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"Cultural Influences on Decision-making in Elective Surgeries: A Cross-cultural Study among

Auroville's Diverse Community."

II. Introduction:

Background and Rationale:

Briefly introduce Auroville and its diverse international community.

Highlight the importance of understanding cultural influences on elective surgery decision-making.

Statement of the Problem:

Discuss the lack of research on this specific topic.


Explore how cultural factors impact decision-making in elective surgeries.

Identify cultural preferences and considerations in the decision-making process.

III. Literature Review:

Review existing literature on cultural influences in healthcare decision-making.

Highlight studies on elective surgeries, cultural diversity, and shared decision-making.

Identify gaps in the literature that the current study aims to address.

IV. Theoretical Framework:

Adopt a theoretical framework (e.g., cultural competence models, shared decision-making models)
to guide the study.

V. Research Questions and Hypotheses:

Research Questions:

How do cultural factors influence decision-making in elective surgeries among Auroville's diverse

What are the specific cultural preferences and considerations in the elective surgery decision-making

Different cultural backgrounds will significantly impact the decision-making process for elective

VI. Methodology:

Research Design:

Cross-sectional study with qualitative and quantitative components.


Random sampling of Auroville residents representing different cultural backgrounds.

Data Collection:

Surveys to assess cultural preferences.

In-depth interviews to explore personal experiences and decision-making factors.

Review of medical records for elective surgeries performed.

VII. Variables:

Independent Variable: Cultural background.

Dependent Variables:

Decision-making factors.

Preferences for elective surgeries.

VIII. Data Analysis:

Quantitative Data:

Descriptive statistics to analyze survey responses.

Inferential statistics (e.g., ANOVA) to identify significant differences between cultural groups.

Qualitative Data:

Thematic analysis for interview data.

IX. Ethical Considerations:

Informed consent from participants.

Ensure confidentiality and privacy.

Approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

X. Significance and Expected Outcomes:

Contribute to the understanding of cultural influences on elective surgery decision-making.

Inform healthcare providers about cultural considerations in patient care.

XI. Timeline:

Outline the estimated timeline for each phase of the study.

XII. Budget:

Detail any required resources, funding, or collaborations.

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