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RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY ~9.44-2004 STATE COMMITTEE: 1. Resolution in Support of Education Freedom — NDGOP Resolutions Committee WHEREAS: An increasing number of American parents are seeking alternatives to traditional public schools and many are inhibited by financial constraints; and WHEREAS: Public funding for education comes from the pockets of taxpayers and is ‘meant for educating students, not for maintaining the stafus-quo education system, and WHEREAS: Using taxpayer dollars exclusively for public education discriminates against citizens who reject the secularism in public school and instead want to instill the values ascribed by private schools or homeschool curricula, and WHEREAS: Universal school choice allows taxpayer funds to follow students to the ‘schools that best fit their educational needs whether that is a public school, private ‘school, home school, or any other learning environment that families choose; and WHEREAS: Funding for government schools continues to increase regardless of the. ‘academic performance of students; and WHEREAS: While less than half of American students are proficient in math, science, and reading, government schools are prioritizing social programs that politically and ideologically indoctrinate students; and WHEREAS: North Dakota is filed with dedicated educators and hardworking students ‘who have no choice but to stay in an antiquated, one-size-fits-ll system that continues to fall short of rigorous academic standards; and WHEREAS: Implementing universal school choice improves academic proficiency for both program participants and public school students while saving the state money; and WHEREAS: Parents should have the ability to choose, regardless of income or zip ‘code, an education setting for their child based on their child's individual needs, academic goals, and religious beliefs; now ‘THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party recognizes the necessity of educational reform that empowers all families to choose their education Providers—whether that is public, private, charter, or homeschool—that best meet their ‘education needs; and ‘THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party urges legislators to pass a bill that provides for universal school choice that contains strong protections from government regulation for private, charter, and home schools, RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: PASSED -7 AYE, 2 NAY -314:2024 STATE COMMITTEE: 2. Resolution in Support of Medical Freedom and Public Health Accountability ~ NDGOP Resolutions Committee WHEREAS: The North Dakota Republican Party platform pila of individual Iberty, personal responsibly, and limited government were largely ignored during the government's response to the COVID-18 pandemic; and WHEREAS: Local, state, and federal governing bodies imposed unscientific and arbitrary public hhealth mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic that significant liited individual liberty and bodily autonomy; and WHEREAS: U.S. government health and science agencies have a history of violating the rights of elzens in studies conducted without informed consent; and WHEREAS: Pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers have presented ‘fraudulent ctaims and research to U.S. health regulatory agencies leading to tens of thousands. of preventable injuries and deaths; and WHEREAS: The CDG and FDA demonstrated contempt forthe public by mocking the long-standing practice of of label medication use when doctors attempted to teat patents ‘ouside the government-approved protocol and WHEREAS: The CDC made recommendations that were unscientific, experimental, and harmful, such as forced masking, social distancing, and blanket recommendations forthe ‘experimental COVID-10 vaccine regardlece of pation ek level and a lack of long torm aafoty data; and WHEREAS: As a result of CDC recommendations: = _Giizens were coerced into receiving experimental mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against their preference and without informed consent ~ healthcare professionals were forced to choose between keeping their career and receiving the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccine = Covid-19 patients were denied their treatment of choice and coerced into receiving ‘medical interventions that were experimental and dangerous = nursing home residents were isolated againt thelr wil and denied access to loved ones, some even in their last moments of ife = small business owners were denied the rght to provide for themselves and their families by being forced to close their doors during the pandemic the right to assemble and worship as a congregation was severely resticted = _ schools locked down contributing to significant learning loss and an increase in mental health issues, now ‘THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the North Dakota Republican Party urges elected officials, heath care providers, public health officials, and all clizens to beware ofthe dangers [posed by automatic obedience tothe recommendations of the CDC, FDA, and other oficial 2. Resolution in Support of Medical Freedom and Publle Health Accountabity ‘agencies; and urges the consideration of qualified, independent voices who disagree with the ‘government-approved medical narrative, and ‘THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That we call on elected officials at both the state ‘and federal levels to follow the example ofthe Florida Grand Jury by studying data relative to lessons that can be leamed from the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic to ‘ensure the los of incvidual freedom of North Dakota citizens never happens again, and ‘THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakola Republican Party affims the Inherent right of indviduals to make mecical and healthcare decisions on behalf of themselves ‘and ther children without interference or intimidation from any branch of government, ‘governmental agency, or oficial, and ‘THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party rejects ‘mandates of any medical protocol, experimental drug, medical procedure, medication, or ‘medical device on any citizen; affirms the righ to informed consent of the nature, risks, and benefits of healthcare options which include dectining treatment or vaccinations, and afirms the Tight of doctors and patients to use any and all legally available therapies for treatment without reprisal or punishment, and ‘THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The North Dakota Republican Party rejects

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