brother, your brother. JOSEPH: (Will continue) Can you permit me to speak with him in private? ELDERS: (Reply in a loud voice) Joseph, no private talk here. JOSEPH: (Will reply) If so, then count me off this plan, ELDERS: (Will continue) You can go then, 2 NICODEMUS: (Wi Joseph to speak i Lilt also speak saying) Since you people will not allow : "im in private, I think I better leave too. ELDERS: You are free to join him too sure see uer Will return the money saying) This man is innocent; | ave betrayed an innocent man to death. 1 don’t need your money again. CAIAPHAS: (Will respond saying) My son, it is too late to say that he is innocent. Meanwhile, we can give you more money if you want. JUDAS ISCARIOT: (Will throw the money to the ground saying) Take your money, I don’t want it again. (Then he will walk away in tears and regret) CAIAPHAS: (Will speak to the elders saying) My elders, we know that this is blood money. What shall we do with it? ELDERS: (One of them will respond) Let's use the money and buy a land where foreigners will be buried. (They will all agree to this suggestion) CAIAPHAS: (Will call out to one of theguard) Guard! Pick that money and then take this man to the prison. Tomorrow morning we shall take him to Pontius Pilate. SOLDIERS: (At this moment, it is assumed that it is the morning of a new day. They will flog Jesus as they move with the elders sayingconcurrently) All hail the king of the Jews! Eeeehhhhh!! Move! Move!! Move!!! AT PILATE’S PALACE CROWD: (Here mem, women and children will all come out and join the soldiers and guards in mocking Jesus saying intermittently) We caueh’ une last, eeeehhhh! We won't let him get away with this, eeeehhhhhh!! All hail the king of the Jews, eeeehhhhhh!!! CAIAPHAS: (Will shout aloud) Is Pilate in? Pilate! Pilate! PILATE: (coming out will say) What is happening in my kingdom? ELDERS: (Will respond) Pilate, please come down PILATE: What is it? Please come in. *CAIAPHAS: (Will respond) Pilate, we cannot come into the praetorium, less we defy ourselves and cannot eat the Passover meal tomorrow. PILATE: Oh! Tomorrow is Passover, let me come down and see you. CROWD: (At this point, they will start throwing stones at Jesus and mock him ax well saying concurrently) He saved others, now let him save himself! He said he is the son of God but we know his parents! King of the Jews, that does not look like a king, etc. SOLDIER: (Will shout aloud) Peace hold!!! PILATE: Caiaphas and elders of the Jews, what is the problem? Is all well? CAIAPHAS: (Wili greet) Pilate, may you live long, CROWD: (Will shout) Yes!!! ELDERS: (Will also greet saying) May your days be longer than the days of Methuselah of old. 14 CROWD: (Will shout again) Yes\!! m, our land is CAIAPHAS: Pilate we have come to meet you with our proble! Fi yan ruined. Pilate, we have a man here called Jesus, he has been going af deceiving and telling our people not to pay taxes to Caesar. He also claimste be the son of God that came down from heaven and that he is the King of the Jews: Pilate, could you imagine that the temple which took our fore fathers thirty SY years to build, this man said he will destroy it and rebuild it in three days. Pilate, in three days! (Screaming at the top of his voice) PILATE: Where is the man you are talking about? CROWD: (Pointing at Jesus, will say) See him here he will see that What do PILATE: Soldiers! Bring him here. (After looking at Jesus, Jesus is innocent. He will then ask Caiaphas and the elders saying) . you accuse this man of? ELDERS: Pilate! If this man has not committed a crime, we wouldn't have brought him here PILATE: Then take him yourself and try him according to your own law. CAIAPHAS: Pilate, we are not allowed to put any man to death. CROWD: (Will shout) Yes!!! PILATE: (Will say to the soldiers) Bring him in. (Then the soldiers will take Jesus into the palace) PILATE: (Will ask Jesus saying) Are you the king of the Jews? JESUS: Does this question come from you or have others told you about me? 18, PILATE: Do you think chief priest ink 1 am a Jew? It is your own people and the chic! PI who handed you over to me, What have you done? om belonged © kingd ee nded over from being hat ng here. ene Kingdom does not belong to this world. In ee er ay followers would have fought to keep me to the Jewish authorities. No, my kingdom does not belo PILATE: Are you a king then? 1 this world for nd came int i listens JESUS: You say that | am a king then. I was born a belongs to the truth this one purpose, to speak about the truth. Whoever to me. PILATE: And what is the truth? JESUS: (Will remain silent) Je saying) | cannot find any tom, I always set free a PILATE: (Will go out to speak with the peop! free for you Jesus the reason to condemn him, But according to your cus prisoner during the Passover. Do you want me to set messiah or Barabbas? s!!! (Caiaphas and his elders will respond shouting) We want Barabbe: CROWD: (Will also join and shout aloud) We want Barabbas! We want Barabbas!! We want Barabbas!!! SOLDIER: (Will command aloud) Peace hold!!! PILATE: And what do I do with Jesus the messiah? CROWD: (Will respond aloud) Crucify him! Crucify him!! PILATE: | will have him whipped and let him go. 16 CROWD: (Will shout oud) Cracity him and set Barabbas free for us. SOLDIERS: (They wiy make 4 CPOWN Out of img ik? Jesus and whip him severely. They will also purple robe on him and ee ecatiies and put on his head. And then put a Say) Long live the king of the Jews. PILATE: (Will say 10 the pe . cit tid G9 ietacrta per eee I will bring him out here for you to see SOLDIERS: (Will bring Jesus Out at this point). PILATE: Look! Here is the man. CROWD: (Shouting at the top of their voices saying) Away with him! Away with him! Crucify him! Crucify him! PILATE: Then take him yourselves and crucify him, I find no reason to condemn him. CAIAPHAS: We have a law and according to the law, he ought to die because he claimed to be the son of God. CROWD: (Will shout aloud) Yes!!! PILATE: (Will ask Jesus saying) Where do you come from? JESUS: (Will remain silent) PILATE: You will not speak to me. Remember, I have the authority to set you free and also to have you crucified. JESUS: You have the authority over me because it was given to you by God. So the man who handed me over to you is guilty of the worst sin. PILATE: (Will speak to Penne onde nak (0 the elders and the o eas this man "rowd saying) | still eannot find any ERS? If you set hi ELDE yeuset him free, then you are no k eer a friend to C longer a friend to Caesar. CROWD: (Will shout aloud) Yes) LATE: (Will be pacing the ith his ee aM '# the floor with his right feet as he is seated on the PILATE 8 WIFE: (Will watk in, kneel before Pilate and say) My Lord, have nothing 10 do with that innocent man because in my dream last night, I suffered much on account of him, PILATE: (Will respond in anger) Woman! Your place is in the upper roon PILATE'S WIFE: The words of my Lord are scared. (As she stands, she will say) May my Lord remember the words of his queen. PILATE: You may leave now, PILATE'S WIFE: As it pleases you my Lord. (She will sadly walk away) PILATE: (Will speak to the soldiers saying) Get me Barabbas. SOLDIERS: (Two of the soldiers will go in and bring Barabbas and make him kneel before Pilate). PILATE: (Will ask the crowd) Which one of these two do you want me to set free for you? CROWD: (Will respond aloud) Barabbas!!! PILATE: And what do I do with Jesus the Messiah? 18 CROWD: (Shouting M8 40 the top of their voices) Cracity him!!! PILATE: What ctime has he committed? WD: Away CROWD: Away with him! Away with him!! Crucify him! Cracify him!! SOLDIERS: (Will shout aloud) Peace hold!!! PILATE: (Will talk to Barabbas) Barabbas in keeping the custom of this land, today I set you free. SOLDIERS: (Will loosen Barabbas at this point) PILATE: (Will speak to the crowd saying) Look! Here is your king. CROWD: Away with him! Crucify him! PILATE: Do you want to crucify your king? CHIEF PRIEST: The only king we know is Caesar CROWD: Yes!!! PILATE: (Will request from one of his maids) Get me water. PILATE’S MAID: (Will bringwater in a washhand basin and stand before Pilate holding the water) ENTENCE JESUS TO DEATH PILATE: (Will wash his hands and say) am not responsible for the death of this man. This is your doing! i CROWD: (Will respond atoud) Let the responsibility for his death be on us and on our children..... Yes!!! PILATE: (Will write on a board (INRI) meaning Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews! Then he will hand it over to the Chief priest saying) Take bim and crucify him according to your wish. CHIEF PRIEST: (After reading the sign, will reply) You should have written that he claimed to be the King of the Jews. PILATE: (Will reply saying) What | have written, | have writen (he will thengo back into his palace) CAIAPHAS: Soldiers! Get ready, we are going to Golgotha; there, he will be crucified. SOLDIERS: (Will take Jesus out and remove the purple cloth and put on him his own clothes and bring him out again for the journey to Golgotha) SECOND STATION: JESUS RECEIVES THE CROSS NARRATOR: (Will narrate the story, along side the station of the cross prayers) . SOLDIERS: (Will force Jesus to carry the cross) JESUS: (Will obediently carry the cross and move) SOLDIERS: (Will continuously flog and mock Jesus) 20 THIRD STATION: JESUS FALLS THE FIRST TIME NARRATOR: (while narrating the story and prayers, there will be silent action going on) “SOLDIERS: (After the prayers, they will carry Jesus up and give the cross back to him to continue, but will still be flogging him) FOURTH STATION: SON AND MOTHER MEET IN PAIN NARRATION: (While the narration goes on, the soldiers will carry out a silent action) MARY: (Will weep bitterly but will not say a word) SOLDIERS: Enough of this, Movel!!(they will keep flogging him) FIFTH STATION: SIMON HELPS JESUS TO CARRY THE CROSS NARRATION: (As the narration goes on, Simon will stand close by while the soldiers will be discussing silently) This man might die before we get to Calvary. See, he is getting weak. (One of the soldiers will say) Leave him, he will not die. (Another soldier will suggest to them) Look at that man over there he is a stranger, lets force him to carry the cross. | SIMON OF CYRENE: (Immediately the narration ends, Simon will start coming, though as a stranger) SOLDIERS: (Two of the soldiers will walk towards Simon and order him to carry the cross saying) Hey! You, Come here! Go there and carry that cross. SIMON: Please, | am not a criminal! SOLDIERS: Go and carry that cross, 21 carries the cross)

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