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In the last few decades, the lack of job opportunities has become a concerning issue worldwide and has

been leading to some problems such as crime. To deal with this, some sociologists have raised voices to
retire 55 plus people. I don’t think it is an instrumental decision or opinion.
To run a company, workplace or any kind of institution a lot of resources are required today and among the
most important are experienced staff members. They have spent many years working and know all the ins
and outs which makes them real assets to their organisation. If after all these things these older but
experienced people are kept out of work, first of all, new workers will take a lot of time to get to that level
causing slowness and functioning and secondly, the organisation would lose five or more years of their
efficient working. Show primarily it is going to troublesome for companies.
Instead, if the government plans new structures, constructions, and departments then the problem can be
solved to a higher extent. New schools’ hospitals transportation systems and other things can yield more job
opportunities than the proposed method and by doing so the existing employees also would not be
disturbed. For example, Canada is facing a concerning increment in unemployment and in 2024 it is going to
make a big highway which is expected to give some relief. Another option Canada could go with was
removing 55 people which would increase unemployment among older individuals who have the potential to
In the end, it is now clear that this forwarded opinion to retire people at 55 doesn’t hold any ground indeed it
would hurt companies and 55 people we are not supposed to solve a problem in a way that creates another

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