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avaScript Basics:

Variables and Data Types: Understand how to declare variables and the various data
types in JavaScript.
Operators: Learn about arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators.
Control Flow: Know how to use if statements, loops (for, while), and switch
Functions: Understand function declaration, parameters, return values, and scope.
Arrays and Objects: Familiarize yourself with manipulating arrays and objects.
Asynchronous JavaScript:

Callbacks: Learn how to use callbacks to handle asynchronous operations.

Promises: Understand how promises work and how they simplify asynchronous code.
Async/Await: Learn about the async/await syntax for handling asynchronous
operations more cleanly.
DOM Manipulation:

Understand the Document Object Model (DOM) and how to manipulate HTML elements
using JavaScript.

Learn how to handle events in the browser, such as clicks, form submissions, etc.
HTTP and APIs:

Understand the basics of HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) and how to make API
requests using XMLHttpRequest or the Fetch API.

Know how to work with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for data interchange.
Node.js Concepts:

Module System: Learn about the module system in Node.js, including the require
statement and exporting/importing modules.
NPM (Node Package Manager): Understand how to use NPM to manage packages and
CommonJS: Familiarize yourself with the CommonJS module system used in Node.js.
Server-Side Concepts:

Understand the basics of server-side development.

HTTP Servers: Know how to create an HTTP server using Node.js.
Routing: Learn how to handle different routes in a Node.js application.

Once you're comfortable with basic Node.js, start learning Express.js, a popular
web framework for Node.js.
Database Basics:

Have a basic understanding of databases and how to interact with them using Node.js
(e.g., MongoDB, MySQL).

Learn about testing frameworks and practices in JavaScript and Node.js.

Version Control:

Familiarize yourself with version control systems like Git.

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