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‫تانٌه بأنك تعمل فوقٌه طبقه‬materials ‫اخٌارنا للسٌٌلكون مابٌن كل اشباه الموصالت ألنه سهل انه تعزله مع اي‬

. ‫ بدون مشاكل‬SiO2 ‫عازله من ال‬

.‫ او بترسٌبها‬thermally ‫ سهل انك تكونها سواء‬SiO2 ‫طبقات ال‬

‫ هتتكون‬room temperature ‫وعشان تتخٌل مدي سهولة تكوٌن الطبقه دي فأنت لو ممسكت حتة سٌلكون فً ال‬
1-2 nm ‫لغاٌت ماتوصل ل‬growth ‫ وهتستمر فال‬0.5 – 1 nm ‫ سمكها‬SiO2 ‫طبقه من‬

‫ اما باجً اعمل عملٌه‬impurities ‫ لل‬block ‫ فأنا بحتاجها كذلك عشان اعمل‬isolator ‫بجانب انً بحتاجها كـ‬
doping ‫ال‬

‫ اللً بتحصل جوا الماتلاير عندي‬chemical process‫ ٌعنً مش بٌتأثر بالـ‬chemical resistant ‫فهو بردو‬
‫ اللً هو‬Dry Etching ‫ او عن طرٌق ال‬Specific chemicals ‫ سواء عند طرٌق‬etching ‫و انه سهل تعمله‬
layers ‫ بسهولة ف أنت علً مدار الترم مثال درست استخدام‬MOS ‫ لل‬build ‫كل الممٌزات دي خلت انك تعمل‬
mask against implantation ‫ عشان ٌكون كـ‬gate dielectric‫أللً كان بٌستخدم كـ‬SiO2
Back-end ‫ فً الـ‬metal layers ‫ مابٌن ال‬insulator ‫ و‬adjacent devices ‫ مابٌن ال‬isolator ‫و‬


Oxidation for different material not only SiO2
It consists on the diffusion of an oxidizing agent (O2 Or H2O) into the wafer at high
temperature and its reaction with it.

THE Oxide growth model (DEAL-GROVE Or Linear Parabolic Model )

used to predict the kinetics of thermal oxidation of silicon.

Important elements of
the model

Chemical reaction occurs

Gas molecules (oxygen or Molecules diffuse
at the Si-SiO2 interface.
water) are incident on through any already-
(The SiO2 layer grows
the surface of the wafer. formed oxide
“from the bottom up”).

There are three rates

to consider

rate at which
rate at which gas rate at which the
molecules diffuse
molecules arrive at reaction occurs at the
through already-
the surface interface.
formed oxide

The quantity B/A is known as the linear rate coefficient

and determines the growth during the early stages when the oxide is
very thin.

wet oxidation has a faster growth rate because water molecules are smaller
than oxygen molecules and diffuse faster through silicon dioxide.

Deposition such as Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

it produces less-quality oxide in terms of roughness uniformity, density, electric
breakdown, etc.
However CVD oxides can create a micrometer oxide layer in minutes while thermal
oxidation requires hours or days.
but usually they are used when thermal oxidation cannot be employed mainly because
of the high temperatures required for it.

Other oxidation techniques are used in microfabrication of thin aluminium layers, such
.as chemical oxidation in acidic solutions or oxygen plasma
‫ مشكلة كبٌرة فً التنقر على سطح رقائق السٌلٌكون أثناء انتشار درجات‬Bell Labs ‫ واجه باحثو‬، 5511 ‫فً أوائل عام‬
.‫الحرارة العالٌة‬

‫تم التغلب على هذه المشكلة من قبل الكٌمٌائً كارل فروش خالل حادث صدفة اشتعل فٌه غاز الهٌدروجٌن الذي ٌحمل‬
.‫ مما أدى إلى دخول بخار الماء إلى الغرفة‬، ‫الشوائب عبر فرن االنتشار لفترة وجٌزة‬

.)SiO2( ً‫غطت طرٌقة االنتشار "المحٌطة الرطبة" الناتجة سطح السٌلٌكون بطبقة من ثانً أكسٌد السٌلٌكون الزجاج‬

this technique allowed semiconductor workers to protect silicon wafers during the diffusion

The two men established what impurities, such as gallium, could penetrate the oxide layer and
which others (boron and phosphorus, for example) could not.

They also demonstrated how to etch small openings in the layer in order to diffuse these
impurities into selected portions of the silicon surface and pattern it precisely with tiny n-type
and p-type regions.

In 1957 they patented and published this extremely important technique.

The silicon-dioxide layer soon became essential to manufacturing transistors and later
integrated circuits in high volume production via the planar processing method, which employs
this layer to protect sensitive p-n junctions in the silicon from contamination.

It also doubles as an effective insulating layer atop which metal interconnections are deposited.

‫ أثبتت طبقة أكسٌد السٌلٌكون اللٌنة والقابلة للتكٌف أنها المادة المهٌمنة المستخدمة فً تصنٌع‬، ‫أكثر من أ ي عامل منفرد آخر‬
‫الرقائق الدقٌقة‬.

The linear-parabolic model presented in the early 1960's :

With the progress of time, the goal of manufacturing the integrated circuits became smaller and
smaller, and thus the oxidation method became slightly different. For example, when minimizing
the integrated circuits, lower temperature is used to control the diffusion of impurities, but this
results in a slower rate of oxidation and therefore a slower process of forming layers.

Therefore there are two approaches to obtaining relatively thick layers of SiO2 at lower

The first is to use high pressure during the oxidation, a strategy that is already finding some use
in manufacturing.
Systems that operate at 10-25 atmospheres are commercially available , and sometimes used
particularly for LOCal Oxidation of Silicon (LOCOS) in which thick oxides are required.

1- Silicon
2- Silicon dioxide

The second option is to use deposited SiO2 films such CVD.

That Si/SiO2 interface can be preserved with deposited oxides either by first growing a thin
thermal oxide and then depositing Si02 on top of it , or by annealing the deposited oxide after
deposition. ( Such anneals often consist of a short thermal oxidation step which grows a thin
thermal oxide underneath the deposited oxide, again producing a virtually ideal interface.)

A Second trend that is likely for the future, is the use of “Composite” dielectric layers.

The National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS) calls for extraordinarily thin gate
dielectrics in future technology generations.

It is unlikely that pure SiO2 films will be able to meet all the requirements of this roadmap.

Its desirable to have a gate dielectric with a higher dielectric constant than SiO2, in order to
Solve polysilicon depletion effect to improve the electrical characteristics of MOS transistors
or to increase charge storage in DRAM cells.

For these reasons there has been a considerable amount of work in recent years on composite
oxynitride dielectrics.

Oxynitrides are more resistant to dopant penetration through the dielectric.

The benefits of the oxynitride dielectric arise because of the stronger Si-N bonds that are
formed near the Si/SiO2 interface.

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