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38-year-old female referred with a worsening shortness of breath, chest tightness, and

coughing, especially in the previous 2 weeks. Described itchy, watery eyes, congestion, and
drainage when around cats and also in the spring, summer, and fall. Height 160cm, weight
90kg, BP 130/85, HR 100, RR, 30.

Past medical history and medications

 Frequent infections of bronchitis, sinusitis, and strep throat over the previous 6 months

 Previous pulmonary function tests were reportedly normal

 No previous known history of allergy or asthma

 No past or current medications for her condition

Initial assessments
 A fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measurement was performed and found to be 52

 Pulmonary function tests and chest x-ray were both normal

 Allergy test results positive to cats, dogs, trees, grasses, and weeds

Discuss the best management for this patient. You discussion should include:
1. Definition of asthma
2. Diagnosis & Differential diagnosis
3. Classification
4. Medications (Adults)

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