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‘19110123, 20:55 ‘Material Costing Run | SAP Community Community Read the SAP Community Privacy Statement SAP Community is updating its Privacy Statement to reflect its Read the SAP Comm ongoing commitment to be transparent about how SAP uses your personal data. Read the new Privacy Statement now. ‘Aska Question Write a Blog Post Login Search Questions and Answers g Former Member Feb 23, 2009 at 04:32 PM Material Costing Run 0 6738 Views Follow RSS Feed Hi What are the various steps involved in material costing run Regards kailash Adda Comment | Alert Moderator ‘'6554388Imaterial- costing. html 16 ‘19110123, 20:55 ‘Material Costing Run | SAP Community Assigned Tags FIN Controlling Similar Questions “~ Cost run for the other plant Former Member May 22, 2014 costing run did not update the std cost on the material master? Former Member Mar 24, 2009 3 Answers Sort by: Votes | Newest | Oldest Best Answer Mangalraj Senthamaraikannan Feb 24, 2008 at 05:24 AM M& Dear Kailash, NW” _Thisis one of coing the cost estimate for a FER Where the priority Lis given as per the costing varaint PPC1 for the planned price. Materials Cost(ROH + HALB Materials Cost) Activity Cost (Operation Cost)Overhead Cost, 1 Raw materials cost are generally entered as Planned price along with the valid from date in Costing 2 view.and price control indicator is "V".Origin group has to be given to all the Raw materials in costing 1 view. 2.For HALB Materials Price control indcator will be S for Inhouse manufactured & V for externally processed materials (Sub-Contracted Items) respectively. Also assign Overhead group for alll Inhouse ‘ntps:ilanswers. sap com/questions'6554388Imaterial- costing. html 216 sarn01za, 20588 Material Costing Run | SAP Community manufactured items, 3.No need to enter any value for the materials having S as the price indicator and for Sub-contracted items that's F30 also no need to enter any cost in the material master. 4.Activity cost is the cost incurred in performing individual operation This cost is captured via the work center which we mention in each operation in the routing of that product.A Cost centre and an appropriate activity type is assigned in the work centre. 5 Proper Cost should be assigned for the combination of Activity type and Cost centre 6,0verhead cost is the indirect cost that we capture according to the customer's requirement. 7if certain items for certain products alone should not be considered for costing means.then we can achieve this using costing relevancy indic in n the BOM and for the activity(operation's mentioned routing) which should not be considered for costing also can be mapped by removing the costing relevancy indicator in routing. Overhead group is aasigned in Costingl view. & Creating Cost center - KSO1 9.Create Activity Type - KLOL 10 Assiging Rates for a cost center/activity type combination in T code KP26. 1L.Cost estimate Related T codes are CK4ON.CKIIN.CK24 12,.UseCK40N that you can do the costing mark the price and release the same Generally Cost Rollup will be taken for Finished product so that the sytem automatically calculates for the Semi- Finsined products standard cost. 13.IF you use CKIIN.then only costing will be done,but for marking and release you have to use CK24, 14 For each Production order type in T code OPL8 Order Type Dependent Parameters - Under ‘'6554388Imaterial-costing-un html sarn01za, 20588 Material Costing Run | SAP Community controlling tab - Costing variant Planned and actual has to be assigned. 15.In REM scenario - Product Cost Collector has to be created using T code KKFEN for all Inhouse Manufactured assemblies. Steps For Order Settlement You should follow following steps for Order Settlement after confirmation 1 After Final Confirmation of Order ( Status : CNF) make GR for for order using Teode : MIGO / MB31 0 Production Order Status will be DLV, 2. Then complete the order technically by using Teode : CO02-- > Funetions-(Mene)---> Restrict Processing - > Technically Complete. You can carry out TECO for multiple Orders in Tcode : COHV (Mass Processing). 3. Over head caleulation- KGI2 or C043 4, WIP calculation - KKAX or KKAO 5. Variance - KKS2 or KKSL 6, Settlement - KO88 or COBB, hope this helps you. Regards Mangalraj.S AddaComment | Alert Moderator | Share SriP. m& Hi, YW’ _ Follow the below steps to cost single material cost estimate ‘'6554388Imaterial-costingun.himl sarn01za, 20588 Material Costing Run | SAP Community 1, Tocde: CKIIN Enter Material, Plant, Costing variant and costing version 2, Marking and release of cost estimate: CK24 CK13 is used to display the cost estimate for single material CKAON is used for multiple materials in a plant Regards, Sridevi ‘Adda Comment | Alert Moderator | Share Former Member Feb 24, 2009 at 03:35 AM a& Hi ° Nyy Thesteps involved in a material costing run are as under 1. The first setp is to create a standard cost estimate. This is done through CKIIN for a single material and CK4ON for multiple materials, 2. You save the appropriate cost estimate under a version 3. You then mark and release the cost estimate through T Code CK24, Thanks & Best Regards Sanil K Bhandari ‘Adda Comment | Alert Moderator | Share Before answering You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster's problem. If you want the poster to clarify the question or provide more information, please leave a comment instead, requesting additional details. When answering, please include specifics, such as step-by-step instructions, context for ‘'6554388Imaterial-costing-tunhiml sarn01za, 20588 Material Costing Run | SAP Community the solution, and links to useful resources. Also, please make sure that your answer complies with our Rules of Engagement. Rules of Engagement ) Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question. You must be Logged in to submit an answer. 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