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Constant Speed Lab: Ice Cube Example

1. Prepare the surface: Place the smooth table on a level surface.
2. Mark the table: Have two rulers that show the distance on the table
3. Prepare the ice cube:
○ Place the ice cube on the table near one end.
○ Use a water dropper to add a few drops of water around the ice cube
to create a thin film of water and reduce friction.
4. Set up the camera: Position it to capture the entire table and the sticky note
markers clearly.
5. Start the timer: Once everything is ready, start the timer.
6. Push the ice cube: Gently push the ice cube along the table in a straight line.
7. Observe and record:
○ Start recording as soon as the ice cube is pushed along the wet path
you have created for it.
○ Observe the movement of the ice cube and note position of the ice
cube alongside the rulers as it passes each time interval through your
camera recording.
○ Record the time interval and the corresponding displacement of the ice

Set Up:

Time (s) Displacement traveled (cm)

0.0 0

0.1 5.2

0.2 10.3
0.3 15.3

0.4 20.2

0.5 25.0

0.6 29.7

0.7 34.3


Graph Analysis:
The slope of the graph is about 50 meaning that the speed/velocity is 50 cm/s or

This lab effectively explored an investigation into the motion of an ice cube and asserted
that the object moved at a constant speed on the interval explored between 0.0 and 0.7
seconds. The sources of potential error could be the camera work that I did and the way
I zoomed in to the video in order to analyze and collect data.

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